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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. Elite? I'll gladly settle for good, The Bills haven't had a good QB in a long, long, time...
  2. No genius, Marrone has an inside track, Ryan Nassib is a good QB that already knows the Offense, he's familiar with the coaching staff, and them with him It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand why the Bills in all likelyhood will draft Nassib Marrone and co. will look like total nitwits If they let Nassib slip through their fingers...
  3. His description of Nassib with shot-put throws every which way, and putting to much air under a ball which Nassib seldom does, just the opposite actually, is almost laughable. Makes Nassib sound way more inconsistent then he really is in my opinion.
  4. Do you believe everything you read?
  5. It actually explains more then ever why SJ perhaps should refrain from some of his antics. The team you speak of, our team, the Buffalo Bills, a team that hasn't reached the playoffs in over a decade, isn't exactly a football team you want to model yourself around, eh. I wasn't going to go here again, but since you singled me out, we have a jokster as the face of our franchise that hasn't accomplished squat. So your point is what?
  6. "Dog and the Stevie haters" sounds like some kind of punk rock band , lol
  7. curiousity killed the cat, yup
  8. I like to debate/argue and in my usual doggie breath fashion, I go a little overboard sometimes.(ok, ok, way overboard) Bills fans love SJ, as do I , so for the sake of everyone concerned, I'll stop with all the negatives. Its actually a pretty funny tweet, the more I think about it
  9. The only people making an ordeal out of it are on this board. I take it you missed all the headlines...
  10. part of the game man, If I seen this tweet from another team I was getting ready to play it would fire me up. and If It was playing safety or CB for the Pats, I may have something special in mind for SJ and his comments, ( Patriot missile taking out a scud)
  11. yup, when I reread your post I realized my reply had nothing to do with your comment, my bad
  12. you don't think this is something another team could use by way of motivation to contnue to beat us into the ground?
  13. They also had a lot to look at by way of playmaking, Prime time...
  14. Has SJ earned the respect the other athletes you mentioned have earned?
  15. This "look at me , I need attention" show boating however cute it may be to fans doesn't always go over all that well with other teammates/ athletes who go about their business without all the hoopla. It sets the wrong example for younger players. Its not just about one player, and theres a reason why successful coaches try to keep there teams focused on the team, not me approach to winning football games.
  16. no, I'm not putting on pantyhose for you beer
  17. Sometimes it takes putting the right athlete in the right system and with the right supporting cast to succeed. Most would agree if you took away a fella like Cam Newtons ability to run with the football, and force him to be your typical pocket passing QB, you will not be putting your star athlete in the best position you can to win football games. (just one example) Kolb was a very smart signing in my opinion. Kolb will have good protection and what I believe is the best one two punch in football with FJ and CJ. Myself personally, I'm real excited to see what Kevin Kolb can do in Buffalo. (still praying we draft Nassib)
  18. I used TO as an extreme example when it comes to off and on the field antics because hes the worst of the worse. I didn't say every aspect of the two athletes lives are alike...
  19. Dude... if you can't comprehend how SJ's career by following in the footsteps of TO when it comes to off and on the field antics, is going in the wrong direction, Then your not near as intelligent as I've been giving you credit for DC...
  20. hog, I can't help it Big Mac attacks get the best of a fella sometimes...
  21. Talented but unwanted because of his off and on the field antics
  22. You just don't understand...
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