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Donald Duck

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Posts posted by Donald Duck

  1. This helmet to helmet rule is getting way out of hand and in my opinion its practically impossible in some instances to make a play without going helmet to helmet. When a player goes to make a tackle at extremely high speeds its hard for a player to make sure his head isn't in the way. Tackles are made with shoulders and arms so its inevitable the head becomes a problem on a high tackle. I'm not sure what officials are expecting a defensive player to do and I'm seeing what should be called a normal hit/tackle get called for a penalty more often then not. QB's can't be hit low, yet when the defense goes high on the QB it increases the chance of helmet to helmet and I've seen way to many tackles called for penalty's that shouldn't be and its hurting the game.


    I've mentioned ways to increase the protection of the helmet in the past by taking the stripes down the center and the teams logo and making them elevated above the hard shell of the helmet with a softer material which would cushion the impact on contact. Whats causing most of the problem is the hard shell of the helmet connecting with the hard shell of another helmet causing a whiplash affect. The inside padding does very little to prevent this, padding on the outside on the other hand would cut down the impact/whiplash considerably.


    Hard shelled helmets with no outside protection is the biggest cause of head injury in my opinion and a softer helmet on the outside will go a long way in eliminating the problem.


    Note: This thread was meant not only to identify a problem that will never go away, but to offer up a solution that would help protect the players. Helmet to helmet rule gives the offense an unfair advantage in my opinion. RB's lead with their head, everyone leads with their head for that matter, and unless you want to cut the heads off the players it will never change

  2. I thought Garrard's contract was one of the craziest NFL contracts ever when he got it.


    Del Rio has been told that if he doesn't make the playoffs, he's fired. Now he's got to do it with McKown/Gabbert? He's a goner.



    Blaine Gabbert is the QB of the future in Jacksonville,the writing was on the wall for Garrard.


    This move solidifies the position of Jags HC Del Rio in my opinion.

  3. Or, maybe he just needed to get hit like that more frequently. His best game as a NFL QB was the next one after that "fateful day in Arizona."



    You know there is something to say about cumulative hits working differently for different players. The fearless LB mentality of Jim Kelly that's often spoke of could have been brought on more from high impact collisions/ numerous concussions suffered out on the Football field then anything.


    What erks me about Trent Edwards is why in hell is he afraid to throw the football? The mans not afraid to stand in there, but he refuses to take a chance at making a mistake, WTF, is this something DJ has brainwashed into him? Its hard to win in this league Trent so protect the football at all cost...


    Throw the Football Trent or retire, DAMN!!!

  4. I know Thigpen arrived late considering the start to Free Agency this year, but so far, he looks horrible. I'd feel more comfortable with Levi Brown as the #3 and Brad Smith as the #2 backup. Brown has led some scoring drives in the last 2 games, while Thigpen looks worse than Brian Brohm.


    Levi Brown knows the Offense, knows the players, and is finally starting to show some progress playing under HC Chan Gailey.


    Thigpen reminds me of a ballet dancer and whats worse,twinkle toes doesn't even have his dance moves down pat. How in the hell this guy is expected to lead our football team is beyond me.


    Get this Rob Johnson looking Peter pan piece of crap out of here!!!

  5. The sad thing is... all the pundits predicted us to suck last year, and guess what, we did.


    I don't want to believe this guy, but frankly until the Bills go out there and win some games, I don't see how anyone can blame the media for not believing in us.


    Its a what have you done for me lately world we live in, and when you haven't done anything in over a decade it becomes a gimme. So no, we can't blame the media for not believing in the Buffalo Bills, why should they because until we actually start winning football games its the same old story. Bills play hard, good effort, come close some times, might even win a game or two against some of the weaker opponents, that's about it.


    but now its time to turn the page...

  6. How many of the turnovers were a result of tipped passes, dropped passes and bad blocking? If we are going to blame Fitzpatrick we need to make sure we only blame him for specific turnovers to be accurate for accuracy's sake.



    touche :pirate:


    But this was not your argument. You said, "I just showed you a direct correlation between winning football games/Championships and winning the give away take away battle. Fitz gives you the turnovers without the TD's needed to over come them."


