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Sarah Palin defines "unconditional support" for Israel
Dexter replied to Dexter's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The Holocaust had real lessons, and you should learn them. BAD = RED FLAGS = SIGNS OF REAL TROUBLE 1. mass Bible burnings by elected officials who then get re-elected after mass Bible burnings 2. socialism (National or Bible Thumping) 3. lying to invade another country 4. lying about being attacked to justify invasion, occupation, and permanent annexation (three modern examples are Hitler, Saddam, and ISRAEL) 5. demonizing an entire religion/ethnicity to justify violence and slaughter for no national interest 6. using a biased/controlled media to lie to public to push public to support war for no national interest, primarily based on #5 In short, Israel today is flashing most of the same RED FLAGS Hitler did decades ago. The question is whether anyone can get by the blizzard of anti-semite cards that comes from NOTICING THAT... -
The common theme between socializing senior drugs and selling out our troops and national interest for money and favorable media coverage from the zionist lobby is that 1. the same individual did both, lying every time to justify 2. the same individual is called "conservative" by sub humans too stupid to understand the words they use 3. there was a pattern how both passed the US Senate. In each case, the W WH knew the truth would result in the bill failing, so the W crowd did something "conservative" and "patriotic" and lied, breaking our laws in both cases to lie. 4. Zionists are overwhelmingly liberal/leftist, so clearly it is fun to observe sub humans claim support for israel, its UN violations, and socializing senior drugs by lying about the cost is "conservative." DEFINITIONS and vocabulary matter. If you think W was conservative, you'd better sign up again to try and pass third grade this time...
Punish those Americans who don't think the US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel!!!!!!!!! Punish them like "Moses" punished the 3500 Midianites the night he came down from the mountain... gosh that's a nice beard there, Moses...
Sarah Palin defines "unconditional support" for Israel
Dexter replied to Dexter's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I am curious. Clearly, someone above "sould" get a clue and an education... The concept that George W Bush was somehow "not left," that W was "conservative," there is precisely no evidence of this. It takes either a serial liar or a sub human to even attempt to claim W was anything but a big liberal spender and the most liberal warmonger since LBJ, and just as sold out to Israel as LBJ. And then there is this race card, "anti-semite," which on this board appears to mean 1. one doesn't think the US exists to serve and fund Israel, and to use the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911 2. General Hugh Shelton's refusal to fly a U2 "low enough and slow enough for Saddam to hit it" to start a war with the US and Iraq in 1998 3. noticing that our CIA report not only clearly identifies Israel as starting the 1967 war, but also LBJ expecting Israel to start it with weapons LBJ gave Israel 4. noticing the truth that George Tenet's record as "US" CIA Director is that he failed to off Osama, failed to stop 911, broke our laws and treaties and lied to the US Senate about WMD right before the 2002 Iraq War resolution vote 5. noticing that after no WMD were found in Iraq by 2005, the ADL gave Tenet its "highest award," including a Shin Bet "you certainly deserve this award" 6. noticing that the captain of the USS Liberty, and just about everyone else except LBJ, believed the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel was deliberate I could go on. In short, to be "not anti-semitic" here, you have to have your head up your ass, you have to support treason against the US, and you believe that making Osama "not a priority" was holy... Did you vote for Ahmadinejad in 2005 over Rafsanjani? Some of your "conservative" Zionist heroes were for Ahmadinejad... http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2009/06/rooting-for-ahmadinejad "I am rooting for Ahmadinejad." Clearly, one has to be "anti-semitic" to notice this. "Conservative" "American-Israeli" Danny Pipes is for Ahmadinejad, which helps to explain why he supports the biggest spending US President since LBJ, that being W, because without W's multiple acts of treason against the US, Rafsanjani wins easily in 2005, and only lost, in a run-off because of 1. "axis of evil" 2. endless Iranian media coverage of Iraqi Sunnis blowing up Iraqi Shia mosques while The Decider told the Shias they could not arm themselves to stop it, and told a US Marine General "just kick ass, kill them, kill the bad people." That is when the Shias we "liberated" became "insurgents armed by Iran." So, yeah, you, W, Danny Pipes and the rest of the "conservatives" who cheered as W socialized senior drugs and outspent Carter with a Dem Congress... you were all necessary for Ahmadinejad to win, just as Zionist "conservatives" who were for CLINTON and W wanted... and Iran slipped back from "Islamic democracy" with a moderate two term president to dictatorship, and then the same "conservatives" were for keeping dictator Mubarak in Egypt because Israel liked him, only to later credit W for Mubarak's ouster... LOL!!! Zionist Traitors and their sub human Bible Thumping Socialist American Slaves -
Patrick Peterson vs. the double yellowhead
Dexter replied to Dexter's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
What it supports is an INVERSE CORRELATION between FOOTBALL and INTELLIGENCE... -
Sarah Palin defines "unconditional support" for Israel
Dexter replied to Dexter's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Bush jr. George W Bush, never did anything for Israel except get undressed to his undies and on his knees - "thank you can I have another" Bush 41 was the last President to oppose Israel's UN violating settlements... until O. George W Bush was, by far, the worst ever US President precisely because he did things 180 degrees from his dad, with US national interest and spending... -
You are a coward, a liar, a traitor, and a sub human. There, that's all the truth you need for today...
