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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. If Pryor wasn't in the situation he was in and came out to enter this years draft, he would have garnered 2nd round consideration. Because of his situation I think it cost him a couple rounds in the supplemental draft and should be about a 4th round grade. We have to consider that most of the teams that needed a QB addressed their situation in this years draft. This will not only obviously limit Pryor's opportunities, but it also reduced his value. I personally believe he will be a 5-6 round guy now, but at the same time I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that he could be taken in the 3rd for a team that believes in him. I highly doubt anyone will or will have to use a 2nd round or higher pick to get him.
  2. Yet you keep supporting the team. The jokes on you then.
  3. Couldn't disagree more.
  4. Perfectly said.
  5. Who are you talking to?
  6. Once again you don't take the time to read the post. Here it is for the second time. "I think your definition of active and mine are different. I think they'll be active to find depth, but not big ticket free agents." Do you think the free agents you've listed above are building our team? Do you? Or are you going to get caught up in semantics with me again? "Well they are on the team so it is building the team" then I have to say well by build I mean the core players or in other words the best players. This team is going to be built by the draft, it amazes me that you are getting caught up with not being active in Free Agency because we signed Pears.
  7. "Nix believes you use both the draft and free agency to build a team." No he doesn't. He believes in building through the draft. How many times does he have to say it? You haven't been paying attention. Two things that are coming out of the Nix camp are, signing Poz is a priority and to not expect the Bills to be actively involved in free agency. Most recently the Pat Moran article http://www.buffalosportsdaily.com/paul-posluszny-far-and-away-bills-top-priority/. But I guess you know. I think your definition of active and mine are different. I think they'll be active to find depth, but not big ticket free agents. Why do I think that? The GM of the team keeps saying it over and over. And then he acts out precisely what he says.
  8. You make a good point, I should have been more clear that it's my opinion that they know what they are doing. In saying that I'll defend my position. I completely agree with the Nix statement of not being active in free agency. This team needs to concentrate on buiding a core group of players, getting better, and building through the draft. The timing to add components through free agency isn’t now. You’ll always be in rebuild mode if you draft terribly and don’t develop players, always. So it has to start with getting your front office squared away with great leadership and then have him hire people with the ability to do their jobs. Nix is that leader and even better he’s grooming his replacement. If you’ll indulge me, I’ll use fantasy football as an analogy. You draft your team, then you make trades later in the year to strengthen it. The trick is to not do it too soon and give up on a player, etc. But the guy that drafts the best wins every year. It’s the guy that has his 4th round pick explode that wins. Same in real football. The teams that draft the best win. The only caveat to this theory is you MUST find your franshise QB. If the Bills keep up with the build through the draft, sign free agents for depth, and they find they’re franchise QB, then and only then will they become a perennial playoff team. I personally feel that we are in the build through the draft part of this process and therefore think it’s the wrong time to sign big ticket free agents.
  9. I really don't care if you purchase anything. This new regime knows what they're doing. I am glad that they aren't trying to satisfy fans like you by signing free agents this soon in the process. It would only diminish the direction this team is clearly headed. I respect your decision to no longer be a customer and would add I'm glad they aren't catering to customers like you any longer.
  10. If you're hoping the Bills will make you happy with any free agents this off season, you're going to be real disappointed. They've already made it clear they aren't going to do that, and I for one totally agree with them staying out of the market.
  11. I don't know what's more dumb, the post itself or the fact you had to edit it.
  12. I don't know that I agree or disagree, because he looked excellent at guard too. Are you sure you don't feel this way just because he was better than Hangartner?
  13. Right because if he sold the naming rights, you would say he's giving the money to players. You people can't be satisfied. Furthermore, aren't you the one that keeps calling him cheap and greedy? Well than that means he has money and won't spend it, why would he need more from selling naming rights? Fans (loosely used) like you contradict yourself constantly and I find it silly. You're trying to say Ralph is cheap but in turn you're trying to give him ideas to make more money to pay for "shortfalls". Which is it hombre?
