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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. I understand Obama's strategy in his attempt to put the US in a different light in the hopes of obtaining world peace through diplomacy. The apology tour comments however by Romney really hit home and in my opinion the final straw that broke the horses back.
  2. Using a time table of American troop withdrawls for political gain puts lives at risk in my opinion and its not something that should be announced to our enemies. Out of sight, out of mind, Don't worry, be happy...
  3. Russ Brandon as acting GM did more damage to the organization in my opinion then any other person in the history of the Buffalo Bills. The Bills are still trying to recover from it...
  4. Tig getting bit in the ass was funny as hell
  5. stop...just stop... whatever man, well block me then
  6. I hear this a lot, but the truth is the majority of the football teams out there unlike the Buffalo Bills are fairly well set at the QB position and a high profile QB like Young simply does not fit into their plans. Do the Patriots need a high profile QB? Bronco's? 49ers? Steelers? Cowboys? Giants? Texans? I mean I could keep going , but you get the point. The only reason VY is not in Buffalo right now is Chan Gailey loves him some Fitzy. Gaileys sense of loyalty for his current signal caller's (Fitz and Thigpen) have become an obstacle for this organization and Buddy Nix needs to remedy the problem.
  7. Yup, very realistic and well done.
  8. hehe, twas
  9. My favorite show, some hard corp ****, love the twists and turns it keeps taking to up the intensity. wow, worse then just dead, dead and going down, down, down from the sounds of it
  10. The Official site for the Buffalo Bills should be a site with some integrity. TBD is well managed and doesn't tolerate BS. BB.com is moron infested from the inside out...
  11. Two Bills Drive is by far the best Bills football forum on the internet and in my opinion should be the Buffalo Bills Official Website. I would like to say something in defense of Billszone. Everyone knows how much controversy the Figster is capable of stirring up and I rarely go a day without disagreeing with another poster. Its safe to say the Figster enjoys a difference of opinion and likes to debate/argue sometimes. I don't come to this site to read sugarcoated posts and much prefer hearing both the Pro's and Cons to every football game regardless of the outcome. Anyway, I have always been treated with respect on Billszone and find the posters there are very similar to posters here on TBD. BB.com on the other hand is a disgrace/embarrassment and the site any sane person wants to avoid.
  12. whinning about whiners should be frowned upon in this establishment
  13. Big fan of McKelvin (wouldn't mess with that) Myself personally, I'm more for the idea of bringing up Marcus Easley off the practice squad.
  14. The way I understand it is the hand was already empty when Fitzpatricks hand started to go forward so it was called a fumble. Players actual momentum in the direction they were moving could propel the football so you can't just go by the trajectory of the football.
  15. Even when you want to use Youngs season with the Eagles as an example, he beat not just a winning football team, a team that went on to become Superbowl Champion. Do you think winning 1 game out of 10 like our starter did finishing out the season was better? At least Young had an excuse, new to the Offense, no training camp or preseason to gel with his teammates. whats Fitzpatricks excuse? The Bills handling of Vince Young showed the same total lack of consideration for what it means to the player as the handling of Trent Edwards. Just tossed away like a piece of trash...
  16. Not sure about the rumors and I suppose you could make that accusation about anyone. What I do know is Vince Young has become a father figure /mentor for the late Steve McNair's children. The way I see it, under different circumstances had Young been brought in with the hopes of finding a starter there is no way any coach with brains pulls the plug after one bad performance against the best Defense in the League. Especially when you have a whole training camp and 2 previous games in the preseason in which Young performed well. Ryan Fitzpatrick's QB rating against the same Steeler football team was 55. Its what the Steelers do, they make Offenses look bad, just ask Sanchez. Chan Gailey sent Young packing to avoid a QB controversy because Gailey loves him some Fitzy. It is what it is...
  17. Great way to bounce back Bills! Gailey Game plan! Go CJ!!!
  18. I wasn't as impressed with the 2nd show, seemed a bit to staged, but ya, the 13 y.o. had a great voice.
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