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Indeed, the level of idiocy you display outs you fully. Iran, in 2001, was not a US concern at all either. Iran had done nothing of concern to the US since the hostages, which were all about US support for the Shah, a Shia version of Saddam. Notice, too, that unlike Sunni radicals, the Shia radicals in Iran gave us back our hostages with their heads attached. Iran, on 911, was actually the enemy of our enemy, Al Qaeda. Iran was arming and funding THE NORTHERN ALLIANCE (TNA) in Afghanistan, which was at war on 9/10, 9/11, and 9/12 with Taliban and their special terror force Al Qaeda. Iran had twice elected about as moderate a leader as their electorate is capable of electing, Rafsanjani, an Ahmadinejad oppponent (Raf's daughter was arrested by Ahmadinejad). The US position on Iran post 911 should have been to conspire with Iran to off those behind 911, and to do everything possible to make sure no harm comes to Raf, because the other side of the political spectrum in Iran is Ahmad, and we, the US, would prefer Raf to Ahmad. That clashed with W's desire to suck up and sell out in any way possible to get that cash and media coverage. The flip off of Rafsanjani's Iran with "axis of evil" remains one of the worst and dumbest acts of treason in US history. It completely destroyed our credibility in the region, as it proved to every sane and intelligent life form that W did not want to off Al Qaeda, but rather Iran, those trying to off Al Qaeda, because all W cared about was Israel, and Israel did not want Iran's ally TNA to take Afghan, so sell out our troops and national interest W did...
LaDairis, eh?? He appears to be banned on Chiefs Planet... but, man were those TFG Wonderlic Odds right on the money this year!!!! http://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/showthread.php?t=241893 Which "college" football team will come away from the 2011 NFL Combine with the most position low scores on the Wonderlic test, receiving the honor of being crowned "College Football's Dumbest Team?" LSU 4-1 : only concern is that LSU has taught their players to answer all questions, so you get a lot of 12/50 scores from them, but not too many recent single digits. Crop this year covers seven positions, and it is unclear why any would be classified as "student" athletes. WVa 5-1 : consistent idiocy and criminality from this program, see Jones, Pacman... Got strong contenders at six different positions for 2011 Gators 6-1 : a proud tradition of Dumbest Team titles in the past, the Gators have six positions and eight in total at the Combine, all who cheated just like Cam Newton did... On the plus side, the Gators do occasionally have that one game each year where the average letter grade of each player is posted on the helmet... da U 6-1 : for several years now, the Cokes haven't made a serious run at the title after winning in 2005, in fact running away with it, taking the final four straight positions. This year's crew matches their in state rival UF with 6 positions and eight total players at the combine. North Carolina 7-1 : the Butch Davis effect was pretty obvious when half the team, the better half, was suspended for the opener against LSU. Needless to say, with 11 positions represented, the Goats have the largest contingent in Indy, and every one is a Butch Davis certified "Communications Major...." Ok St. 8-1 : While things have changed since Dexter Manley spent four years at Stillwater unable to read, them Cowboys are always pushing the NCAA limits and then some... and until they beat the Sooners, the more pushing they will do... Miss St. 8-1 : When Auburn bid $400k for Cam Newton, that prevented Miss St from having three JC transfers at the Combine, settling for just Chris White and Pernell McPhee. Add in two full time "students" from Miss St. and the potential is there... Nevada 9-1 : Two years ago, Nevada shocked the Combine, sending only two players, and winning both dumbest WR and dumbest ILB, tying LSU, which is still bitter about it, as Herman Johnson lost by one point at OG, getting 13 compared to BYU's Ray Feinga, who scored a 12, forcing a 2-2 tie and a split (Coaches Poll - LSU, AP - Nevada), and giving a clear sign that Nevada football was on the rise. This year the Wolf Pack (two words) sends four football players, and likely no students... South Carolina 10-1 : The Chickens were looking outside in, when all of a sudden, suspended TE Weslye Saunders got allowed back in the Draft and the Combine, sending South Carolina's hopes for a Dumbest Team title soaring... However, there is no penalty for misspelling your first name... Indiana 10-1 : While the Hoosiers have only two positions covered, IU has two of the past three lowest overall scores (Tracy Porter 4, Greg Middleton 6). Clearly, in trying to shed the "basketball school" label, IU has a plan, and that plan doesn't include its football players in classrooms very often
The UN Gulf War put the UN in charge of Saddam. That Saddam used sarin and possessed yellowcake in 1992 was common knowledge. That is not to be used to deliberately "fog" the debate of the the issue. The issue starts with why the US would care about Saddam and WMD in 2001, when Saddam's UN containment had indeed contained Saddam since Gulf War ended. The UN reported that Saddam's yellowcake was still were it was in 1992, that Saddam still did not have a brand new billion dollar centrifuge to enrich that yellowcake, and hence that yellowcake was not a "threat" to anyone not playing sandbox with it. Sarin gas is not a good weapon, which is why AQ never uses it. Sarin requires air superiority and pinning your opponent in some sort of valley, since the gas is "heavy" and "sinks." If you don't have air superiority, you dare not use sarin like Saddam in artillery shells less one of your convoys gets hit... and the Sarin goes off in your back yard. EVERY PEEP about Saddam and Osama being anything but bitter lifestyle opposites who wanted each other dead and WMD was 100% pure manufactured treason designed for W to tell us all "I'm a War President" in 2004...
