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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. I also think it's a great deal for Philly. I also think the Texans are going to be fine on defense. Dear god I wanted Brooks Reed, I saw him play a few times, he's a star in the making. With Barwin and Watts also they are a nice young group to build around.
  2. But you never give reasoning why this year is the year above other years to trade down. So why is this year the year to do that?
  3. Ehh, you were only like $15 million off.
  4. This is the risk/reward of what I was trying to say. I just think the pursuit of a championship QB gives you an opportunity to get one. I believe the Bills have tried and have made moves to get them. My point was we give our QB's the benefit of the doubt a season or two too long.
  5. What I think can be learned is an unending search for the QB that can win a championship. Denver is a team that doesn't stop searching. Another example is Seattle. They trade for Whitehurst, it doesn't work out, they go get Tavaris, that doesn't work they trade for Flynn. The 49ers don't care how Alex Smith cares, they draft Kaepernick and pursue Manning. Cardinals trade a very good corner and a second round pick for Kolb, they pursued Manning. I think the Bills resting their future on Fitz is a mistake. He's not a super bowl champion type QB, the sooner we the FO admits that and takes advantage of the team we are building the better. It's just my opinion, but I think the days of giving Buffalo QB's 2 extra years to prove what we can easily see has to be over.
  6. I don't see them moving Mario to the right side. Kelsay is going to have to move, which in my opinion is going to be major challenge.
  7. So you want us to cut two defensive lineman, to sign a mystery offensive lineman? What lineman in the draft would make our line a monster?
  8. Brilliant! And who is this mystery "best OFFENSIVE TACKLE" you speak of? Is it Bell? And oh yes, we should do this so we don't waste a pick on an offensive tackle. What strategy does our FO have wasting picks on lineman?
  9. What? Absolutely not, and I think I speak for most Bills fans. But I'll let them tell you.
  10. I'm as excited as anyone about all the hoopla surrounding MW, but we are farther away from a playoff team than a pass rusher, even with one of the best currently in the game. I'm still unconvinced about Fitz, and I blame his play for my opinion. Remember we haven't added one offensive player and I've seen him play with these guys last year, not good.
  11. I'll agree that Kelsay played decent last year, but he's been mediocre his entire career. He also didn't benefit playing with Schobel. I'd also submit that I don't necessarily think we should cut him, but he is going to have to switch primarily to the right side. For a guy that wasn't impactful on the left side where he's played his whole career, I think switching is going to present a huge problem, especially when you consider the Left Tackle is usually the opponents best lineman. For these reasons (not because I'm rooting for it), I think Kelsay is going to struggle to stay on the team.
  12. Exactly, I can't believe folks don't remember. How anyone could want him back vs even Levitre stepping in is beyond me.
  13. Yeah, Tebow and Ponder didn't have questions surrounding them.
  14. What? Who said Merriman would get Williams type of money? Mario's contract wasn't a hit to our cap? 26 million is going towards the cap in the first year, pretty big "hit". I have no idea what you are talking about.
  15. This has been discussed over and over and over and over. What are you confused about when asking do you guys think he'll come?
  16. We don't get $30+ million every year. We have impending free agents to extend namely Wood, Levitre, and Byrd. And we have to sign our draft picks.
  17. No, we need to save the money to extend our impending free agents.
  18. I can totally understand what you're saying. But consider Bell's point of view, I got drafted in the 7th round, worked my butt off and turned myself into a good tackle, I get hurt in the line of duty so you offer me a ridiculously low contract. So I'm only in your plans if I concede to your offensive offer(no pun intended)? Bye. I'm not saying that is what happened, but what if it did?
  19. So you want to say goodbye to Levitre, Wood, and Byrd for Allen?
  20. I'm not sure any of this hasn't been discussed and debated.
  21. I agree, how can you fault a guy for trying to find out what he's worth on the open market. Especially when it's a soft FA class for LT's. All signs point to him getting a very good contract.
  22. Ok, so will you agree now that the idea of not extending Fred should be considered, and to use the money elsewhere ie Levitre, Byrd, and Wood.
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