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Everything posted by Dexter

  1. Why don't you respond to the posts, instead of card tossing, ducking back behind the SHEET, and diverting to another worthless off topic question....
  2. So the response to the question What has Israel ever done for the US, and why should the US consider Israel an "ally?" is... drumroll... a Hebrew card toss... Hence, without a single reason provided documenting either a) Israel doing something for the US or b) why Israel is considered an "ally" of the US we must then ask precisely who says Israel is a "US ally" and why??? and the answer to that is what the card tossers really fear the US public finally fully understanding... JUDAISM = an obsession of Israeli conquest of some "Promised Land" that definitely includes the Bank, the Heights, and the Strip, and may even include BAGHDAD according to ancient maps and writings... and for an OBSESSION, there is endless justification for lies, what Tenet tried to get Gen Shelton to do in 1998, the act of 'boarding Gitmos for a lie about Saddam, AQ and chem etc. etc...
  3. The above is the strategy of The CHOSEN on message boards. When they cannot "ban" someone posting truth, they "shout down" and "card toss" hoping nobody will notice the truth posted...
  4. If you prefer "conservative" to "liberal," why are you such a W apologist? W was the biggest spender since LBJ, bigger than Carter. Was Carter "conservative?" Was Carter's Dem Congress "conservative?"
  5. What has Israel done for the US, and why should the US consider Israel an "ally?" A: nobody can in English...
  6. http://media.www.dennews.com/media/storage/paper309/news/2011/02/14/Opinions/Column.Hosni.Mubaraksarah.Palin.For.2012-3976728.shtml "Not sure what to make of the story, Fox devoted relatively little coverage to the Egyptian protests. But then, about a week in, they finally found their angle: the ominous-sounding, freedom-hating Muslim Brotherhood. Suddenly, Fox was all over the Egyptian revolt, and invited every guest it could find to paint the peaceful protests as the Brotherhood's perfect path to power. The truth is the Muslim Brotherhood was not a significant force in organizing the protests and held remarkably little sway among the protesters. They were the only real political party in Egypt other than Mubarak's, not because they represented the major political ideology, but because the constitution banned other parties from organizing. Compared to other Islamic political parties in the region, the Brotherhood is quite tame. Regardless, the revolt and the political awakening has largely been shaped by Egypt's youth, and they don't seem to have much affection for the Brotherhood's ideology. Now that the Egyptian constitution has been dissolved and political parties will be allowed to organize, things don't look very good for the Brotherhood. But Fox never let facts get in the way of a good narrative. In presenting the movement as radically Islamic, Fox was able to root for Mubarak without appearing to be siding against basic democratic principles. With their inveterate boogie man, the radical Islamist, so defined, Fox was the only large, Western news outlet regularly defending Mubarak to the very end. Soon, politicians showed up in their studios admonishing President Obama for abandoning "our friend and ally" Hosni Mubarak." http://midnightpolitics.com/2011/02/06/palin-too-dumb-to-voice-opinion-on-egypt/2997 "Palin said the U.S. must find out who is “behind all the turmoil” and that “we should not stand” for a government led by the Muslim Brotherhood." And, hence, as FIXED started cheering Mubarak and spreading FEAR FEAR FEAR of the "Muslim Brotherhood," all the W apologists were out parroting the same line, that Mubarak was our "ally" and that Mubarak's departure would turn Egypt into Afghanistan with the MB playing the role of Taliban...
  7. Troup can play DE in a 3-4, and likely could be really good there. I don't think anyone can say whether Nix is telling the truth about the 3-4 or not. Historically speaking, when GMs talk Jan-April, they usually lie. Granted, aside from Poz, the LB core isn't much 4-3. Torbor can play 4-3 SAM. But a switch back to 4-3 would require more LBs. It is interesting to "tally up" the "needs" for 4-3 and 3-4, and see which requires more new faces, and the relative expense of such. 4-3 LBs usually are less expensive than other positions, especially DL. Dareus is a very good player, but he isn't going to get to the QB much. Is that really what the 3rd pick in the Draft is supposed to do, just occupy two blockers? Maybe, if you are Scott Pioli and Tyson Jackson is your guy... Dareus is better than Tyson Jackson, but a #3 overall should be more than just a "run stuffer."
  8. and the whole W crowd, the Bible Thumping Socialists obsessed with selling out America for Zionist cash and favorable Zionist media coverage, they were all for Keeping MUBARAK and opposed the Egyptian democracy uprising as Master Israel wanted, because Master Israel liked Mubarak, and hence so did FIXED and every single W apologist alive, including DC Tom....
