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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. I asked him what he meant eh, and did I ask him if he liked me as a poster. You need to go back and look at Jose's original response to another poster and then tell me why I deserved to be singled out and called a crusader. what are we just making stuff up as we go along now...
  2. whatever man, I was called a crusader myself for posting a video on the guy so folks can decide for themselves, Now would you call that a negatve post or a positive one?
  3. The impression I've gotten is many Bills fans would like to draft Nassib in round two and the poll proves nothing as far as your comment goes in my opinion. You posted most Bills fans who post here don't even want to draft the guy. Another thing Jose, you call me out for crusading because I was posting video so folks can see for themselves, yet you come onto a Nassib thread and continue to post negative comments against him and his fans. Myself personally, seems like common sense would tell you if the athletes local (or close to it) he will in all likelyhood draw fans(sell tickets) to watch him play for Buffalo. So whos the crusader?
  4. Just because some folks may have a preference over Nassib in round 1 does not mean the same voters would not want to draft Ryan Nassib. Geno Smith is not even going to be available at 8 in my opinion. If Genos gone, how many of those same fans would be OK with Nassib?
  5. Most Bills fans you say, and you know this how? Or do you mean a selective few who think they know everything? Great idea, start a poll. I continue to believe Nassib will get drafted by the Bills and he will sell tickets because Nassib is going to help turn this franchise around.
  6. There has to come a point where the occupational hazard becomes acceptable for the games sake because If we continue down the path we're on the game of football as we know it will no longer exsist. Having worked heavy construction/Nuclear for many years in the past head injurys are no stranger to me. I've been knocked out cold because a worker above me dropped something by accident. Its part of the job, goes with the territory, and I can guarantee you I'm making a lot less money then a proffessional Football player. Helmet/head rules have gotten out of hand. You are asking athletes to do things that don't come natural. As a RB getting lower to the ground in many instances requires leaning your body forward and the lowering of the head. These athletes are moving at a high rate of speed and don't have time to compute and deliever what you are asking them to deliver. Defense can't predict where the Offensive players head is going to end up and the same goes for a RB. Focus on the better helmet, the better neck protection. Incorporate liquid padding somehow into the protective wear. God in his infinite wisdom has used liquid by way of protection since the beginning of time. We are protected by liquid in our mothers womb until the day we are born. Mother Earth is shielded/protected by water and able to stand tremendious impact because of our Oceans.Works not only as a protective barrier but a counter balance. The same could be done with a single membrane liquid inner helmet padding in my opinion. The initial impact and sloshing of the brain would be reduced because of liquids displacement properties. Don't ruin the game of football...
  7. You know Jose its OK to be a fan of a player the last time I checked. Not everyone comes onto this site every day, and not everyone is going to read an enire thread so If I want to repost a video so people can see it I don't see any harm.
  8. You want to Runthedamnball right? Nassib will hand CJ the football 10 staright times if it means winning the football game.
  9. I believe we will draft Nassib and you must believe we won't, so its really that simple. Hey man, great idea, just choose a side and stick to it , theres no need to critisize folks ahead of time just so you can feel like you've covered all your bases. I found it amusing that the bet you proposed must have reflected the odds of Nassib coming to Buffalo for you to some degree.
  10. lol, FJ's got one of the hardest heads in the NFL and not afraid to use it.
  11. 10-1, well thats mighty generous of you, and this proves what?
  12. Not that I believe you would do this because your a respected poster Kelly, you've been around a long time, but the last fella I had a bet with on here lost and then slipped away into the night. lol, Im not working hard at all
  13. On the same token to act like folks who think we will draft Nassib don't have a clue when theres really a lot of clues that we will, is not very paractical. I know you see the distinction...
  14. Anyone who thinks Nassib is a good QB is also going to believe Marrone see's the same thing because he just coached him in College lol, its not like we're taking a stab in the dark, Folks are going to rationalize things any way they want...
  15. Very well articulated post as usual Kelly, and one I'll leave to Dr Trooth, but conjecture is right...
  16. Marrone/Nassib will do what ever it takes to win football games. If it means handing the football off to CJ Spiller, that is what Nassib will do to exploit another teams weakness. If Russ Brandon pulls this off and is able to keep these two together,(Nassib/Marrone) I will never say another bad thing about Brandon for as long as I live. thats a promise...
  17. Nassib has the football smarts along with the velocity/accuracy to pick Defenses apart. The guy thrives on team accomplishments, he's a gym rat and is only going to get better. So what your saying is since Nassib has been given the opportunity to run a pro style Offense, hes reached his ceiling already, brilliant.
  18. Gabbert : Legs run fast, brain runs slow Nassib : Brain runs fast, legs run slow I'll take Nassib over Gabbert... Bump
  19. Just keeping this video handy so we can expose the noodle armed, slow footed signal caller we all know as Ryan Nassib.
  20. Most Bills fans have watched this kid grow so theres no BS ing the Bills fan base with this, oh, I've watched this guy. I've been watching him myself and came up with a totally different conclusion. I'm also willing to bet the Bills HC does not share your opinion of Ryan Nassib
  21. If you knew, or at least thought you knew you had a guy that can carve up a defense in a Brady like manner, and I'm not saying Nassibs Brady, but wouldn't you keep him? You guys are going on the notion Marrone wants to keep Nassib ( or may) because hes familiar with him which is only part of it, the other part is Marrone knows his QB is a good one, get it? Is that so difficult to comprehend that our HC may draft nassib because he knows better then anyone how good hes going to be? I mean come on fellas...
  22. For one Kelly, Geno Smith is not going to be there, besides, even if he was the Bills will still draft Nassib in my opinion because hes the better fit. Not just because he knows the offense, better fit for what Marrone is trying to do on Offense. Also a better fit as far as where he is playing and the type of conditions he will be playing in. Ryan Nassib is the best QB available for the Buffalo Bills in the 2013 draft. You guys can continue to spin it any way you want on who's better then who, but the Bills are going to draft Ryan Nassib in my opinion regardless of what you or I, or anyone else says. Note: Doug Marrone knows Nassib better then anyone and that is the biggest reason why he will become a Bill
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