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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. No Im not, and If you take time to read my posts you'll see I'm just trying to carry on a cival conversation without all the insults. Tasker made a statement as fact, which it is not, and I'm simply pointing it out.
  2. so you want to argue hypotheticals ?
  3. what does this post say Tasker? has this been proven? no,
  4. not sure why this narrative was brought about to begin with puppet head, Tasker made a comment that hasn't been proven like it was fact which it is not.
  5. awww come on man, give it a break, are you really trying that hard to make yourself look educated, good grief, of course I know how our judical system works, lol
  6. Its not over until the fat lady sings, and the jury hasn't even started deliberating yet puppet head
  7. ummm, did I even say what side I was working on? hehe Again, we the State have Zimmerman as the aggressor, hes chasing a man without provication so the Defense better have something to bolster their argument or G Zimmerman will spend time behind bars for manslaughter
  8. you made the statement "attacking someone" and I'm asking you to prove it, because the states already proven Zimmerman was in pursuit of Martin so in my book he is the aggressor.
  9. true, but someone just grabbing you , trying to subdue you would not really leave actual attack marks, but a person could still feel in danger for their life if someone (stranger) was trying to subdue them.
  10. Until some of the facts were brought out, I originally thought the state had a better case, but after hearing 1st hand eye witness accounts its clear Zimmermans life was in danger
  11. can you prove that? because all we have is Zimmermans words, a man trying to keep himself out of prison
  12. The problem with this argument Fezmid with all due respect, it depends on who instigated/ started the altercation and because Martins not here to tell his side of the story we are only getting Zimmermans account. Naturally we can't have folks going out picking fights because of the color of someones skin. If you do, you may run into someone who is experienced in martial arts that might kill you for confronting/ trying to subdue them without probable cause.
  13. that you can prove? manslaughter
  14. Anybody want to address my comments on the case? (why I believe G Zimmerman should be convicted of manslaughter)
  15. Often times I like to express my opinion without it being tainted by what has been offered up in the past.(with all due respect NoSaint) I mean no disrespect to the folks who have already posted a meaningful dialogue or who may have already kicked around my observations. Yes tasker , you are one of the few who may have tried to have a meaningful dialogue without insulting me , but I still felt more like you were trying to talk down to me, then really listen to where I was coming from. I feel while Zimmerman may have been in danger of being badly hurt or killed by Martin during the confrontation, Zimmerman is still responsible for setting forth the chain of events that caused the death of Trayvon Martin. The reason my belief has held firm is because there was never a law broken to begin with up until the fatal confrontation occured. The confrontation Zimmerman brought on himself, and Zimmermans actions/negligence in part helped bring about the death of Martin. G Zimmermans a neghborhood watch person, something practically anyone can become, not a cop and we can't have neghborhood watch killing our kids because they look suspicious, it sets a bad example. Trayvon Martin's not here in the flesh to tell his side of the story, one which may cast doubt over a G Zimmermans account of what really happened that cold dark night the young teen met his tragic ending.
  16. You try real hard Tasker to impress people with your intellect, but talking down to people doesn't impress me in the least. You also asked me to join the thread and express my opinions which I did in hopes of a healthy debate. All I've goitten so far are insults with very little intelligent conversation.
  17. go milk a cow still number one
  18. and heres another guy that couldn't carry on a civilized debate if his life depended on it, lol, go tend to your chickens farm boy
  19. which proves what?
  20. I think half you guys have an inferiority complex , especially tasker
  21. yup, and SJ probably started the whole mess with a tweet about blowing up the Pats clearly
  22. so you are going to waste a cops time and your own time chasing down the address of a guy who may or may not have commited a crime, on a hunch then kill him when he starts kicking your ass for calling him out brilliant...
  23. woof woof woof woof woof
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