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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. I'm hardly skirting. But what I will say is, I think black people in general are more athletic than any other people. It's just a gift. You're right I didn't say white athletes are more intelligent, but not because I'm skirting, but because I don't think it's true. I think that white athletes get smarter in areas like QB play as an opportunity to gain an edge, because they often times can't physically compete with the black athletes. I don't give a crap how smart you are, if you aren't as gifted at a position like wide receiver or tailback you have no chance. But at QB there are so many opportunities to work on non physical things, that white athletes gravitate towards that opportunity to be competitive. I don't think black athletes can't do it, I just think they are less interested in that, and gravitate towards the physical. Which is a natural thing. "I'm good at this, I'll keep getting better at this." I think black athletes are enjoying the studying side more and more and that's why your seeing more black QB's. And if the light comes on in the film room with a guy like Newton, it's going to be crazy.
  2. That's a cop out. I'm not saying it should be, but it is. I think there is a concern about black QB's love of the film room and I think that's why white athletes tend to excel at the QB position in the NFL. Again I don't mean that in a condescending way. There's a huge disparity in the amount of black vs white athletes in the NFL, except at the QB - punting - and kicking positions. My theory is that black athletes don't like to punt and kick from an enjoying stand point, and a possible reason for the QB situation is the amount of film room required. Could it be that the black athlete just doesn't enjoy that as much and the white athlete takes advantage of that and uses it to get into the NFL?
  3. Probably, but what's your opinion on the posed questions?
  4. that white players are better Quarterbacks in the NFL? According to Wiki Answers there are 3,867 white athletes vs 11,978 black athletes in the NFL. It's obvious that it's a difficult thing for a white player to compete with black players in the NFL. And it's not just at skill positions. It appears that they only excel at QB play, Kicking, and Punting. No one knows why that is and you could debate that topic all day long. Could it be that white athletes gravitate towards the QB position based on they might enjoy the studying part of the position more than the black athlete? And the white athlete recognizes that as an edge or a way to compete with their more athletic black counterparts. Is that a racist thing to say? I don't think so. Why can't we just talk about the "elephant in the room"? If anyone saw Cam Newton in his under armour at the combine, and you don't think he's the most physically gifted QB in the draft you're crazy. But the questions about him are centered around does he have the mind of an NFL QB. Can he lead a group of Men. Is he as fierce in the film room as he is in the weight room. Does he ENJOY that part of the position? I honestly am not posting this to incite hateful debate, but honest debate.
  5. Man I hate to pile on the poster, but cmon did you really think you were the only one in the history of the NFL draft to think of doing this?
  6. Here's my take in response to the poster. Cam Newton most certainly has handlers that are coaching him for his media time. In my opinion there's one of two things happening. And let me start by saying Cam Newton is self indulged. 1) The advice that he's getting is bad. He and his family may have surrounded themselves with people that think like them. And that the entire camp doesn't get it. Then when it comes time to present, he comes off as arrogant, they get support from certain people and it further entrenches their beliefs. 2) He's getting advice to not come off as arrogant and when it comes time to present, he reverts to his own thoughts and he butchers the media time. Because he's a self promoter and humbleness doesn't come very easy to him. Did you ever meet someone that even when they are trying to be nice, they are an a hole? This is how I view Newton. Even when he tries to smile and act contrite, he sounds like an arrogant person. The guy is not a natural leader and the more he tries the more his self indulgence gets exposed. The question is, is he so good that the leadership isn't needed and play on the field is enough for people to follow him. I am of the thinking that that is not enough in the NFL. I just don't see men like Levitre and Wood following and believing in a guy like Newton. But I believe he would get close to guys like a Desean Jackson type, that want to be "boys" with their QB. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but that I believe that's what a player like Newton is at his core. He's an incredible athlete and a physical specimen. He relies on that coupled with his arrogance as his form of leadership.
