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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. you do realize we have a jury right? On HLN after dark last night 11 out of 12 jurors don't find Zimmermans story credible. How do you explain them kind of numbers If the lead investigators testimony is coming across so strong? you do realize the road Zimmerman claimed he didn't know the name of was the main rd going into and out of the complex right?
  2. you need to stick to farming farm boy, because you don't no zip about the law so instead you waste everyones time with your insults, are you done yet?
  3. lol, most shouters in the box are my friends, and If you listened to the dialogues at all you would know that the only person I get schooled by, is beerball stop wasting everyones time with this, I've been able to have an intelligent debate about this case with some of the posters so how about keeping your insults to yourself so normal posters can post.
  4. you guys aren't offering anything to this thread with your insults, If you've got something intelligent to say about the case say it, If not, stop wasting everyones time with your BS.
  5. 3rd grader do you realize how pathetic you sound? Just because you fabricate me being schooled doesn't make it true, and If I was it sure wouldn't be by a dim wit like you , lol hey man, how about taking your so called high IQ(real funny) and use it, hahahaha, what a joke
  6. If I killed a man every time I came out of a fight looking worse then Zimmerman, i would have been in jail a long, long time ago. its the last time I'll even respond to your BS 3rd grader
  7. To be proved negligent and convicted of manslaughter does not mean Zimmerman broke the law prior to the fatal shot, Its not that simple Rob...
  8. so called bashing of the head normally leaves lumps or a knot and I've seen scabs from a bug bite bleed as bad is his small lacerations was Zimmerman even treated for a concussion? because as far as I know he was not
  9. section 782.07(1) pertains to this case The killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or culpable negligence of another, without lawful justification according to the provisions of chapter 776 and in cases in which such killing shall not be excusable homicide or murder, according to the provisions of this chapter, is manslaughter, a felony of the second degree ….
  10. Hilarious, loved her, hehe she didn't waste time mincing words did she, lol yup, thats what the white man says
  11. Rob I tried to reply to you in a civilized manner, Here I'll give you the definition of involuntary manslaughter as stated in the websters dictionary : manslaughter resulting from the failure to perform a legal duty expressly required to safeguard human life, from the commission of an unlawful act not constituting a felony, or from the commission of a lawful act in a negligent or improper manner Tom in an uncivilized manner becasue hes the forums biggest idiot, If its not good enough thats your problem. report it, not become judge, jury and executioner
  12. Are we as neighborhood watch going to start tracking down every man and woman in our neighborhood because they look suspicious? does that even make sense to you, hell maybe it does, but you may want to wait until a law was actually broken at least before you track them down and shoot them don't you think, Good grief puppet head...
  13. I did say why, and you already addressed it The reason my belief has held firm is because there was never a law broken to begin with up until the fatal confrontation occured. The confrontation Zimmerman brought on himself, and Zimmermans actions/negligence in part helped bring about the death of Martin. G Zimmermans a neghborhood watch person, something practically anyone can become, not a cop and we can't have neghborhood watch killing our kids because they look suspicious, it sets a bad example. Trayvon Martin's not here in the flesh to tell his side of the story, one which may cast doubt over a G Zimmermans account of what really happened that cold dark night the young teen met his tragic ending. I'll add that Zimmerman was negligent because he was told not to get out of his car yet did anyway and took the law into his own hands by doing so, negligent because the actions Travyvon martin was observed doing did not merit such an extreme response.
  14. Zimmerman did go to jail joey State has enough to convict Zimmerman of manslaughter in my opinion.
  15. By the same rule of thumb don't try to follow a person for no reason, so you don't end up shooting them and going to jail.
  16. awww come on Jack, give the dog a bone man,
  17. some of my thoughts also Ryan
  18. where the confrontation took place is a long way from the street sign, so how do you expain that tasker? Martin circles his car like a predator, jumps out of the shadows and attacks him, sounds like Zimmerman is trying real hard to paint T martin as a Thug just asking for trouble, maybe to hard...
  19. Something the defense will try to build on, I agree, and you know we can disagree, without having to mute me, eh Does it hold water, time will tell, because in a nutshell, this is the case
  20. he couldn't read a street sign from his car?
  21. If you are following someone, go as far as getting out of your car, wouldn't the logical assupmtion be that Zimmerman got out of his car to confront martin, or at the very least, interrogate him? I mean it stands to reason right?
  22. Zimerman was persuing Martin and it appears may have tried to subdue him without proper provication, now had Martin actually broken a law my argument would be mute.
  23. Testimony from both the dispatcher and Martins girlfriend
  24. we have the aggressor, and we have a dead body, its a good start, You do realize Zimmerman would probably do very little if any jail time If hes convicted of manslaughter, right?
  25. Rob I appreciate the time you've taken to object to my line of reasoning, but I stand behind my beliefs and up to this point believe Zimmerman should be convicted of the lessor charge of manslaughter.
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