  9. Can you tell us anything "good" Israel has done for the US??? From what I can see, our relationship with Israel is that 1. the US never had any problems with that part of the world prior to 1948 2. the US gives billions $$$ every year in taxpayer cash and weapons to Israel 3. Israel has repeatedly lied about what it was doing with "settlements" in the UN occupied territories 4. Israel is the world leader in UN violations, one of the FIXED "talking points" about justifying the Iraq Treason 5. Israel started the 1967 war according to the CIA, and LBJ approved, and then LBJ lied about who started the 1967 war publicly with the weapons LBJ gave Israel 6. Israel has been repeatedly caught selling our weapons and tech to the Chinese and others 7. Israel is the only country on the planet outside its UN defined border 8. Israel is one of three "modern" countries to invade and occupy outside its UN defined border, the other two being Hitler and Saddam 9. because of the hatred for Israel's UN violating expansion, and US support for it, the US gets targeted by Israel's enemies, and Israel's occupations were the stated reason for 911 from Osama himself 10. Our troops are in Iraq today solely because of too much Israeli media and money influence in DC 11. the USS Liberty "accident..." What has Israel ever done for the US? Why would anyone consider Israel an "ally" of the US? A: my pastor is funded by Zionism, and my birdbrain hears over and over how Israel is our "ally" from our Israeli owned "US media..." and Goebbels smiles from the grave...
  10. It all started when Nebraska asked itself, what do you get from spending four years in Lincoln? A: KNOWLEDGE except nobody in the Nebraska football program knew how to spell, so it came out NOWLEDGE and that is what the "N" on the helmet stands for... and why the shirts say N Nebraska because the "N" doesn't stand for NEBRASKA... Peeved, irritated, provoked, and jealous, Okies scrambled to respond. Oklahoma University quickly declared that all of their football players, including Adrian Peterson, were on the Honor Roll... except the Okies couldn't spell either... so it came out Onor Ul
  11. Troup was slotted at a position where Kyle Williams really emerged and got most of the snaps, and ended up in Hawaii. While Troup is a great NT prospect, he is also extremely quick off the snap and can penetrate, and is athletic. The Bills need to get both KW and Troup on the field, because it is wasteful to sit either. Hopefully, that is the plan, to switch to a one gap 4-3 with Troup and KW as the DTs. If that is the plan, the Bills won't admit it until after the Draft. Carrington Troup KW Merriman/Maybin/OTHER/ OTHER ... includes Draft picks and FAs like Jason Babin UFA 12 sacks with TN last year, and got the cold shoulder from the Titans pre-strike
  12. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Dennis Miller was at the event where the ADL gave George Tenet its "highest award" for being, by far, the worst ever CIA Director and a committed traitor against the United States. Dennis, of course, was a big Clinton supporter, and now he is a "kinswervitv" FIXED host. One of his quotes from 2008 "I just want the next (US) President to kill Islamic militants (no mention of 911, or whether such militants were behind 911, or trying to off those behind 911 on 911))" Does anyone here call Dennis Miller "conservative?" Dennis Miller is a left winger who is 100% for using the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911, and never ever whined when W admitted those behind 911 were "not a priority..."
  13. Kinda difficult to claim "the ice is melting" when the sample has one piece with 90% of the data, and that piece is increasing...
  14. And your point is?? FIXED exists to manipulate Americans to support using the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911. Nobody on FIXED was ever allowed to 1. question the George Tenet forged "Niger document" about yellowcake 2. question the destruction of the tapes of the actual 'boardings trying to get Gitmos to say "OK OK Saddam is arming AQ with chem" to stop the 'boardings, since the 'boardings were just about manufacturing a Saddam-AQ lie and nothing but that, which is why the tapes were destroyed 3. Notice that W's own FBI director is on record saying the 'boardings "didn't stop a single attack." 4. Notice that when our troops found no WMD in Iraq, that outed George Tenet as a completely treasonous liar. 5. Notice that George Tenet's record as "US" CIA DIRECTOR was that he failed to off Osama, failed to stop 911, lied to the US Senate about WMD, and broke our laws and treaties to manufacture another lie to manipulate the Senate... and for all of that... Tenet got this... http://www.adl.org/PresRele/Mise_00/4643_00.htm ""All of us, as citizens of this great country, were incredibly fortunate to have our national security and intelligence operations in such skilled, knowledgeable and capable hands," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "George Tenet is " uuummm, which country would that be, Mr. Foxman??? "In a videotaped greeting from Israel, Avi Dichter, Director of the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security service, offered his personal congratulations and wished Mr. Tenet well. "You are certainly worthy of this honor," said Mr. Dichter." That is nothing less than the celebration of Mr. Tenet's non-stop efforts to manipulate a war between the US and Iraq, the first known point being the attempt to bully General Shelton in 1998...
  15. Meanwhile, a British Court certified that Antarctic ice, some 90% of Earth's ice, has been INCREASING since we started measuring it in 1979...
