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Everything posted by Dexter

  1. Too much truth makes supporters of treason very very pro censorship, another "conservative" value extracted from Murdoch and FIXED no doubt... Don't ask who forged the Niger document, or why the tapes of the 'boardings were intentionally destroyed... just keep PARROTING, dummies...
  2. The fundamentalist Sunni terror organization Al Qaeda, based in Afghanistan, very strong in Pakistan, and at war with Iran on 911... But you really didn't care about them getting killed. You saw 911 as an opportunity to manipulate the US to wage war on all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911, and cheered when the "conservative" Decider made Al Qaeda "not a priority," sent way too few after them, and way too few to encircle him when spotted at Tora Bora. Indeed, the "war on Al Qaeda" should've ended at Tora Bora. We should have deployed a huge 100k+ force to Afghan and encircled him, stayed out of Iraq, and brought our troops home with Osama's head on a pole. Had we done that, AQ/Osama would be dead or "decapitated," Rafsanjani would still be the elected President of Iran, 5000 US troops would still be alive, 50000 would not be maimed, and the US would not be out $1.5 trillion dollars W sold out for cash and favorable media coverage... Thanks for your lies, Israeli...
  3. Oh, that's a good one. You see, I actually do care about US military personnel. I also care about America. You don't. You think America exists to serve Israel, and US military personnel exist to fight and die for a Greater Israel... Those protesting the soldier funerals are, unfortunately, an example of our "freedom," a rather ugly one. The solution is for a group of patriotic thugs to go beat the heck out of them for doing it... and dare a jury to convict them... Excellent - wouldn't be my thread in PPP without the card - don't leave home without it!!!!!!!!! meanwhile, about why W was "conservative..."
  4. Auburn trusted Cam to play QB for them. How did that work out? Narwocki went over the line. He should report there are "character questions" and stop trying to act like Cam was his classmate. The "character questions" around Cam are largely unimportant to the job of NFL QB. He cheated at UF, like most of the rest of the Gators. His dad understands supply and demand. So what. The kid showed up every day, worked hard, rallied his team, and didn't lose. Everything else is just noise. He didn't punch his girlfriend. He didn't wreck his car while intoxicated etc...
  5. and the #1 corporate pusher of the Global (non) Warming FRAUD...
  6. Still waiting... but not yet a single card toss here - progress.
  7. At least Auburn insists on going to class. No single digit Wonderlic scores from them...
  8. Are the Bills good at pass protection? So the solution is an injury prone prospect from the state of FLA who isn't good under pressure??? That's what makes Newton a good fit here. His OL wasn't good at pass pro at all. Neither Newton, Gabbert, Ponder, or especially Locker had good offensive supporting casts. Mallett did. But the qualities of toughness, durability, able to perform when the pocket collapses... yeah...
  9. Healthy to start the game and facing a defense on the field roughly equal to a "defense" on the field in Q3 of the first NFL preseason game, one has to ponder this... http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/boxscore?gameId=302540201 11/28 113 4.0 0 2 Good thing "Jimbo" trusted him...
  10. And "Exhibit A" of a sub human emerges... "Conservative" was invading Iraq, insists the sub. It was "conservative" because the "conservatives" supported it, and FIXED is loaded with "conservatives" like Judy Miller and Dennis Miller and Dick Morris. "Radical Islam" is like everyone who wears a turban, insists the sub. Al Qaeda and Hezbollah are one and the same because dual citizen "conservative" Charles Krauthammer says our enemy is "radical Islam" and that means Hezbollah even more than Al Qaeda. "The Iraqi People are Free" shouts the sub. Um, sub, what's all the fighting about, then? Um um, "insurgents..." says the sub, not having one sub atomic particle worth of knowledge about sunnis and shias... "W was conservative" says the sub. Why? ................... ................... can any of you "conservative" W supporters explain why W was "conservative???"