Sarah Palin defines "unconditional support" for Israel
Dexter replied to Dexter's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
A conservative would oppose socializing senior drugs by lying about the cost to the Congress, while a Bible Thumping Socialist W supporter is too stupid to understand what "conservative" really means... -
And the best thing about sub human Bible Thumping Socialists is that every time you give them a chance to explain why they so supported multiple counts of treason against the United States, they validate their status as "sub human" and "traitors" by being too stupid and cowardly to explain...
1. cry for censorship 2. call him a troll 3. insult people who respond to the truth he posts 4. card toss anything else ya W loving TRAITORS got here?? If you love Israel... MOVE THERE!!!!!!!!!!
Sarah Palin defines "unconditional support" for Israel
Dexter replied to Dexter's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Bush 41 kept our troops out of Iraq in 1992, and for that, the "US media" went hyper for Bill "finish the (Israeli, not our) job in Iraq" Clinton. That was the "lesson" the DECIDER "learned" from 1992, that doing the right thing for the US loses elections, while selling out to ISRAEL gets the money and media coverage needed to win elections, even with someone retarded as the candidate... Bush 41 was a great US President. How he lost in 1992 is a case study of the US having too much influence coming from one very dishonest "ally..." -
The fight on 9/10, 911, and 9/12 in Afghan was between Taliban, including AQ, and The Northern Alliance (TNA), armed and funded by Iran. When Zionist David Frum gave W his "axis of evil" talking points, Frum knew what that meant to our deployed troops in Afghan. Frum knew that TNA would fracture. Essentially, W deployed (way too few) troops to Country A(fghan) to fight with ally B (TNA) against enemy C (Taliban/AQ) and then flipped off ally B with our troops still there and the mission not accomplished. That was 100% about another Zionist Traitor, Doug Feith, and his comrades at Zionist George Tenet's CIA... http://prospect.org/cs/articles?articleId=11539 "The Iranians (under Ahmadinejad's enemy Rafsanjani), who had been working for years with the main anti-Taliban coalition, the Northern Alliance, also advised the Americans about how to negotiate the major ethnic and political fault lines in the country. " "But Bush had already made up his mind; regime change was the goal. A stronger, more self-confident national security adviser would have insisted that an ill-informed President consider the pros and cons of making such a far-reaching foreign-policy decision on the basis of a half-baked concept, and perhaps insist on intelligence advice on the matter. But Rice had already earned a reputation among national security officials for always staying in Bush's good graces by taking whatever position she believed he would favor. "She would guess which way the President would go and make sure that's where she came out," says Wilkerson, who watched her operate for four years. "She would be an advocate up to a point, but her advocacy would cease as soon as she sniffed the President's position." Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld led the neoconservative push for regime change. But it was Douglas Feith, the abrasive and aggressively pro-Israel undersecretary of defense for policy, who was responsible for developing the details of the policy. Feith had two staff members, Larry Franklin and Harold Rhode, who spoke Farsi, and a third, William Luti, whom one former U.S. official recalls being "downright irrational" on anything having to do with Iran. A former intelligence official who worked on the Middle East said, "I've had a couple of Israeli generals tell me off the record that they think Luti is insane." " Israel didn't have a problem with socializing senior drugs, since Zionism is very socialist. That's why the "US media" didn't find anything wrong with W having the actuary shut up, with threats, to mislead the US Congress to socialize senior drugs... The two lies, Iraq and drugs, rather have everything to do with 1. the harm W did to America 2. the lies W told America 3. the true nature of W's "conservatism" 4. the fact that some lies annoy our "US media" more than others 5. the absolutely sub human idiocy of anyone who supported W calling himself "conservative" and "patriotic" to anything other than ISRAEL
If someone trades up to #2 for Gabbert, the Bills should trade down if possible. Gabbert is a good fit here because he is mobile and experienced in cold weather. None of the other top prospects is enough of a difference maker to justify not trading down.
