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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. I got your point, and agree, Hoodies in general look suspicious preppy clothing on the other hand does not
  2. If T Martin was white, does this even happen? I did say my opinion
  3. Seems easy to understand, why it is a common belief among many, G Zimmerman should take some responsability for the death of Trayvon Martin. A neghborhood watch person does not have the right to single someone out,(in my opinion racially profile them) pursue, confront, and end up killing them, on a hunch, without any actual law being broken before the confrontation. Trayvon Martin also had a right to defend himself...
  4. Bullet trajectory being straight through the heart seems odd considering Zimmermans account of what happened. Zimmermans blood ending up on the front of martins sweatshirt without Zimmerman being on top of Martin with Martin facing him seems odd. Martin reaching for Zimmermans weapon would have martin reaching in between his own legs with very little room to maneuver which also seems odd. Again, why lie about having been taught/instructed on stand your ground...
  5. so how do you explain Martin found facing down, what, he flipped him back over when he was done? lol OK... your own ignorance should shame you
  6. I believe Z said T Martin was facing the ground with Z behind him and Z said he spread his arms and legs out ftom that position
  7. One thing I found interesting about the DNA evidence is Zimmermans blood being on T Martins sweatshirt which suggests G Zimmerman was on top part of the time. Why lie about the stand your ground training?
  8. you here that DC! we can do this man!
  9. dogs been slapped so many times it only seems fair
  10. Its pure, unadulterated, plagiarism TakeYouToTasker is not Merriam Webster your honor
  11. I've pleaded guilty your honor, I am at the mercy of this court...
  12. ha, anyone that knows me as king of the shoutbox, knows my spelling is notoriously bad
  13. aggravating for a harsher sentence, mitigating for a lighter, I don't feel like Zimmerman deserves a murder conviction, so mitigaing is more appropriate, wouldn'y you say?
  14. Depending on who's side your on, but good correction, in my case aggravating
  15. Guilty as charged, bad habit
  16. that legally permissable action can become a mitaging factor to a crime when a death occurs, If your not bright enough to figure that out Rob , thats your problem
  17. nothing better to say, insult the poster, seems to be the way it goes in here
  18. yup, and also has a full understanding of the law Knowledge, in this case could be a bad thing for G Zimmerman
  19. something we can agree on DC...
  20. Land/construction survey, you know, measuring, laying out control for crafts so they build things in the right location/ proportion, asbuilts after they screw up, hehe
  21. so did I , but I ended, but I ended up looking through a transit instead, I bet a good portion of the population wanted to be an attorney at one point in their lives, and some even tried to impress their teachers/proffesors with such high aspirations it doesn't prove anything in my opinion Fezmid, as far as proving Zimmerman wasn't a wanna be cop
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