  11. In the course of using 911 to sell out our troops for cash and favorable media coverage, the Treason Party needed cover. Iran was arming and funding The Northern Alliance, at war with Taliban and Al Qaeda on 910, 911, and 912. How could you manipulate the US public to support making those behind 911 "not a priority" while waging war on those trying to off them?? A: BLUR Start calling Al Qaeda "the terrorists, islamofacists, radical jihadis" and hope your audience is really REALLY STUPID. And hence the FIXED treason plan was launched. The key buzzwords are "radical islam." "Our" enemy is "radical Islam" Hoards of sub humans nod in agreement. And the solution to "radical Islam" is to invade Iraq, which is run by a dictator who is not Islamic... Hoards of sub humans nod in agreement. And to make those behind 911 "not a priority," send way too few after them, and flip off those at war with them... Hoards of sub humans nod in agreement. Because the main thing about 911 that matters to "conservatives" is A) socializing senior drugs by lying about the cost B) outspending Jimmy Carter with a Dem Congress C) making sure those behind 911 don't get offed because W wants to tell us in 2004 "I'm a War President" D) the Republican Party exists to get US troops killed for no US national interest in exchange for cash and favorable media coverage from a pro gay pro abortion pro lawyer pro socialism FOREIGN LOBBY E) all of the above If you answered "E," you get the prize, understanding what Rupert Murdoch means by the term "conservative..." Indeed, Hezbollah, as an Iranian armed group itself, wanted AQ dead. That makes Hezbollah more pro-American than any W supporter...
  12. Dexter wanted those behind 911 offed. Nobody who supported W did. Everyone who supported W wanted those behind 911 left alive, "not a priority," and for the US to wage war not on those behind 911, but those at war with those behind 911... and then cheered when the DECIDER told us "I'm a War President!!!"
  13. CrimiNole QBs in the NFL have had tons of success... Just list 'em... Burt Reynolds - did great in "The Longest Yard" Brad Johnson - well, he didn't start at the Correctional Facility in Tally, but at least he did more than any other CrimiNole QB in modern history
  14. What part of "pro football team disguised as a school" do you not understand??? "Bama is a pro football team" - Greg McElroy. The SEC has one college football team and 11 pro teams...
  15. The level of treason behind W and FIXED is unreal. W basically had a choice - do the American national interest and wipe out those behind 911, or sell out. He "decidered" to choose the latter. And apparently treason is now "conservative..."
  16. One poster here actually noticed that hyper-Zionist Ed Koch, a huge supporter of a US invasion of Iraq in 1992, 1998, and 2003, was against US involvement in Afghan. What is Israel's obsession with Iraq? What is Israel, and how do Israelis see "Israel" in reality?? The answer is here... http://www.google.com/images?q=greater+israel&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&sa=X&ei=EfCRTbvPEMigtwf-kLBZ&ved=0CDUQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=600 Israel believes Baghdad is part ... of ISRAEL. Israel took the 1948 border with the religious obsession of "re-conquering the Promised Land." Was that just the "addition" of the Heights, the Bank, and the Strip? HECK NO... Explanation of why Israel and Israelis were so obsessed with a US invasion of Iraq in 1992, 1998, and 2003 is all about what Israel plans as far as Israel's eventual borders... and if we don't like that, as Israel didn't tell LBJ they would OCCUPY in 1967, Israel will sneak up and murder as many Americans it can who object to Israel's "holy" expansion... just as they did the USS Liberty... just as Einstein warned long ago... http://einsteinonisrael.com/ "I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state. …the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power….I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain – especially from the development of a narrow nationalism within our own ranks… -- Einstein speech in New York, 1938."
