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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. Why do you get so angry so quick? I was hoping you read this because it's what I wanted to say in the other thread. The poster just said it perfectly. Did I say you said QB wasn't important? Gosh man, "throwing your name around"?
  2. Do you think they still believe it's the defense's fault?
  3. I hope Simon reads this because this is exactly true. When you have a QB somehow the rest of the team is better, even your LB's.
  4. Guess what? Jim Kelly is good news for the Buffalo Bills. You should be thanking your lucky starts he gives a crap about Buffalo and this team.
  5. I doubt you could know that. I'm not saying he's not a problem, but if Peyton was our QB we'd have 11 wins, and it would be just a matter of do we have a good enough defense to win it all.
  6. This statement is so immature. Kelly has done some unbelievable work for kids with Leukodystrophy dissorders.
  7. I don't know enough about defensive scheming to comment specifically on whether Wanny is or isn't doing the right thing, and I don't think the broadcast of the game allows fans to see the whole field enough for anyone that does know to comment accurately. In saying that a large part of the game is passion, emotion, and interest. This is evident in the playoffs when you see defenses ramp up the intensity and in some cases play better than they have throughout the year. I know that the money these guys made should be motivation enough, blah blah blah. We have talent and you can't say that in order to be an NFL or college coach you must know an awful lot about football. To me the driving force of an NFL team is the QB. I'd argue all day long with anyone that if we had a QB worth his salt, this team would be very good. I know it's been said at nauseum, but it's all this team needs.
  8. I bet this doesn't sit well with his fellow ex player contributors on ESPN. Hope he gets torched for it. If they don't shame on them too.
  9. You're a hero to all of us. Welcome home and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
  10. Thank goodness someone finally mentioned Vick. I've been holding it inside and no one else would say it.
  11. I can't stand Bomani. I won't even click on the link.
  12. Yeah it would be another on a long list of crazy trades Buddy has made. Will we ever stop settling for mediocrity?
  13. Pretty good read. I can see that being absolutely true. For as crazed and outrageous as Ryan seems, you can see that loyalty to a fault in him too.
  14. Kyle Moore isn't depth, he's a starter in this league. My guess is he gets a nice offer we can't afford.
  15. Chan is a good coach just not a good head coach, so you want him to bring in an offensive coordinator so he can do something he's not good at?
  16. I'm sick of him saying he doesn't want to play in a city like Buffalo.
  17. But you don't have any evidence he can't do the job, just as those that think he can don't. I just wouldn't underestimate someone's ability when it's something they're passionate about. Clearly Jim loves the city and the team. Jim clearly has a decent sense of business. He's a very respected man in and around the NFL. I think it's possible he could do a good job as has been shown in many different sports i.e. Lemieux, Nolan Ryan, Elway. I can promise you one thing, he's much more than some dingy jock that we should use to wave at the crowd.
  18. I have no idea if Kelly is capable of running an NFL team, but to say he's never shown leadership acumen on or off the football field is inaccurate.
  19. Draft Zac Dysert in the second round.
  20. "Aw I don't know Pete, you looked pretty happy when it happened...... do you pinky swear that you regret the fake punt?"
  21. I would hope we could get more than just RG3 or Cousins for Fitz. There would have to be a high draft pick offered also.
  22. I stopped reading after this, kinda creepy.
  23. And then you would be mad at him for not spending to the cap.
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