One of the things our "US media" does is BLUR US and UN, and this is a classic example. Saddam, post Gulf War, was a UN "problem," not a US problem. Our "US media" kept suggesting otherwise. The UN said Saddam didn't have WMD. That should have been the end of the discussion. Not that the UN is omniscient, but rather that it wasn't the US' problem AT ALL. If the UN has a problem with Saddam, it can ask the US for help. The UN wasn't asking, because Saddam wasn't a problem. He was a toothless non-problem, just as he was in 1998 when the Zionist Lobby tried to bully General Shelton to fly a U2 "low enough and slow enough for (THREAT) Saddam to hit it..."
Let's think about this for a second... Who is in COMMAND of the levite military force, Moses or Joshua? Moses sits on his rear a top a mountain. Joshua is the general on the ground. Who do you think the levites respect more??? What the Torah asks us to believe is that Moses was some ancient baton tosser leading a marching band from far away... well, maybe he and Joshua had a Motorola wireless set so Moses could tell Joshua how to organize the force... What BULL!!! Joshua and the levites are the "hands" that freed the Israelites, because they were the "hands" that swung the swords that allowed for the Exodus to happen. All Midianite Moses did was sneak in the swords after noticing the Egyptian army march north of Midian, most likely by disguising himself as an Egyptian prince to sneak in the swords... and that is why the Torah keeps saying "my hands freed you..." because the levites wrote the Torah... and so, after the levites really do all the heavy lifting for the escape, once across the Sea of Reeds, the levites discover they are subservient now to Moses, even as they, the levites, are the only thing preventing the Amalekites from killing off the rest of the tribes immediately. Not so fast, thought the really brilliant (and sick) mind present, Joshua's... and, oh by the way, God talks to Moses... and Joshua... how convenient... Joshua: Hey, Moses, how about you and I go up top of the mountain and have a short chat about our future...
As long as we are clear about Moses, rescued by the Midianites, and repaid the Midianites by slaughtering all of the Midianites except the pretty young virgin girls... NICE FELLA!!! What would you do if God called you up to the top of a mountain, and gave you 10 commandments on 2 stone tablets?? Why, I'd go down the mountain, smash the two stone tablets to rubble, and violate the "though shall not murder" commandment 3500 times within 24 hours, because that's what JUDAISM TAUGHT ME...
LOL!!! So, the relationship between the "levites" and the "Midianites" is as follows... poor dumb lost "levite" Moses winds up in Midian is is given refuge and a good life by the Midianites. several years later... Moses orders the Israelite army to not just conquer the city/state of Midian, but off all the Midianites except the young pretty female virgins... That's the guy you worship...??? Seems a bit "ungrateful" to me...
Trying to equivocate by saying, oh well, W was awful, but Obama is worse... doesn't cut it. Obama's worst crime so far from my view is using our money to bribe Senators to vote for his health care in a manner never seen before to that scale. But that isn't flipping off Northern Alliance with our troops in Afghan, intentionally lying to sell out more troops in Iraq, all for the goal of getting yourself re-elected, and precisely nothing other than that... Until you come clean on W, you aren't...
but clearly you are an expert, so answer this one question. After parting the sea of reeds at low tide, Moses and the newly freed Israelites are attacked by the Amalekites (can be spelled different ways). The entire levite tribe responds militarily, but not "levite" Moses, who sits up on top of a hill and watches... Now, is Moses a member of the levite tribe or not???
