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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. If he ever starts an NFL game that would be incredible and he just might due to an injury or something like that. But to assume he'll be a 10 year NFL QB where he's the unquestioned starting QB and he goes to pro bowls, wins divisions/conferences/and a super bowl is lunacy.
  2. Is he the difference between winning the division or not?
  3. I agree. I think there's enough talent for someone to emerge. I also don't think it's prudent to bring in a Vet and still have unanswered questions about our young guys. Now in a year or two if we are contending for the Division or the AFC then you think more about it.
  4. You're right, but the guy that fired Marty for him is. Being a good team is how you get it done now? I'm not debating they've done more than us, but they haven't gotten anything done. They should have, but haven't. I'd argue they are messing up a great thing.
  5. I used to go to Buffalo Rumblings daily, but Brian Galliford seems too snarky to me. He's a talented writter but you can't ever argue with his opinion. He confuses conjecture and facts.
  6. What have the chargers "gotten done"?
  7. Peter King is obviosly a fan of Buddy Nix. I thought Florence's play dropped dramatically last year.
  8. Thank you Marv for finding Fred.
  9. I hate to pile on, but I'd take Hasselbeck in a minute.
  10. I totally agree. Low class decision by the Buffalo News.
  11. How would we draft him in the 3rd round it was yesterday?
  12. This is one of the best posts I've read in a while. Perfectly said and crazy honest.
  13. We've always been relevant to some degree. I think I get you're meaning, but I wouldn't agree with your context. I'd like to say Buddy has given us a chance to be competitive. We haven't done much yet. But optimism should exist, Buddy does deserve that.
  14. What do you mean by "finally learning"? The guy has had 181 NFL attempts. The guy should be a star, and in my mind is already. Give him the ball 200+ times in a season and see what happens, then mix in his catching and he's an all pro.
  15. In order to believe this is a conspiracy I'd have to see every teams schedule broken down.
  16. CJ is going to be a star.
  17. It never gets old remembering how much fun it was having him as our QB.
  18. I think it's reasonable to assume Brady and Belichick will retire with or near each other. In saying that the window is closing. Acquiring draft picks expecially 3rd or 4th round ones to bolster an extremely weak defense seems like a possible reason to trade Mallett.
  19. That's not the genious. The smart thing is they report adding 327,000 new subscribers to their services by offering the NFL ticket free. Lowering the rate is to appease existing customers who would complain new subscribers got it for free. They want us to say what you said "How much were they making if they can lower it 40%, but 40% is sweet". It's not sweet, it's BS. I should get it free not some new comer that hasn't supported you for the last 20 years. I'm the one that has allowed them to give all the free stuff to new customers. That's BS. This is my argument when I call. I tell them look I've been with you when I had to buy the system from Radio Shack and call a guy from the newspaper to come out and install, you then installed and gave the systems to new customers free. I could only watch directv on one tv, I paid to buy the dual LNB so I could watch tv on two tv's and different channels, then you started giving the dual LNB to new customers free. .......... paid for HD DVR receiver, then you gave it free and so on. I'm calling and getting it free.
  20. I don't get the "take something" part. Poor attempt at whatever you were trying to do. I'm just saying it's a hunch I have. Most years there's something unpredictable that happens.
  21. I guess where we disagree is that you're talking about Tannehill being drafted too high as a matter of fact. And that any GM that does that is acting out of deperation. I think the decision is more complicated than that and that an evaluation is done.
  22. Ok but is it a reach if you draft a guy where the experts say to draft him and he doesn't work out? What's the difference? In the end you evaluate a guy, if you think he's a franchise guy you draft him. I promise you pro GM's won't be drafting Tannehill because of pressure.
  23. Yeah that's kind of where I was going with "Who does this sound most like?". I could see those tags being put on Floyd, one of the CB's or Kuechly.
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