    I just proved you wrong by citing last years stats. Fitz didn't turn the ball over more than he scored TD's in 2010 and from the stats I showed from some of the most prominent QB's in the history of the game, there is no reason to believe that trend will suddenly reverse in 2011/12.


    As far as I'm concerned, your argument is busted.



    If it makes you happy



    Note: anyone that participates much in the shoutbox knows I have had high praise for Ryan Fitzpatrick this preseason. I'm also very optimistic Fitzpatrick is about to have the best season of his pro career. For those of you who tried to convey as much... I hear you...and its nice having fans stand up for our QB...

  7. INTs become mute when a team is winning.. I dont necessarily agree. Its not Fitzpatricks fault that the team is losing. Its the defense that couldn't stop the run last year or force any turnovers. If you put Fitzpatrick on a team with a defense like the steelers, he would probably be an 11 game winner.



    Do you care If Fitzpatrick throws an INT If he beats the Pats?

  8. Really? All I see is a guy carrying a pitchfork and a flaming torch. You haven't made a single argument here except that Fitz sucks and he turns the ball over too much and as a result the Bills will suck. I think I have just shown you that Fitz had a very respectable td to int ratio last year. As history has shown in the stats I provided, most QB's turn the corner around their 3rd or 4th year as a starter. Some longer, depending on the quality of the team around them. You are using career stats to justify a very weak argument. There is no reason to believe that Fitz won't continue to improve as a QB this year and will do an even better job scoring TD's and limiting INT's... well, except in your world.





    If you expect me to express my beliefs, then back down from them, its not happening. Prove me wrong and I'll be the 1st to admit it.


    Nobody is going to convince me giving the ball up 20 times in 13 games is a good thing and I'm willing to bet Fitzpatrick and Chan Gailey would tell you the same thing, coaches preach about protecting the football...

  9. Just curious, how high does a QB's TD/INT ratio have to be for you to consider them a decent NFL quarterback. How high for a good NFL quarterback?



    I think its partly the QB's role as a leader, to try to set a good example, especially when it comes to some of the more important aspects of football like TOP, and not giving your opponent extra chances to score against you.



    To answer your question Billshody, the INT's become a mute point If the team is winning


    You spin the stats to make your argument. Try this on for size... most QB's take time to develop. QB's rarely have a profound impact in their first few years.


    Year TD INT


    Ryan Fitzpatrick

    2008 8 9

    2009 9 10

    2010 23 15


    Drew Brees

    2002 17 16

    2003 11 15

    2004 27 7


    Troy Aikman

    1989 9 18

    1990 11 18

    1991 11 10

    1992 23 14


    Terry Brandshaw

    1970 6 24

    1971 13 22

    1972 12 12

    1973 10 15


    Joe Namath

    1965 18 15

    1966 19 27

    1967 26 28

    1968 15 17


    Steve Young

    1985 3 8

    1986 8 13

    1987 10 0

    1989 8 3

    1990 2 0

    1991 17 8

    1992 25 7

    1993 29 16

    1994 35 10


    Look how long it took Steve Young to develop. Yeah, he sucked!


    You can spin stats to suit just about any argument, get off your bashing bandwagon and enjoy our Buffalo Bills!




    As I told Coach earlier, of this I have no argument, I'm hoping Fitz will get better and I'm rooting for Fitzpatrick to get better...

  10. Except that you're not really debating. There have been like 5 or 6 very good counter-arguments and explanations in response to your point, and instead of dealing with them, you just keep repeating yourself. If you refuse to allow yourself to become convinced by someone else's argument, than you're wasting everyone's time (esp. your own) trying to stir up a "debate."



    Honestly Coach, I've had one good response in defense of Ryan Fitzpatrick in my opinion, and it was your post.


    I've never said this was all Fitz's fault, and acknowledged the rest of the teams participation in the Net -17 a long time ago.