Noticing truth requires noticing all truth, not just convenient truth. The late Robert Novak and former Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold both did just about everything they could to keep the US out of Iraq. But in the end, what Einstein called the "rabid nationalism" of the "re-conquer the Promised Land" crowd swamped truth, got 4k killed, 40k wounded, the US out a trillion dollars, all for intentional lies so that one sold out sub human of a "US" President could get re-elected, unlike his daddy, with money and favorable media coverage from a FOREIGN LOBBY.
I'll enlighten you. This is the United States. The Israel-Palestinian issue does not involve the United States. It involves Israel, the Palestinians, the Lebanese, the Egyptians, the Jordanians, and several other groups, but not AMERICANS. If you wish to help Israel wage war on its neighbors, go move there and sign up. Don't sit behind the white sheet posting lies to manipulate the US to wage war on Israel's enemies for no US national interest.
It is absolutely hilarious to think that if anything about the Battles BC Moses production was "inaccurate" that the show would not have been pelted with anti-semite cards from the likes of you. The truth is that Battles BC Moses is an accurate translation of the Hebrew Bible, which is why the card tossers didn't toss, and there are those who don't like "dumb Americans" learning that truth...
and we are STILL the ONLY ONES vetoing the UN from acting... with "Anti-Israel" Obama as President... http://gimmetruth.wordpress.com/2011/02/19/us-vetoes-un-resolution-on-israeli-settlements-14-member-states-support/ "All 14 other Security Council members voted in favour of the resolution. British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant, speaking on behalf of his country, France and Germany, condemned Israeli settlements in the West Bank. “They are illegal under international law,” he said. He added that the European Union’s three biggest nations hope that an independent state of Palestine will join the United Nations as a new member state by September 2011. The Obama administration’s veto is certain to anger Arab countries and Palestinian supporters around the world. An abstention would have angered the Israelis, the closest US ally in the region, as well as Democratic and Republican supporters of Israel in the American Congress. Washington says it opposes settlements in principal, but claims that the UN Security Council is not the appropriate venue for resolving the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
Lawrence Taylor gets 6 years probation
Dexter replied to Jerry Jabber's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
LT isn't a bad guy. He wanted a hooker. So what. So did Eliot Spitzer... LT bugs a lot of the Drug Prohibitionists who hate him for succeeding while coke using... When any of you are as good in your profession as LT was in his, then I'll listen to you and your "judgments..." Here's hoping LT runs for something like governor on the Libertarian Ticket! -
History Channel content varies considerably. This particular program has experts who translate the Hebrew Torah. The shows aired. The Israel Lobby had plenty of time to complain and/or point out inaccuracies. Battles BC the series was awesome. Great shows on Ceasar, Hannibal, Joshua, and many others besides Moses. If you believe that the Exodus was really about some guy waving a piece of wood at the Pharaoh, you ought to consider some things... 1. this Egyptian construction site was definitely on the East side of the Nile, since the "tribes" don't cross the Nile exiting. The Pharaoh's main palace was always on the West side for security reasons. 2. If Moses' staff really had all that "power of God," there would be no reason for the levites to defend the tribes against the Amalekites. Moses could have just waved his staff and sent a stream of locust at them... but after the Exodus, there is nothing but swords and spears, no staff. What happened? The staff just worked before the construction site was liberated, but never once after?? 3. Do you really think the Pharaoh's personal security would let anyone they didn't know near Pharaoh with a large blunt instrument? The Hebrew Torahs tell a different story of Exodus from the "sanitized" American version. The Israelites were "armed to the teeth" coming out... HHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM armed to the teeth... why? They have the guy with the staff...
