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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. thanks for being one of the few people in this thread who actually tries to carry on a civilized conversation, I've always enjoyed following court proceedings , but I'm no lawyer...
  2. Spin it however you want DC, someone was asking me If I knew the degrees of negligence and i didn't realize it at the time, so my bad...
  3. true that, I mistakenly took the original post as another insult ...
  4. A crime being broken was never observed...(I do however understand where your coming from) I believe the prosecutuion is trying to use the wanna be cop angle to help prove culpability. Proving Zimmerman had the wear with all to know he could be putting someones life in danger is going to be a tough nut to crack.
  5. well I thought you were just trying to jerk my chain, but as far as Zimmerman having the forsight to realize he was putting someone in danger, I'm a bit torn
  6. and I don't have to prove my vocabulary to anyone puppet head
  7. right, I've just been making up the part about why I think Zimmerman was negligent,
  8. so what your saying is you had to research my answer, lol, brilliant well how about this then Sometimes the definition for criminal negligence requires failure to recognize unjustifiable risks associated with the conduct. Now it seems to me this is precisely the point I've been making... failure to recognise unjustifiable risks with the conduct...
  9. I'll bite, criminal negligence is conduct that deviates from normal, reasonable standards of an ordinary person. It generally involves a disregard for human life/ safety of people.
  10. We can confirm Zimmerman was pursuing Martin we do not have confirmation on Martin attacking Zimmerman.
  11. what the hell are all them weird bugs? wear black and them critters ae all over you, hehe ( beach 6)
  12. I've explained myself numerous times now, Zimmerman is not a cop,and If he wouldn't have gotten out of his car and went looking for Trayvon Martin , Martin would still be alive today. Its not that hard to understand, and you can get pissed all you want, it doesn't change my opinion your post is all over the place, not sure what you even want me to respond to retroactively? all we have is Zimmerman as a witness to a crime that wasn't commited, stop talking giberish and Ill try to respond back
  13. negligence is the result of being negligent you clown
  14. If you don't think Zimmerman was negligent in any way, I'm pretty much wasting my time argiung with you. lol, I was reading your mind...
  15. I like squirrels, thanks for the cool pic
  16. so your telling me the neighborhood watch person shouldn't know the main rd in and out of the complex?
  17. yet here we are talking about dog again, is this all you know how to do jboyst, because i think it is most people know the street they live on, what can I say seriously? Good Grief, go back and look at the post, did I say I was here to add drama, or I added some drama with my one response? You do know how to read english right?
  18. Semi retired Nuclear Consruction/ Operations Survey Engineer
  19. Is a drunk driver thats killed somebody breaking the law while hes drinking? No, he is not, but when he gets behind the wheel of a car his negligence sets forth a series of events that causes loss of life Zimmermans not a cop, hes a neghborhood watch, its not his job to track down and interigate , his job is to report suspicious activity to the proper authorities so this kind of thing doesn't happen
  20. On the blood from the nose, maybe its just me, but I find it hard to believe all the blood went down his throat or backwards down Zimmermans nasal passsages when you take into consideration the sheer volume and imediate swelling/blockage that would occur I've explained why I think he was negligent numerous times, the track down was unwarranted because no crime was commited to begin with, and Zimmerman should have taken the dispatchers instructions, instead, he took the law into his own hands, comprende?
  21. and I told you before Rob its not that simple...
  22. none ( thats been proven)
  23. Fezmid made it sound like I should believe Zimmermans story just because the lead investigator does , yet 11 out of 12 individuals on an HLN panel last night say different, comprende?
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