  16. No, but I did date an amazon from Montana a long time ago...
  17. It is certainly fair to state that NO W SUPPORTER CAN CLAIM TO BE AGAINST BIG GOVERNMENT AND/OR SOCIALISM because support for W was support for big government and socialism...
  18. Seriously, bothering with trying to follow "who is talking to who" now is a complete waste of time. No NFL GM is honest publicly Jan-April. And why would they be honest? Do the Bills want the Pats and others to know who the Bills want? Al Davis once paid an impostor to visit Miami claiming to be a prospect the Fins were interested in... The media reports of "who is talking to who," other than the contract of the First overall pick, are a total waste of time. Rather, if you are curious about a prospect, trying Googling him for video. If you can't find him, find his team, their last game, and type that into Google. That way you can see such prospects as Davon House of New Mexico State. And if 15 teams have Davon in for a private visit, just remember, only one can pick him, and it might not be from the 15 either...
  19. The Bills have so many needs, I'd lean towards trading down if I could. Personally, I like looking at the Draft "bottom up," seeing what the Draft gives me later. I like Ray Dominguez of Arkansas, think he is much better than Demarcus Love. I think he could be a good ORT value in rounds 4-5 or so. I like Iowa's Jeremiha Hunter at LB, ILB in 3-4. Weslye Saunders is worth a lower pick as a project, is really a First Round caliber TE with a minor injury and some character questions, but not really bad character questions. I like Willie Smith, OT, East Carolina, but he is really not a rookie starter right now. My favorite really low rated QB is Ben Chappell of Indiana. Needs work on his throwing motion - too much wind-up - but he has a lot of experience and is worth a late pick, made great throws against top competition over and over, only to watch the IU defense give it all right back. I like C Sampson Genus of the University Somewhere in Florida (Tampa is not in "south" Florida), but the Bills would need to spend a late 7th to land him, because he will stay in Florida if undrafted. "Too short" according to the gurus, too good according to those he destroyed on the field, the last ones being Jarvis Jenkins and others from Clemson. Genus is a "great athlete," and could also make it at DT and FB. I think JJ Watt is a superior player ideally suited to play in Buffalo. I also think Cam Newton, if he "falls" to 3, might be just too tempting, off the scale natural ability, but raw, dumb, and arrogant... might not take well to losing in cold weather...
  20. That Fairley is tremendously talented is true. Good as Suh - no way. One of Nick's tactics is grabbing the OL's jersey and pulling the OL forward, and he won't get away with that in the NFL very often. Fairley's game is penetration. He is not a "stand up the double team" type of player, which means he isn't designed for a 3-4. His game is quickness off the snap and agility, not power. Dareus, he is about power. Fairley is also a one year wonder with a spare tire, and those types flash red flags about giving them big bucks up front. He also has no experience at DE.
  21. Life gets so complicated when there is no "guru consensus." Such a situation requires you to think for yourself, observe for yourself...
  22. Gabe Watson was better in 2009 than Jerrell Powe will ever be. I have not advocated taking Fairley or Dareus. You certainly don't like being outed as a parrot who pushes players you've never seen play a down, not that it would matter if you had seen or not, because "your football opinions" are not yours...
  23. I have dated "Jewish women" before. The ones I dated tended to be very bossy... so I doubt I would marry one, but I have not ruled them out.
  24. OK, so 1. you've never seen Powe play a down of football 2. you are sure Powe is the answer to the Bills NT depth issue Personally, I won't know who will be there in Round 3 until Friday, April 29th... but I would tend to go after players who I've seen and think are good, and Powe is just a big blob. He impresses people who think weight = run stop ability. It would be much cheaper to sign Gabe Watson as a UFA for cheap than waste a high third on Powe. High thirds are for players expected to be more than career backups.
  25. Earth ice Antarctica = 90% Greenland = 7% The two ice ages of today contain 97% of Earth ice. Since land moves tectonically, the amount of ice on Earth depends on land in the polar circles, or, more precisely, within about 600 miles of a pole. When Buffalo was covered with glaciers 1 mil years ago, Greenland was a forest... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/6276576.stm "Armies of insects once crawled through lush forests in a region of Greenland now covered by more than 2,000m of ice. DNA extracted from ice cores shows that moths and butterflies were living in forests of spruce and pine in the area between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago. " North America, most if it, is moving SW 2-3 inches per year. Hence, we just came "out" of our ice age. Greenland is moving NW due to the angle of the fault at the center of the Atlantic. Greenland is a very recent ice age. Hence, the parameters of Earth climate change are as follows = 1 LAND in BOTH POLAR CIRCLES = TWO ANTARCTICAS = 80%+ more ice than today = lower oceans = colder planet 2. OCEAN in BOTH POLAR CIRCLES = TWO ARCTICS = 80%+ less ice than today = higher oceans = warmer planet = JURASSIC The driver is TECTONICS, not bogus fudge about gas concentrations that don't warm the atmosphere...
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