But it is not OUR ISSUE, with the "our" meaning American. The US should stand for peace, justice, and enforcing UN defined borders. The US does that with every country on the planet, except ONE, the one outside its UN defined border. The US should STAY OUT of REGIONAL DISPUTES and support the UN on border issues, PERIOD, and stuff like this NO FLY over Libya. Picking one side, arming it, watching it lie and invade and occupy, and then praising it for doing so, that is the "US position" on Israel thanks mostly to LBJ and W. That is also 100% the cause of 911 and our troops being deployed to Iraq = our political class is addicted to Zionist money and media coverage. Lying to start a war with no US national interest is treason.
"Bush went in, albeit with good sources, believing WMD's were present " In the desperate attempts to continue to push that obvious lie, one thing is clear. Nobody still defending W has any concern about the United States at all. All such people care about is using the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911, while those behind 911 were "not a priority." They don't care about truth. They don't care about what W did to the deployment in Afghan by flipping off Northern Alliance. And they don't care how many Americans die, or how much money the US loses. They just want Israel to re-conquer the Promised Land, and absolutely positively nothing else matters to them at all... The one and only one thing W understood about invading Iraq was that it would give his 04 campaign the money and favorable media coverage that was 100% for Bill Clinton in 1992. W didn't even bother to find out that there were Sunnis, Shias, and Kurds, according to multiple people from inside the WH. W didn't care about minor details like that. W would be a "liberator" and the media and money would make him a "better President" than daddy Bush because W would get re-elected... as long as the ISrael Lobby was behind him, which is why W really did nothing but sell out to the Israel lobby for eight years, capping it off with a $7 trillion hand out for Choose 'em Ben Bernanke to give to his pals around the globe... W promised during the 2000 campaign and before, to the likes of RUPERT MURDOCH, that no matter what, if W wins in 2000, the US invades Iraq. That is why FIXED was so for W and against McCain and others in 2000. But lie the W supporters will. That's pretty much all they ever do, lie and sell out America, and watch our "news media" lie to cover for that... every time they say Iraq was about OIL not ISRAEL...
http://articles.cnn.com/2008-05-28/world/bible.burning_1_messianic-jews-deputy-mayor-israeli-radio-and-television?_s=PM:WORLD "Police in Israel are investigating the burning of hundreds of New Testaments in a city near Tel Aviv, an incident that has alarmed advocates of religious freedom. Investigators plan to review photographs and footage showing "a fairly large" number of New Testaments being torched this month in the city of Or-Yehuda, a police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, said Wednesday. News accounts in Israel have quoted Uzi Aharon, the deputy mayor of Or-Yehuda, as saying he organized students who burned several hundred copies of the New Testament. "
The pattern continues... who would have motive to lie to start a war between the US and Iraq??? Perhaps those most in favor of a US invasion of Iraq in 1992??? Perhaps those most supportive of Bill Clinton in 1992, because they must have been "conservatives..." just like W was "conservative..." ... http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/39582425/ns/today-books/ "Early on in my days as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, we had small, weekly White House breakfasts in National Security Advisor Sandy Berger’s office that included me, Sandy, Bill Cohen (Secretary of Defense), Madeleine Albright (Secretary of State), George Tenet (head of the CIA), Leon Firth (VP chief of staff for security), Bill Richardson (ambassador to the U.N.), and a few other senior administration officials. These were informal sessions where we would gather around Berger’s table and talk about concerns over coffee and breakfast served by the White House dining facility. It was a comfortable setting that encouraged brainstorming of potential options on a variety of issues of the day. During that time we had U-2 aircraft on reconnaissance sorties over Iraq. These planes were designed to fly at extremely high speeds and altitudes (over seventy thousand feet) both for pilot safety and to avoid detection. At one of my very first breakfasts, while Berger and Cohen were engaged in a sidebar discussion down at one end of the table and Tenet and Richardson were preoccupied in another, one of the Cabinet members present leaned over to me and said, “Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?” The hair on the back of my neck bristled, my teeth clenched, and my fists tightened. I was so mad I was about to explode. I looked across the table, thinking about the pilot in the U-2 and responded, “Of course we can ...” which prompted a big smile on the official’s face. “You can?” was the excited reply. “Why, of course we can,” I countered. “Just as soon as we get your ass qualified to fly it, I will have it flown just as low and slow as you want to go.” “No, you should not have,” I strongly agreed, still shocked at the disrespect and sheer audacity of the question. “Remember, there is one of our great Americans flying that U-2, and you are asking me to intentionally send him or her to their death for an opportunity to kick Saddam. The last time I checked, we don’t operate like that here in America.” "
They do burn Bibles. Care to name any other historical figures who liked to do things like that, like organizing youth to burn Bibles???
