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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. I'm going to beat DC Tom now at his own game, so before he gets here. I'm an idiot
  2. I said all felonies warrant consideration Chef because I was not about to try and seperate which ones should warrant removal and which ones would not. Let the players inducted into the HOF decide.
  3. All Felony offenses warrant consideration IMO Let living HOFers vote on it, because they are really the ones that have to put up with it the most.. If the vote goes above 50% wanting a removal, majority rules
  4. On our wall of fame, that is where the line should be drawn. Its an honor to be on a wall of fame, just likes its an honor to be in the HOF. Why should our HOFers be tarnished by thugs? Its not fair to the players that go on to lead mormal, productive lives in society IMO. What kind of example do we set for our children by honoring criminals?
  5. The National Football Leagues new stiff consequences for Domestic violence may open up an avenue for taking things one step further by also penalizing retired NFL players for being involved in Domestic violence or other more serious criminal acts after their careers are finsihed. Players like OJ Simpson should not be in the Football HOF or on the Bills wall of fame IMO. Something should be done about it and perhaps nows the time to do it. What say ye my fellow Bills fans?
  6. I would also like to thank one of the special folks we have here on TBD that is not your every day run of the mill posters, thanks mill, for all the words of wisdom that you have given me, We love you man
  7. Duck rides his mancow boyst into the arena and the crowd goes wild,
  8. I didn't say I had all the bugs worked out yet...
  9. sorry, I'm not privy to discuss this with you in detail...
  10. When I get my anti gravity device finsihed, I need a genuis like you to drive it. The electro magnetic blast sequence will need to be balanced out in a hurry , or you may fly off in one direction, never to be seen again, I hate it when that happens...
  11. Its called me time, or as beer calls it, "hes jus getten figgy wit it" and I like me very much thank you so whos studying who now?
  12. Touche, Monsieur Pussycat!!!
  13. T & C got me two, hahaha np man, its been a few years I thought we were friends!!!!
  14. I wanted to...
  15. well said mill, thanks for doing such a great job everyone Note: Its the start of the new season, and it looks like BB.com forums might be about to fold IMO. TBD may have an increase of new posters joining, some good, some bad. Lets try to be on our best behavour to help our site/mods with the heavy flow of traffic that could be headed our way soon. This is our online Bills community, and its up to all of us to help keep this site running smooth.
  16. no desperation, and no pics exchanged so sorry to dissapoint you guys, and After further review, I'll borrow a few words from DC Tom, AZBackers an idiot lol, come onto our site claiming he just blasted mods on his last site, great job man, thats one way to get our mods attention I don't know this guy
  17. thanks man, Cheers
  18. Nobody has been banned/deleted because of it that I know of, but I noticed my past posts and threads have been erased because I was going to show AZbacker a conversation we had a few years back and all the past history of the site seems to be completely gone. I think someone tried to cover up evidence of all the crap thats been going on. (T&C)
  19. hey man, I've been studying you closely and I know the opposite of a great poster I don't post there very often, but I figured you remebered me getting banned as dog14787 (arguing with Diesel mechanic) I used to live in Phoenix If any of that helps ring a bell. Seemed like you told me a story of never seeing a rattle snake, or maybe it was a scorpion while living in Arizona going to school. Just tumbleweeds and cactus... we were friended up at one time, but oh well, I guess I didn't leave a lasting impression, lol
  20. thanks Jack BB.com is an embarrassment to the Buffalo Bills IMO, maybe they could hire SDS as a consultant.
  21. Hows it going AZ, dog14787/Figster here, good to have you aboard my bills Brotha! You will find TBD is a much better place to post. AZ is a great poster fellas Note: I wonder If there is any way SDS could volunteer becoming the new Buffalo Bills Official web site. TBD is by far the better site.
  22. By not drafting another signal caller the current regime sent a strong message IMO, the Buffalo Bills bilieve in EJ manuel and intend on staying the course with EJ Manuel. Kyle Orton is brought in to back EJ Manuel up
  23. Can we please do something about removing OJ from the wall! Its bad karma
  24. Happy Birthday young lady! (since mill forget to say it) We all love you girl!
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