  14. We're not missing just one link to success.
  15. Here's the part I liked about him and he did seem like a nice man.
  16. There's no doubt Evans has been a disappointment because of his unwillingness to go over the middle or run any semblance of a crossing pattern. But that doesn't mean he's not being effective in other ways. His speed has to be respected and he's commanding the safeties attention. He's not a superstar receiver and doesn't overcome the attention and still produce. That's the knock on him. But I can assure you his speed and the shifting to his side by the defense is what allowed Johnson to get open more easily. The question remains can the other receivers be what Evans isn't and can they flourish without the attention defenses give him? It's a question not easily answered, but if I had to, I would say the other receivers do not posses these abilities except for the possibility of Easley. Because he has the speed and size. I can tell you straight up I don't think Johnson can handle the double team that a #1 would garner. I don't even think teams would double him, making it even more difficult for his teamates to run free. He doesn't have the speed to threaten the jam with and he isn't overly physical. He doesn't have the best hands to be able to just throw it up and he'll come down with the ball. Let's face it he's a nice player that doesn't posses any elite skills. Our only option to being able to move on without Evans is if Easley develops into that role.
  17. Again I'm not the biggest Evans supporter and certainly think he's been a disappointment since he's been relied upon as our #1 WR. But you are trying hard to sound like you know what you're talking about, but are clearly over your head. You said "Evans and Johnson played nearly every offensive down", that's not factual Evans missed 3 games. You also said "Evans gets soft deep single coverage without a safety over the top". I don't even know where to start with that statement. What does soft deep single coverage mean? Even if you could try and explain a non existing coverage, you're way off. Evans has been getting doubled (whether you want to admit it or not) for 5 years. I'm kind of a dorky and certainly novice that likes to watch a lot of film. Of course my resources are limited because I can only get access to what I can find on the net. But I have hours of film on Evans and you couldn't be more wrong.
  18. Saying the Bills are "Rich at the wide receiver position" is a gross over statement. I think that we have a lot of potential, but that's no where near being in a position to trade our #1 option. I'm not someone that's a huge Evans believer, but I do think he is going to serve as a huge contributor to the young guys getting better.
  19. His/her posts are less than useless. My guess is Scrappy is a teenager without the necessary attention span to read an article like that.
  20. They absolutely do not. I assure you you're the simpleton if you believe that.
  21. Yes I do think Libyans, Kuwaitis, and Egeyptians love their countries. And that's why I'd compare them to fans like you. I think you're both a little coo coo. You were both born into something and love it because of stubborn irrational thoughts. And your love comes from a feeling that you're morally obligated, but down deep you don't, you can't for the reasons you say you hate Wilson. It doesn't make sense to me to love a Country that has treated your ancestors, your current family, and your future family inhumane (but yet they do). It doesn't make sense to me to love a team you think the owner won't let win because of greed (yet you do).
  22. The contradiction that you live in is that you think you're allowed to rant, but when people want to rant back, you don't like it. You say you expected it and it's entertaining in a sarcastic tone as if we should just accept your rant post as truth and not respond. I don't see any posts where you've respected the opposing position, but you think those that disagree with you should. You say you think Ralph has put a subpar product on the field in an effort to only make money well you're going to eat your words when you get "the next guy". The next guy is going to have close to 800 million invested and is going to have to make money above that investment. So if you think burden's on tax payers and ticket holders are high now wait till you see what the next guy is going to have to do to be viable financially. Which is the biggest concern in the argument of whether a team can be kept in Buffalo. Not even close to a proper analogy. The President in this country is elected, the owner of an NFL franchise isn't. Therefore if you don't like the president you can vote in 4 years and actively do something about your displeasure. If you lived in a country where the president wasn't elected and you had to wait until he died for change then your analogy of whether you'd love your country then could be discussed.
  23. I agree with almost everything you've said here. I'm not someone that thinks Ralph is blameless for the losing, but I disperse the blame to who is responsible. I blame the coaches and GM's that haven't gotten the job done by not drafting or developing the players, I blame the players themselves for not producing when I think they should have, and I blame Ralph for being the head of this organization and for making the decisions to hire the people that haven't performed. It's really as simple as that. But for those that think Ralph is conspiring to make as much money as he can while not doing enough to win is frankly thoughtless and baseless.
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