  17. "attempting to make conservatives look bad." Rather, "conservatives" look bad because "conservative" W wasn't "conservative..." and hence neither are his supporters, who never had a problem with his eight year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest. "I don't even own a deck of cards but whatever. I am just wondering if the bad Jews Israelis worship the iambic pentameter or the Star of David. Are they really Satan worshipers? What is their end game? " Clearly, the concept that another country intentionally attacked and killed 30 American Naval personnel is something you and every other Israel supporter cheers. If you wish to call that Satan worshiping, you are free to do that. I call it murder and an act of war. "You really are clueless and have over estimate Israels depends on the US. Israel is a powerhouse in the middle east. In conventional warfare Israel would own the land and air..." thanks exclusively to money and weapons provided to Israel by the US. "It's in the vital interest of the US to stay friendly and close with Israel " Actually, just the opposite is true. The US never had any problem with that part of the world prior to 1948. Israel steals our weapons and sells them to the Chinese. Israel lies to us about settlements, which are the reason for 911. Israel tolerates mass Bible burnings. Israel is the one country on the planet outside of its UN border. Israel intentionally murders Americans whenever it feels that will help its cause. The VITAL INTEREST of the US is to support UN borders, and to stop doing things that empower and enable the one rouge state on the planet outside its UN defined border. It is the VITAL INTEREST of the US to stop being perceived as the enabler of Israel's UN violations, which triggered 911. It is in the VITAL INTEREST of the US to realize that the US' relationship with Israel is all give and no receive, in fact negative receive, since we received 911 precisely because of our support for Israel. We should never tolerate foreign governments murdering our military personnel. We should never have tolerated the USS Liberty attack. The only reason we did is because LBJ was completely sold out, as was W...
  18. "King was a substandard NFL player with weak arm bones drafted in Round 5." King was an excellent nickel back for two different teams for longer than the duration of the contract he got as a 5th. How many 5ths outperformed King from the 2005 NFL Draft? Response: "Anyway forget King" = more precisely, forget all the endless idiocy you have posted here attacking a Fifth Rounder for being an excellent value as a Fifth Rounder... "Can I ask a question about the good Jews and the bad Jews? I'm pretty sure the good Jews are the ones who worship the Star of David which is the one on the Israeli flag. The bad ones worship the iambic pentameter which is the secret devil star. Since Israel is so bad, why is the good Jew star on their flag? If you look close is one of the points really faked and it is really the iambic pentameter on there? Is it really the Star of David on there and they are just faking it and they all have the pentameters in their closets at home? Any idea? " You and other card tossers seem to think endlessly trying to twist my words to say "the Jews" when I have always referred to Israel and Israelis and praised the likes of Russ Feingold and Robert Novak, as well as Milton Friedman and Albert Einstein, who warned America about starting an "Israel" in 1948, and has been proven 100% correct in that warning, that somehow that will succeed in shutting up the truth about the US relationship with Israel. Nice try. Israel has harmed the US. Israel has lied to the US. Israel has intentionally murdered US naval personnel to cheers from the likes of you and your ilk. Israel started the 1967 war. Israel likely offed JFK to allow LBJ to arm Israel and cheer when Israel started the 1967 war, and then attacked the USS Liberty when LBJ wanted Israel to withdraw back to the 1948 border. We give ISrael billions every year, and for what? What does ISrael do for the US? Nothing, except take our money and weapons and get us attacked on 911... Israel is an enemy of the US. We should have wiped Israel off the map after the USS Liberty attack. Better late than never...
  19. "See you are making my point. I am basically expected to be an expert in everything, or be sub human" When debate is lost and point is refuted, just repeat that which was just refuted over and over... "He was drafted low, cut, picked up by one team and cut again. That means in addition to the people arguing on this board, 95% or more of whom said he sucked, 30 NFL GMs had no use for him and the two who did had it for only a brief period. Isn't that a preponderance of evidence? When is enough outside opinion enough? Would I have to watch every play he was ever in, know every defense technique and analyze the 10 other defenders to make a valid analysis? Who has time for that crap?" LOL! Have you ever found anyone who was hyping Eric King as a First Rounder? No... What you have done, laughably, is criticize someone who correctly stated that Eric King was an excellent value in Round 5, where half the picks end up doing absolutely nothing. Eric King was a quality nickel for a year here, cut here by a new coach, claimed by the Titans, and played nickel for several years with the Titans before breaking his arm two straight years, and then ending up in Detroit for two more years. If that is what obsesses you, that Fifth Round pick Eric King had a successful 6 or so year NFL career as a nickel back, that somehow someone who said Eric King was a good value in Round 5 was somehow "wrong" about that... seriously... get help... If someone had said King was a First Rounder, you'd have a point. You don't, and you never did...