    This was a thread meant for debate on a topic I thought stuck out for the Buffalo Bills/fans, as we are ranked dead last in the give away/take away department.

  11. Seriously dude, go root for Trent Edwards and the freaking Raiders. We just went through four BUTT UGLY years of a guy not willing to take chances.


    I'll be damned if I sit back and watch an idiot poster try to make our starting QB into a snotty-nosed little gunshy wimp.


    Turnovers happen, they happened with Kelly and they'll happen with Fitzpatrick. I suggest that you either deal with this reality or go root for a team that has Trent Edwards starting on it.



    Stop trying to turn this into something personal how about it. I started the thread for debating purposes, If you don't like it, find another thread to cry on...

  12. That post wasn't intended to indicate any of what you wrote. It was in response to the OP claiming that the TD/Int ratio was such an important stat. It was sarcasm to illustrate how using a single stat in a vacuum is ridiculous.



    TD to INT ratio are two of the most important aspects of a signal caller in the NFL. Score points and don't turn the ball over, keep your job. Don't score points and turn the ball over, lose your job

  13. Why single out Fitz, Figgy?


    Expanding this incredible analysis to other teams, you'll find that the NY Jets posted a turnover differential of +9, even though Sanchez threw for 17TDs, 13 Ints and 1 lost fumble, in 16 games. Eli Manning 31 TDs, 25 Ints and 5 fumbles lost in 16 games, Giants -3 differential. Sam Bradford 18 TDs, 15 Ints and 2 fumbles lost, ST. Louis +5 differential. David Garrard 23 TDs, 15 Ints and 4 fumbles lost, Jacksonville -15 differential. Why aren't these guys included in the ugly?


    You want to see ugly? Check out Henne, Hasselbeck, McNabb, Favre or any of Cleveland's Arizona's or Tennessee's QB by committee. Each of their respective teams had better turnover differentials despite their QBs pitiful play.


    Truth is, Fitz's stats put him in the middle of the pack. The only thing your stats prove is that our defense was the worst in the league. Is this your new crusade Fig? Defending Trent got old, so come back under a new name to crucify Fitz with an incredibly slanted sample of statistics and absurd conclusions? Phillip Rivers threw for 30 TDs, 13 Ints and 2 lost 2 fumbles, but San Diego finished -6 in differential. I suppose he fits into your Bad category?


    Never said there wasn't more ugly out there, but it doesn't mean Fitz doesn't need to improve upon himself when it comes to turning the football over to the opposition.


    Oh good God! Give it a break, Fig! :rolleyes:



    Good issue to debate, and why I started a thread

  14. Very well written post and response. Followed ofcourse by nothing of substance, by the OP.

    The first post definitely postulated that the major cause of the Bills being the worst in the turnover department, was Fitz. Fitz is not the most accurate of QBs and does not have an elite arm. But, by jove, he maximizes what he has to work with. I would love to see how he performs if he is given a couple of extra seconds in the pocket.



    Fitz is the biggest contributing factor to the poor give away take away ratio, and the posters so called well written response, is false. Nobody handles the football more or is more prone to turnovers then the QB.


    Turning the Football over at the most inopportune time is another problem of Ryan Fitzpatrick's that needs to be corrected.


    The bolded part is correct, the OP will see it sometime we hope.


    OP acknowledged the defenses participation a long time ago

  15. How dare you use logic, reason, good judgment and common sense in a post on this board? You, sir, should be banned.


    Yes, the arguments morphed faster than the wonder twins on a staurday morning cartoon. What I took issue with was blaming the defense for Fitz not playing better and cherry picking a career year (not even a complete year) for fitz and comparing it again career statistics for other players. Apples and oranges. Cheers to you for presenting a logical argument. It wasn't my intent to argue to OP's original point, which does have some holes in it. :beer:



    Ignoring Fitz's 20 turnovers in 13 games seems logical on a thread about give away/ take away, Wheres the logic in that?

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