As with mass Bible burnings in Israel, if you don't like that truth... CENSOR IT... The W crowd had a pattern. Rove admitted that the US would not have invaded Iraq except for the "WMD threat" because the US Senate would not vote for it... http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/03/03/karl-rove-admits-mistake-in-advising-bush-on-iraq-invasion-respo/ "Would the Iraq War have occurred without W.M.D., I doubt it," Rove writes. "Congress was very unlikely to have supported the use-of-force resolution without the W.M.D. threat." .... hence, to manipulate the US Senate to do something completely treasonous, anti-conservative, and harmful to the US, the W crowd manufactured a "WMD threat" of total lies, breaking our laws and treaties to get such lies... and when the issue was SOCIALIZING SENIOR DRUGS to suck up to something other than AIPAC, this time the AARP right before the 2004 "I'm a War President" election, the W crowd had a big problem. Some Republicans actually noticed that SOCIALIZING SENIOR DRUGS was something other than CONSERVATIVE, so they said they either 1. wouldn't vote for it at all or 2. enough to pass it came forward and said they would vote for it, but ONLY IF IT COST UNDER $400 bil over 10 years... so what did W/Rove do? SAME THING AS IRAQ... http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B02E0D9143BF934A35754C0A9629C8B63 "An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged" TRUTH and PATRIOTISM to the US are what W supporters oppose the most...
You have to hand it to Bible Thumping Socialist supporters of W, and their Zionist Masters. The French were bad bad bad to oppose invading Iraq over 100% intentional lies... at least, that's what Israel wanted us to believe, and Bible Thumping Socialist W supporters parroted over and over, even going so far as serving "freedom fries." But the truth is now plain to see for all Americans, and it is not pretty. 1. The French wanted to off Osama. The Bible Thumping Socialist W supporters did not, and made him "not a priority" because Israel wanted Taliban to hold Afghan, and not let it become Iran's ally under control of Northern Alliance. 2. The French wanted to destroy the Taliban. The Bible Thumping Socialist W supporters did not, because, you guessed it, Israel didn't. 3. The French didn't want the US to invade Iraq over 100% pure intentional lies. Clearly, the French had US national interest in mind, and didn't want the US to self-destruct, as W was so very intent on doing. Iraq was a complete disaster in every aspect. Once again, the French were right for America, and the Treasonous Sub Human Bible Thumping Socialist W supporters were not, they were for ISRAEL and for harming the US to serve ISRAEL. So the next time you see or hear a Bible Thumping Socialist W supporter attack the French, just remember, the US would be much much better off today if we had a French President instead of W... because the French President would actually care about the US, while W only cared about selling out the US for money and media coverage from a foreign lobby...
In the quest of certain "Republicans" to suck up to Israel, Ms. Palin really takes the cake, even more than Huck-a-THUMP. What precisely is "unconditional support" for another country? A: just that, you do whatever that country wants... How does Ms. Palin exemplify this? A: Ms. Palin was for keeping Mubarak since Israel liked him. Now, in Israel raising cash for her run for "US" President, Ms. Palin says she would attack Libya, clearly to cheers from her completely non-American audience. So what was the difference between Egypt and Libya, Ms. Palin? Why support one democratic uprising but not the other in the neighboring country?? UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT for another country is TREASON Ms. Palin's foreign policy as "US President" would be "whatever Israel wants, period..."
From the reports and quotes etc. I read... the only person in CAR who still likes Clausen is the GM who selected him. Beason went public with his support for Cam. That's not a good sign for Clausen. Tebow may flop, but he didn't get enough chances to flop, and did much less relative flopping than Jimmy last year, a few times even looking pretty good. My personal take is that Tebow "might" work out as an NFL QB, but that was never possible with Jimmy... Tebow is also a first, Jimmy is a second, so it is much easier to "let go" and declare your prior pick a waste... I doubt Denver is trying to land one of the three top passers. I would expect Denver to exploit the situation to the max, dangling #2 in front of Danny Boy and others... If Arkansas receivers don't drop about 6 passes on the hands, Arkansas routes Ohio State in the Sugar and finishes top 5. Mallett has flags for sure, but right now, for throwing one pass 40 yards down the field, he has the best arm in the Draft. Think of it this way. You are Danny Boy. Your team needs a QB. The Eagles snaked you last year for a high second for a washed up waste in McNabb. So you aren't going after Kolb... but... If you don't upgrade QB beyond Grossman... yeah. 5-11. If you could get a QB, you'd get the fans excited, sell jerseys etc... "Hello, Mr. Bowlen, this is Dan Snyder..."