  20. It is SAID... It is SAID... It is SAID... even like FLAT OUT... and if you even think that some NFL teams might lie to cover their true Draft Day ambitions, may God have mercy on your poor soul...
  21. As noted before, your concern for the United States is precisely zero. If Israel murdered 30 US navy personnel, good for Israel, let's give 'em more of our taxpayer cash, weapons, and let's invade whatever country Israel wants us to invade... that's Israel's opinion of the US. That you can joke about the intentional murder of 30 US navy personnel speaks volumes about your loyalty to America... "I could say: "I am no expert but smart people have told me that Eric King really sucked, I have no real opinion."." and that would be the truth, that you have no opinion, because you failed to understand the football you watched... and resorted to "appropriating" "your" "opinion" from another, no matter how many times they give you a falsehood to parrot. "Earlier you stated that all dumb people will inevitably parrot. Ergo, all Canadians will inevitably parrot" You are free to post your reasons and documentation as to why you think all Canadians are dumb. I am free to document precisely why everyone should think W supporters and Global Warmers are dumb, and have done so...
  22. 4-3 DTs would be Kyle Williams and Troup. Doesn't seem like a "need" there. Dwan would be the swing.
  23. I love it. The quotes from the USS Liberty website are part of a "novel," that is really "isn't clear" Israel deliberately attacked the USS Liberty... because LBJ and our "US media" say so... such concern you have for the crew of the USS Liberty, Israeli... "everyone would have to be an expert in everything to avoid being sub human" LOL!!! Not at all. Rather, you just have to be able to think and realize that when someone says something that gets proven false, perhaps the proper response to that is to do something other than just go back to that same source and parrot something else, like what W supporters were saying in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, and 2011 about why we needed to invade Iraq. If you noticed that what they were saying in 2003 proved 100% false, you did something other than parrot the "new" lies in 2004 etc... or you qualify fully... "Do you consider Canadians sub human?" To qualify, "Canadians" would have to be documented as parroting from a dishonest source, which gets outed for lying, and then the "Canadians" continue to parrot new lies from the same source... I see no evidence of this. I see it two places in the US, the W/Iraq supporters, and the Global Warmers...
  24. That is not an American issue, or a national concern of the United States. If you care that much about Israel, the great thing about the US is that you can move there before everyone here becomes 100% convinced of the clear and obvious truth that you are a traitor. In 1948, the US agreed with a UN resolution creating "Israel." The US never agreed that Israel should expand beyond its 1948 border. The US would not have been attacked on 911 if Israel was not outside of its 1948 UN defined border. Hence, those that support Israel expansion beyond its 1948 border support the act of war by a foreign country that was the stated excuse for 911. Our relationship with "Israel" is that we, the United States, give ISrael money and weapons, and then selective sellouts in the office of US President have gone way beyond that, specifically LBJ and W, two completely selfish and stupid Bible Thumping Socialists from Texas, who thought war was good for poll numbers... You whine about 1948 and 1973, even though neither involves the UNITED STATES, and yet you have absolutely no concern at all about this in 1968... when Israel attacked the USS Liberty and murdered 30 US naval personnel... and let us listen to all these "anti-semites" who claim it wasn't an "accident" as LBJ quickly agreed it "was an accident" and so did our "US media..." http://www.ussliberty.org/supporters.htm This is the group that Israeli supporter Ahron Jay Cristol calls "conspiracy theorists" * "I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation. . . . Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous." -- US Secretary of State Dean Rusk * "Accidents don't occur through repeated attacks by surface vessels and aircraft. It obviously was a decision made pretty high up on the Israeli side, because it involved combined forces. The ship was flying an American flag. My judgment was that somewhere along the line some fairly senior official gave the go ahead. I personally did not accept the Israeli explanation." -- US Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Recorded interview, www.ussliberty.org * "...the board of inquiry (concluded) that the Israelis knew exactly what they were doing in attacking the Liberty." -- CIA Director Richard Helms in his book A Look Over my Shoulder * "It was no accident." -- CIA Director Richard Helms in interview for Navy Times, 6/26/2002. Asked to say more, Helms remarked that he did not want to spend the rest of his life testifying in court about the attack. * "To me, the picture thus far presents the distinct possibility that the Israelis knew that the Liberty might be their target and attacked anyway, either through confusion in Command and Control or through deliberate disregard of instructions on the part of subordinates." -- CIA Deputy Director Admiral Rufus Taylor * That the attack was deliberate "just wasn't a disputed issue" within the National Security Agency -- Former NSA Director retired Army Lieutenant General William Odom on 3 March 2003 in an interview for Naval Institute Proceedings * Former NSA/CIA Director Admiral Bobby Inman "flatly rejected" the Cristol/Israeli claims that the attack was an accident -- 5 March 2003 interview for Naval Institute Proceedings * "I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity. That is ridiculous. Israel knew perfectly well that the ship was American." -- Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, former Chief of Naval Operations and later Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff writing for Americans for Middle East Understanding, June 8, 1997 * "To suggest that they [the IDF] couldn't identify the ship is ... ridiculous. ... Anybody who could not identify the Liberty could not tell the difference between the White House and the Washington Monument." -- Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations and later Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, quoted in The Washington Post, June 15, 1991, p. 14 * "To me, the picture thus far presents the distinct possibility that the Israelis knew that Liberty might be their target and attacked anyway." -- Admiral Rufus Taylor, Deputy CIA director, as quoted by CIA director Admiral Rufus Taylor in A Look Over My Shoulder. * Of four former NSA/CIA seniors with inside knowledge, none was aware of any agency official who dissented from the position that the attack was deliberate -- David Walsh, writing in Naval Institute Proceedings * "That the Liberty could have been mistaken for the Egyptian supply ship El Quseir is unbelievable" -- Special Assistant to the President Clark Clifford, in his report to President Lyndon Johnson * "Inconceivable that it was an accident � 3 strafing passes, 3 torpedo boats. Set forth facts. Punish Israelis responsible" -- Clark Clifford, Secretary of Defense under Lyndon Johnson, in Minutes of NSC Special Committee Meeting, 9 June 1967 * "A nice whitewash for a group of ignorant, stupid and inept [expletive deleted]." -- Handwritten note of August 26, 1967, by NSA Deputy Director Louis W. Tordella reacting to the Israeli court decision exonerating Israelis of blame for the Liberty attack. Dr. Tordella expressed the view that the attack was deliberate and that the Israeli government attempted to cover it up to authors James Ennes and James Bamford and to Congressman George Mahon (D-Texas), and in an internal memorandum for the record. He noted "a nice whitewash for a group of ignorant, stupid and inept (redacted)" in the margin of the official Israeli excuse for the attack as noted in the NSA Gerhard report 1982) * "The attack was clearly deliberate." -- General Marshall Carter, former director, National Security Agency, in a telephone interview with James Ennes * "The attack was deliberate" -- Lucius Battle, former presidential advisor, as keynote speaker for 1982 USS Liberty reunion. * "My immediate reaction was it was not an accident. It had to be a deliberate attack." -- Lucius Battle, in BBC Documentary "Dead in the Water". * "....did not buy the Israeli 'mistake' explanations either. Nobody believes that explanation." When informed by author Bamford of gruesome war crime (killing of large numbers of POWs) at nearby El Arish, Morrison saw the connection. "That would be enough," he said. "They wouldn't want us in on that. You've got the motive. What a hell of a thing to do." -- Major General John Morrison, US Air Force, Deputy Chief NSA Operations during