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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. Arthur Blank had the best line I've ever heard in regards to free agency yesterday. He said "you have to be carefull, free agency can be like going to the grocery store when you're hungry. Sometimes that makes you overpay and buy things you don't need."
  2. That's exactly how I feel when you post.
  3. You say a lot of things, most of them stupid. I'm not annointing him, will you take a few seconds and try to stay on point. My post was referring to taking chances on someone like Merriman is our best shot at getting high end talent. Of course it's a risk you knumbskull, but it's a risk a team like the Bills has to take. We don't get top FA's to come. This team needs to build it's core through the draft, win, try and gain some respectability, and then become an attractive landing spot for FA's.
  4. Yeah and you said we shouldn't have taken a chance on Merriman too. You obviously know how to build a winner "over pay for free agents", you truly are the most unreasonable poster on this board. You hate the Bills and I don't understand how legitimize yourself. Wake up. For the most part this team has no choice but to build through the draft. High profile free agents aren't coming here unless we adopt your "over pay" philosophy. So don't you think it's smart that the FO realizes that and adopts the build through the draft philosophy. It's so simple yet going way over your head.
  5. Yet you're dumb enough to think this team shouldn't have a "build through the draft" philosophy.
  6. I think you should start freaking out. This was an excellent move. Let's face it folks, when you have your franchise QB you can go have fun with player movement. For those who have followed any of my posts I'm not a doom and gloom guy, and still am not. I just firmly believe we will compete with the likes of the Pats when we find our own franchise QB, or when Brady is done playing.
  7. I'm interested to know if everyone feels the same about Nix? I personally do. I think he and Chan are on the same page. I'm behind this entire Front Office. I love the "draft em, develop em, win with em" philosophy.
  8. Good point. I should have just said "Nothing would take me away from mine if she was dying." and not the first sentence.
  9. I think he should have been home with his wife. Nothing would take me away from mine if she was dying.
  10. I didn't really have that feeling. When I read the headline and it didn't have the players name, I instantly knew they used that headline to keep interest.
  11. Buddy Nix clearly made this a point of emphasis when he got hired and has reiterated this point all off season. Still some are shocked. They are going to build their core players through the draft.
  12. Who are you to say when someone should or shouldn't be upset? You do realize there are degrees of being upset? And why does something have to have a large effect on my life to agitate me? I know your trying to depict my post as some out of control irate tirade, so for that reason alone you're making yourself look awfully silly. You're the person that needs to chill.
  13. You're maturity should be admired. Especially when you display it by using words like "silly".
  14. I'm not sure if you were insinuating that I am blaming the "players solely", but I certainly don't feel that way about the situation as a whole. I merely stated that I "lean" towards siding with the owners. My post was in regards to my frustration with the most recent comments, not to recap my feelings on the 4 Month saga. Obviously its D-Day, because the owners are ready to lose serious revenue and the fans are at hightened anx because of where we are in regards to time. So to hear the players say they have no time line except their own is particularly frustrating. It gives the feeling they understand the position the owners and the fans are in because of the late hour and are going to take advantage of that. For me it's been the first time I've been upset.
  15. ... for the first time since this whole fiasco has been going on. I'll start my post by saying I tend to lean towards the owners in this contestable debate. Most of my reasoning for siding with the owners is based on my view of business in general. I fully understand the arguement that it's the players that make the NFL go, but I stand firm on that there wouldn't be an NFL without owners. Again I believe this to be true in most business models. If there were just players there would be no NFL, except that owners invest the money to provide the opportunity for the players. In saying that, the reason for my frustration came from hearing several player representatives say "we don't have a timeline". For example Takeo Spike said "There’s no timeline for us and I think the most important thing is we get the right deal, make sure we go through it in its entirety, spread the word, and then we make a vote after that.” To me this is the biggest slap in the fans face to date. Yeah, they don't have a timeline, but the fans do. These statements show me they are completely out of touch with the fans and who is actually responsible for the owners ability to pay them. Furthermore they are selfishly taking advantage of the fans. They know that they don't have any responsibility to win back the fans, it's all on the owners. They will get paid, but it's up to the owners and the NFL to ensure the support of the fans is secured. I understand feeling this way, but to me it's something you don't say with such boldness.
  16. No the jokes not on us, I'm not with you. I couldn't root for a team that I believed the owner won't let win.
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