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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. With all due respect, whos going to be a much better football player for a team thats been searching for a signal caller for over a decade. Nassib can step in and run the Offense and eliminate the big learning curve. Ryan Nassib is good at distributing the football and allowing his playmakers to make plays. If you would take Nassib at #41 then why wouldn't you take him at 8 when hes not going to be there at # 41. Its always boggled my mind how someone could rationalize a QB he would take in the 2nd would not be acceptable in the 1st. If you think hes the guy that can get the job done then you don't take any chances. I wouldn't anyway...
  2. We'll perhaps the future Raiders vs Bills might give us a chance to rehash this again on the Grid iron one day, my moneys on Nassib...
  3. Since we're on the subject, and ya, I probably did piss Deano off more then a fella should Where is the Dean?
  4. In the pin stripe bowl Nassib adapted more easily to the windy/bad weather conditions where as Geno looked like a fish out of water for lack of a better word. We all know how windy/bad the weather can be in Buffalo, rated the number one worse place to play in the NFL when it comes to weather. Both QB's struggled completing passes but Nassib was throwing with more velocity/accuracy in my opinion and it showed.
  5. I understand the point your making because we just went through it with Ryan Fitzpatrick and Chan Gailey. Gailey loved him some Fitzy right out the door. On the other hand though its not always the case because there are coaches that base their decisions on whats best for the football team. I wanted to draft Ryan Nassib on his own merit before ever knowing Marrone was coming to Buffalo to become the Bills next HC.
  6. Its very likely in my humble opinion Ryan Nassib will get picked 8th overall just to avoid another team from drafting him ahead of us, and the new regime will still be breathing a sigh of relief, I know I will be, Lets see who's closer to being correct...
  7. I want to keep this video handy for anyone that wants to post BS about Ryan Nassib. If you can watch this video and still say Nassib has a noodle arm, or doesn't have enough speed or pocket awareness to be successful behind center, then more power to you. but its simply not true...
  8. We'll this is what you posted in response to Dr Trooths post: "Comparing Wilson's collegiate body of work, to some 8-5 scrub, who's slower than molasses, and owns the personality of cardboard is wrong in ways yet to be discovered by science. You should really track down some footage of Wilson's college games... Sounds to me like you haven't seen any." Again, where is the collegiate body of work comparison? or are you just looking for anything you can disagree with/ be negative about concerning Ryan Nassib
  9. Although Russell Wilson may be considered short by most when measured from head to toe, Oppossing defenses will swear to you they faced a giant on the Grid Iron the day he beat them
  10. So by saying Russell Wilson was passed up by every NFL Football team, and not just once, where is this collegite body of work comparison you speak of? All Dr Trooth was pointing out is just because a QB may not live up to every standard a fan or even scout/football team may put upon them, their are things that can't be measured by stats like leadership and heart.
  11. Comparing Nassib to Fitz is just wrong on so many levels. I posted a video of Nassibs ability to make his reads and deliver the football with Brady like precision and its like you didn't even look at it. Maybe you didn't. As long as Marrone realizes what he has in Nassib and I'm sure he does, its all that really matters...
  12. Wheres Dr Trooth when you need him
  13. weaker arm dome QB, lol, brilliant
  14. My moneys on Nassib
  15. Russ Brandon getting fired or playoffs
  16. Nix? or Russ Brandon? Or how about both...
  17. Man I tried to pass on what I thought was a good deal until I determined the good deal may not be so good after all. Are the insults really neccessary? Go crawl back under the rock you crawled out from under how about it.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVOEpcvzslc&feature=player_embedded
  19. Awesome tune, Whispering Pines is one of my all time favorite songs , love Johhny Horton
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