the attack and later Chief of NSA Operations as reported in Body of Secrets by James Bamford, p233. * "I can tell you for an absolute certainty (from intercepted communications) that they knew they were attacking an American ship." -- Oliver Kirby, former deputy director for operations/production, National Security Agency. Kirby participated in NSA's investigation of the attack and reviewed translations of intercepted communications between pilots and their headquarters which he reports show conclusively that they knew their target was an American ship. Kirby is considered the "Godfather" of the USS Liberty and USS Pueblo intercept programs. (Telephone interviews with James Ennes and David Walsh for Friendless Fire, Proceedings, June 2003) * On the strength of intercept transcripts of pilots' conversations during the attack, the question of the attack's deliberateness "just wasn't a disputed issue" within the agency. -- Lieutenant General William E. Odom, former director, National Security Agency, interview with David Walsh on March 3, 2003, reported in Naval Institute Proceedings, June, 2003 * Inman said he "flatly rejected" the Cristol thesis that the attack was an accident. "It is just exceedingly difficult to believe that [uSS Liberty] was not correctly identified" based on his talks with NSA seniors at the time having direct knowledge of intercepted communications. No NSA official could be found who dissented from the "deliberate" conclusion. -- Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN, Director National Security Agency 1977-1981, reported in Proceedings, June, 2003 * "I found it hard to believe that it was, in fact, an honest mistake on the part of the Israeli air force units. I still find it impossible to believe that it was." -- Paul C. Warnke, Undersecretary of the Navy and later general legal counsel to the Department of Defense. * "In many years, I have wanted to believe that the attack on the Liberty was pure error. It appears to me that it was not a pure case of mistaken identity. . . . I think it is about time that the State of Israel and the United States government provide the crew members of the Liberty, and the rest of the American people, the facts of what happened and why it came about that the Liberty was attacked 30 years ago today." Later, McGonagle remarked, "USS Liberty is the only US Navy ship attacked by a foreign nation, involving large loss of life...that has never been accorded a full Congressional hearing." -- Captain William L. McGonagle, Commanding Officer, USS Liberty, speaking at Arlington National Cemetery June 8, 1997. * "The Israelis told us 24 hours before that ...if we didn't move it, they would sink it. Unfortunately, the ship was not moved, and by the time the message arrived the ship was taking on water." -- John Stenbit, Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3Im in an address to the AFEI/NDAI Conference for Net Centric Operations, Wednesday, April 16, 2003 * State Department Legal Advisor and author of highly critical detailed analysis of the Israeli excuse in telephone interview from his home in France, Mr. Salans described the attack as deliberate. -- Legal Advisor Carl Salans * Walter Deeley, NSA department head, conducted still-classified investigation of the attack and remarked later in telephone interview that he regards the attack as deliberate. -- NSA Department Head Walter Deeley * "The highest officials of the [Johnson] administration, including the President, believed it 'inconceivable' that Israel's 'skilled' defense forces could have committed such a gross error." -- Lyndon Johnson's biographer Robert Dallek in Flawed Giant, Oxford University Press, 1998, pp. 430-31 * Never before in the history of the United States Navy has a Navy Board of Inquiry ignored the testimony of American military eyewitnesses and taken, on faith, the word of their attackers. -- Captain Richard F. Kiepfer, Medical Corps, US Navy (retired), USS Liberty Survivor * "The evidence was clear. Both Admiral Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack...was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew.... It was our shared belief. . .that the attack. . .could not possibly have been an accident.... I am certain that the Israeli pilots [and] their superiors. . .were well aware that the ship was American." -- Captain Ward Boston, JAGC, US Navy (retired), senior legal counsel to the US Navy Court of Inquiry * According to Kidd's legal counsel, Captain Ward Boston, USN, Kidd discussed with him