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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. I've been driving all night, my hands 're wet on the wheel
  2. Ya, I didn't see that comming, really tugged at your heart when Bohannon had to take his best friend down. Figured bringing Elam back from the bear attack it would get him back into the story line. The shootout Bohannon's old military buddy had was crazy.
  3. I'm going to make one last comment before I leave this thread alone. I can agree with someones generalization without agreeing to everything he or she has in a post. I don't appreciate getting called out for nothing.
  4. sigh, it is pretty sad, i agree
  5. I'll post the same thing I just shouted, Its a mans game, in a mans world, don't take away the only contributions that allow woman to take part in the game. Its tradition to have cheerleaders at NFL home games, and not just NFL home games, almost all football home games. It should remain tradition IMO...
  6. Well I think its sad nobody wants to stand up for something thats part of the Buffalo Bills and football tradition. Myself personally, I love beautiful woman, especially when they are wearing Bills colors and cheering our team on.
  7. Cost, Do you think Cheerleaders make tons of money? How about the advertising the Jills do for the team? This is an embarrassment to the Buffalo Bills and it needs to be taken care of IMO
  8. Cheerleading is a part of football IMO and with new ownership perhaps the Bills and Jills can come to terms with the past and reunite.
  9. Is There Anybody Out There?
  10. I shot the sheriff
  11. The problem IMO isn't so much about the severity of the punishment and how Goodell handled the whole situation. The problem is If Goodell is caught in a lie/and or cover up, his credability goes down the tubes IMO.
  12. I think it may have been more harbaugh asking the commish for a little help keeping a lid on it to protect the image of the NFL. Harbaugh says I seen it, its not good, we don't want to air it. (again, I'm just speculating and don't have anything at all of any real substance.)
  13. Do you honestly think in a cover up that we can believe everything we are hearing? Now who's being naive?
  14. How does a voice answering a phone guarantee anything? how about a name? Call should be traceable, how about the number?
  15. Pure speculation , but its very possible Harbaugh himself recieved the tape IMO. Explains GM and ownership staying clear and how someone from the NFL could have recieved the tape without Goodell himself actually looking at it. Again , all speculation on my part
  16. Don't bogart that joint my friend
  17. Buddy you're a boy make a big noise playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day
  18. Myself personally, Brandon was instrumental in bringing Marrone and Company to Buffalo, and hes also done a good job marketing the Buffalo Bills IMO. I hope Russ Brandon is retained in some capacity.
  19. I'm behind this 100% I wonder If locking and archiving real old threads might help then SDS Posters don't need access to hundreds of old, open threads IMO ( they just want dirt on me)
  20. Would logging into the shoutbox independentely help matters ? I'm just speculating but it seems like the shoutbox has grown very popular. Is it possible the heavy shoutbox usage is slowing down the sites overall performance?. Myself personally, I spend most of my time in the shoutbox and don't have to be logged into the actual forums 24/7 Deano might have some good ideas...
  21. Getting Off to a fast start by beating the Bears on the road would be a huge confidence builder for the Buffalo Bills. Feeling positive vibes today, I hope its a good sign. Go Bills !!!
  22. hey man, I was 1st calling myself an idiot, So how I ended up behind you is what I want to know
  23. The biggest reason I became attracted to football and the Buffalo Bills at an early age. My late Dad and older bro used to hoot and holler louder then I ever seen them yell watching this number 32 fella run up and down the field. Nobody could seem to catch him, I seen him run through airports jumping over seats to make his flight. Always had this big , beautiful smile that would light up a room. My childhood hero, O.J. Simpson
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