Type "Battles BC Moses" in Google or directly into youtube... and watch that hour long History Channel program. Exodus was a slave revolt. When it happens, the main Egyptian army isn't in Egypt, it is north of Canaan fighting the hittites... and the dip south and through the Sea of Reeds is 100% about avoiding that army... Indeed, when you finish the Battles BC, I'll then explain the full truth, including why "levite" Moses failed to join the other levites in battle against the Amalekites... and the motive of the rabbis advising Charleton Heston to make all the Israelite construction workers bearded in the movie... You and your ilk can try to hide treason behind the anti-semite card... Lord knows, all you do is toss them, endlessly, over and over, while never addressing the questions put to you or the issues discussed. If you love Israel so much, move there. This is the United States. We do not exist to serve Israel.
It is pretty sad that neither you nor any of your fellow Israel supporters here can actually even attempt to refute the truth about Israel and the Israel Lobby posted here. You really don't care what is true or not. All you care about is a rather obvious fraud which originated with a murder on top of a mountain 3300 years ago...
What is "indisputably true" is that not only were each and every Saddam-Osama link and WMD claim intentional falsehoods, but what is also true is WHY there was a "need" for the FALSEHOODS, just like the FALSEHOOD of the estimate used to socialize senior drugs. This is the INDISPUTABLE TRUTH... http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/03/03/karl-rove-admits-mistake-in-advising-bush-on-iraq-invasion-respo/ ""Would the Iraq War have occurred without W.M.D., I doubt it," Rove writes. "Congress was very unlikely to have supported the use-of-force resolution without the W.M.D. threat." That is something Karl Rove would likely have preferred to have never admitted. That is an ADMISSION that the US Senate was not buying any of the W crowd's bull about Saddam, and would not vote for a war resolution. That is the genesis of the Niger forgery, the waterboarding lie about Saddam, AQ, and chem, the "dirty bomb" BS, and all the rest. Simple truth... WH knows Senate won't pass war bill without WMD. WH invents WMD hoax later in 2004, with the urgent need to buy off the senior vote... WH knows Senate won't socialize senior drugs if actual cost estimate becomes public WH threatens actuary to "shut up or else" and lies to the US Congress to SOCIALIZE SENIOR DRUGS THAT is the PATTERN...
Supporting another country is OK. Lying, bullying, bribing, and manipulating the US system to use the US military to wage war for the sole purpose of achieving another country's expansionist objectives is treason, no matter how many anti-semite cards are tossed for noticing it.
or... maybe Exodus is a big fraud, and the real truth is that the real Moses, a Midianite, was killed on top of Mt. Sinai by Joshua and the levites, who then took over the "tribes" via clandestine "coup" and offed those who noticed the night the "replacement Moses" came down. 40 day time periods and beards... no no no, make the Israelite construction workers bearded... LOL!!! Ironic, truly, that those rabbis behind Judaism are so very aware of the fraud that originated Judaism... and hence resort to intentional distortions in movies to conceal it... Since, according to you, "Jews are fabulously wealthy," why is the US taxpayer funding and arming Israel? Why do you support giving US foreign aid to Israel? Indeed, the most pathetic example of just how stupid the sub humans really are comes from the Bible Thumping TV ads about Israel, and how poor poor Israel needs your money... Hence, you think "the Jews" are wealthy, and you are in favor of bilking the US taxpayer to make "the Jews" even more wealthy... Don't ever claim to be an American or a patriot of the US, because you aren't... Well, for one, you are too stupid to understand the term SOCIALISM, and why you and Hitler are one and the same supporting it. Hitler's form was "National Socialism." Your hero W's form was "Bible Thumping Socialism." Both constrained and misled the public to start wars over lies. Both ruined their countries' finances. Both relied on bigotry fueled by lies via a controlled/biased media. Both gots tons of their fellow citizens offed for precisely nothing in national interest. Libertarians, of course, are very much against any form of socialism (national, Bible Thumping, Ba'ath, Great Society)... So do yourself a big favor, and re-enroll in second grade until you pass...