his belief that the attackers were aware they were attacking an American ship. The Court ruled otherwise because they were so directed by Washington. -- Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, President of the Navy Court of Inquiry, as reported in Navy Times, 6/26/2002 * "I feel the Israelis knew what they were doing. They knew they were shooting at a U.S. Navy ship." -- Captain Ward Boston, legal counsel to the Navy Court of Inquiry, as reported in . Navy Times, 6/26/2002 * "No one in the White House believed that the attack was an accident." -- George Christian, Press Secretary to President Lyndon Johnson in letter to James Ennes, 1978. * After reviewing the Court of Inquiry in his official capacity as legal counsel to the convening authority, concluded that the evidence did not support the findings that the attack was an accident and declined to recommend that his Commander sign and forward it to Washington. -- Rear Admiral (then captain) Merlin Staring, Staff Legal Office for Commander in Chief US Naval Forces Europe and later Chief Judge Advocate General of the Navy. Statement to Navy Times, 3 June 2002 and elsewhere * "This book [Assault on the Liberty] gives convincing evidence that the attack was deliberate and that the facts, including the Navy's bungling before and during the attack, were covered up." -- United States Senator Adlai E. Stevenson III as reported in Congressional Record -- Senate S13136 September 23, 1980. Senator Stevenson later announced his interest in holding Congressional hearings on the attack. He pointed out that the survivors have been consistent in their accounts of what happened and that the attack was, in his word, "premeditated." Also reported by William J. Small, United Press International, September 28, 1980. * "The Congress never investigated this matter, and I don't detect much enthusiasm for getting into it now." -- Senator Adlai Stevenson III in letter to James Ennes dated September 9, 1980 * "From what I have read, I can't tolerate for one minute that this was an accident! ... What have we done about the Liberty? Have we become so placid, so far as Israel is concerned or so far as that area is concerned, that we will take the killing of 37 (sic) American boys and the wounding of a lot more and the attack on an American ship in the open sea in good weather? We have seemed to say: 'Oh, well, boys will be boys.' What are you going to do about it? It is most offensive to me! -- Senator Bourke Hickenlooper; From transcript of July 1967 Senate Foreign Relations Hearing on Foreign Assistance Act of 1967. * "I have read the Navy investigation of the Liberty, and the evidence adduced there, and I have read the Israeli court of inquiry records, and based upon their own records of the investigation, I cannot agree that it was accidental." -- Senator Bourke Hickenlooper; From transcript of May, 1968, Senate Foreign Relations Hearing on Foreign Assistance Act of 1968, page 444. * "American leaders did not have the courage to punish Israel for the blatant murder of its citizens. . . . The Liberty's presence and function were well known to Israel's leaders. ...Israel's leaders concluded that nothing they might do would offend the Americans to the point of reprisal. If American leaders did not have the courage to punish Israel for the blatant murder of American citizens, it seemed clear that their American friends would let them get away with almost anything. -- George Ball, under secretary of state at the time writing in The Passionate Attachment: America's Involvement with Israel, pages 57-58. * "I don't think that there's any doubt that it was deliberate.... [it is] one of the great cover-ups of our military history." -- David G. Nes, the deputy head of the American mission in Cairo at the time
  25. Anyone can cite a statistic, or a CIA documentation that Israel not only started the shooting in 1967, but did so with the weapons and blessings of one LBJ... When whatever is cited is documented or proven wrong, the human will take note, while the sub human will go right back to the same source that lied and parrot another, as every FIXED viewer has precisely no concern at all that every reason given by FIXED for invading Iraq was a 100% intentional and obvious falsehood. As for what a sub human can do when outed as a sub human, a sub human will usually grasp any bucket of #### he can and make a false accusation... with precisely no evidence to support the accusation...
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