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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. Ran into a phins fan at the grocery store here in Charlotte about an hour ago. He sees my Bills shirt and says "we are going to kill you guys tonight". I said you very well might but we're going to take it to that a$$ tomorrow.
  2. I too believe that the "very big if " is "a real possibility". And I also agree that "It would be awesome this time in the first wild card round of playoffs."
  3. You don't think Fitz throwing that interception is a problem?
  4. Yeah I heard that too and rewound to listen again. I think he was just saying he's heard from the Bills, so I don't think anything new.
  5. Do you know who was in the Super Bowl Last year?
  6. So is the "Fitz is good enough - our defense needs to stop Tom Brady argument". Listen to yourself, you're saying it. It's Tom freaking Brady, he beats defenses, all of them, not just ours. To beat them he has to retire or we have to try and find a good enough QB to go up against that caliber of QB.
  7. I get that, but you can't keep using the argument that we score enough to win, when your QB throws a last possesion interception. That's on him.
  8. I by in large agree with the OP with one exception. Spiller is in the game (when it's his series turn) on 3rd and short. It happened a couple of times last game and the one prior. I think they've got to bring Jackson in to either give it to him or play action. The worst scenario is what they're doing, leaving Spiller in and worse giving him the ball.
  9. " In 4 of our losses this year, we scored 28, 28, 34 and 31 points." Yet somehow their QB was able to score more. Why can't ours? Brady's defense gave up 31 points, but they still won.
  10. I'd bet that's not the first time you've used this line.
  11. I'm not so sure broadcasting it is very smart.
  12. The issue isn't Jackson vs Spiller, it's the play calling and strategy. It's obvious they are trying to go Jackson one series and Spiller another. That's all fine, but on that 3rd and short where Spiller got stuffed, I couldn't believe they wouldn't bring in Jackson. He's the much better short yardage guy. But because it was Spillers turn we don't adjust and make the correct strategic call. Second they sprinkle in letting them both be on the field, but they need to do this the majority of the time. Put them both in the backfield, let Spiller break out in motion etc. Lastly when we are near the 20 or inside going to the wildcat just seems to slow any momentum that is building. It rarely results in significant yardage and puts us in 3rd down situations way too often.
  13. Dude you are the first person to respond on 90% of the topics I click on. How the heck do you do that?
  14. I totally agree with you. You can point to any GM and they've drafted or brought in guys that haven't worked out. He's done a good job. It's time for the players and coaches to get it done. But it comes down to the old adage, if you don't have a great QB, you don't have jack crap. I don't care who your linebackers are or your safeties, if your QB isn't really good, you're in trouble. I know there's obviously exceptions, but that's by in large correct.
  15. Easley will have little to no effect on Jones. Jones is the starter and won't get supplanted because a practice squad WR called pulled up.
  16. We all know Fitz can't throw the medium or the long ball. Chan either refuses to take any risks and stays within Fitz capabilities or he's the one that's actually limited and can't find a way to work outside of the intended game plan. I don't know that the fans will ever know these answers but it sure is frustrating to watch.
  17. I wouldn't say Fitz is terribly good at reading defenses. I do agree that any veteren is helpful teaching a rookie the playbook they already know. I don't think most of us on this board know for sure that Gailey's system is so complicated beyond other NFL teams, that's just what we hear. I don't disagree that Fitz will most likely be the starter, but if it's the right guy, he can start right away. There's plenty of examples and more importantly several recent examples that might be considered the new trend.
  18. I understand what you are saying, but what if the right guy is there? So for me it's about who they pick, then we can comment on whether it should have been their decision.
  19. Not only is this funny stuff, but I think it's kind of cool they can have this kind of banter.
  20. Hope everyone that may be effected stays safe. We will be praying for all of you .
  21. Anything can happen, but to think we will win is an irresponsible prediction. Houston is the most BALANCED team in the league. There isn't one area that we have an edge to even argue we would have a chance to win. Again it's possible because the game has to be played and the ball can bounce, but to say we will win with no analysis of how is baseless hope.
  22. They better be working on something to make a new owner want to stay here.
  23. Oh, I thought the board was for football discussion and opinion. Then how many quarts are in a liter?
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