  7. Why would you suggest we defer? Run away from a tough decision, I don't think that is the answer. And rarely does one first round draft pick effect a team for 10 years, unless it's a good one, and it benefits a team for 10 years. Which is also just as rare unless its a QB, because often times a player chooses another destination once his talent is realized.
  8. Why does excitement for the uniforms have to be coupled with ignorance? I haven't heard one fan say they believe that the new uniforms will make for a better product on the field. Why can't people criticizing the excitement understand that it's just that, excitement for a new uniform, period. Why is it assumed that most fans are being duped by a marketing ploy from the front office into believing this means more than what it is, nicer uniforms? Furthermore, in my opinion there's nothing wrong with the fan base taking a sense of pride in how our team is represented by how our uniforms look. Every fan would trade uniforms for a contending team. And I don't think it's a ploy for the front office to do this for the fans. Ultimately they need to improve the field product. And I don't think it's fair to assume the front office is using new uniforms in lieu of that.
  9. I agree that he's a nice signing for depth purposes. He's a high character guy that is respected in the locker room. And he added a special team prowess to his repertoire. In saying that, none of these things get me very excited. Wilson took a huge step back from his 2009 campaign as a safety, which should be the measuring stick when talking about the level of excitement. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have him than loose him for all the reasons I mentioned. But this team needs to get better in several areas, one of them is safety, and this signing did little to address that.
  10. Great signing and he is so much better than Whitner. If we keep signing high end talent like Wilson a championship will soon follow.
  11. We aren't alone in "royally screwing up" our 2008 1st round draft pick, so lets go get there screw up and sign him?
  12. I wouldn't call Bledsoe's time here stable. He had a half a year that was outstanding. In my opinion Flutie was what stabilized the team and the franchise for that matter. I believe the Bills would no longer be in Buffalo if it weren't for him.
  13. I think there's a possibility that a conspiracy could be a possibility. That with standing, he should not have handled it that way. I think it shows how he handles pressure. If you start hounding on this guy during practice he's going to blow up. I obviously don't know this young man at all, but he just has that crazed look on his face when he's pissed. I've seen it several times this season.
  14. I love watching Greenway play. I got into a fantasy league where we had to draft defensive players. I played in it the year before last and drafted Greenway. For a guy that doesn't get any attention he is the real deal.
  15. McGahee had me jumping for joy. I thought we got the crazy talented guy we saw in Miami. I'll never forget Donte, I was utterly stunned. The pick came from no where.
  16. I couldn't disagree more. Wilson isn't better than Whitner at anything. The question is how much of a drop off will there be if Wilson is the starter and we don't sign Whitner or a free agent?
  17. I think the most important thing that needs to come out of the 3rd pick overall is, he needs to be a star. This team is so incredibly void of high end talent, it won't bother me who they decide to draft. For instance if we draft A.J. Green, my first thought won't be "well what about our defense?". I will think this is the most talented person they thought was available. The problem with Bills fans is we've drafted so terribly the last 10-12 years, that we're programmed to believe that if we draft a player with our 1st round pick outside of the consensus "need" position we've turned our back on need. Folks we have 2-7 rounds and free agency to address needs as well. I'm for getting the player with the most star potential regardless of position. Obviously if the differential between a need position and non need isn't great enough to differentiate, you go with need.
  18. I think the thing you're not considering is how much credit Gailey should get in Fitz's "turn around". This is not his first year in the league, he hasn't shown anything close to what he displayed this year. There were times when he was awful, lets not forget that. He was most definitely better than what we've seen over the last decade or so, but I think it's an over shot to think Buffalo still doesn't need to be searching for a QB.
  19. I don't think anyone's forgetting. But if you want to discuss football you have to mentally skip over that issue, for the sake of discussion. You could give your response for every thread on every website.
  20. It seems to me if we were leaving our owner would know. In saying that, getting new uniforms - new turf - and on the verge of signing a new lease with the city, aren't exactly signs of a team getting ready to move.
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