If indeed, the "rumors" are true and CAR will sign Cam Newton, the question then becomes whether someone trades up for Gabbert at 2... Almost half the NFL teams have a "QB need." Palmer and Kolb are either not really available or available at a ridiculous Jay Cutler type price. After Cam, Mallett, and Gabbert, the Draft class lacks a QB who is really "starter ready" except possibly for somewhat brittle Ponder for West Coast short throw type schemes... Teams with QB need and unpredictable owners include the Skins and the Boys, the Bengals, the Cards, SF etc...
Patrick Peterson vs. the double yellowhead
Dexter replied to Dexter's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Yeah, Patrick Peterson has no red flags at all. So what if he isn't classroom smart. His classroom was in the athletic department, and he is a high character, top caliber CB prospect. I'd be much more worried about what he looks like in cold weather, since I don't know if he's ever played in cold weather... But for bashing LSU for having dumb players, it is FODDER and FUN... -
The Wonderlic is 50 multiple choice questions, ABCD or e, so if you could teach a parrot to say "A" 50 times, the parrot would score a 10. Patrick Peterson, via rumors so far, is apparently credited with a 9... Now, just how much intelligence does it take to play corner in the NFL?? Just ask NO Saint Tracy Porter, the one who ran back Peyton's Super Bowl losing pick two years ago... 'cause Tracy got a 4... But, heck, if you are considering Drafting players from LSU, they can be very good football players, but don't ask them for help on your math homework...
"O'Reilly was in direct contradiction to everything you have attributed to "Fox" here" YOU LIE... document that... Bill O'Reilly was 100% for 1. intentional lies used to sell out our troops and national interest in Iraq 2. making Osama " not a priority" 3. sending way too few after the "not a priority" 4. flipping off those at war with the "not a priority" 5. keeping Mubarak because MASTER ISRAEL liked him
Iraq - was the motive oil or money/media coverage??
Dexter replied to Dexter's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Apparently, an elected official organizing a mass Bible burning by youth isn't a "red flag" for Israel... But that Hitler fellow, when he did the exact same thing, he was bad bad bad... And if you notice the hate and intolerance demonstrated by a mass Bible burning organized by an elected Israeli official, apparently that makes you the bigot, not the Bible burners... Anti-Semitism = 1. not sending a U2 pilot to his death to start a needless US-Iraq war 2. noticing that George Tenet was the worst disaster of US CIA Director in US history 3. noticing all the "bi partisan" Zionists obsessed with pushing a US-Iraq war in both 1992 and 2003 4. noticing the mass Bible burning in Israel was censored by our "US media" 5. considering a mass Bible burning by Israelis an act of hate and intolerance, and a red flag from history 6. noticing the CIA report on the beginning of the 1967 war is 180 degrees from what our "US media" and Israel claim... https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/vol49no1/html_files/arab_israeli_war_1.html "Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move" In other words, LBJ was expecting Israel to start the war, which Israel did, with the weapons supplied to Israel from LBJ, not JFK, which is why some think Israel had MOTIVE to off JFK... -
Iraq - was the motive oil or money/media coverage??
Dexter replied to Dexter's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
In the quest to censor and taint as much of my truth as possible, is that really the best you can do??? -
Troup definitely can play NT, but he is a better asset as a DT in a 4-3. Merriman is a stud 4-3 DE if he is healthy. Was at Maryland too... With a kid like Carrington at one DE, what you can do is line the other DE out wide, a "disguised 3-4" where the wide DE drops off into an LB assignment 20-30% of the time. Merriman would be perfect for that if the knee gets back to 100%. Pitt definitely played a 4-3...
Iraq - was the motive oil or money/media coverage??
Dexter replied to Dexter's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
And how do they do that??? By censoring news like this??? http://articles.cnn.com/2008-05-28/world/bible.burning_1_messianic-jews-deputy-mayor-israeli-radio-and-television?_s=PM:WORLD "Police in Israel are investigating the burning of hundreds of New Testaments in a city near Tel Aviv, an incident that has alarmed advocates of religious freedom. Investigators plan to review photographs and footage showing "a fairly large" number of New Testaments being torched this month in the city of Or-Yehuda, a police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, said Wednesday. News accounts in Israel have quoted Uzi Aharon, the deputy mayor of Or-Yehuda, as saying he organized students who burned several hundred copies of the New Testament. " Now, how many of Pastor Hagee's "Christians" United for Israel are aware of that mass Bible burning in Israel by youth directed by an elected Israeli official who got re-elected after burning Bibles? A: just Pastor Hagee and other "pastors" with pockets full of Iscariot silver... Mass Bible burnings were a "red flag" on another historical figure, someone named Hitler...