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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. This Guy just put Zimmermans ass behind bars even longer in my opinion
  2. Until Guys closing statement I didn't think the prosecution had a snow balls chance in hell of getting a 2nd Degree murder verdict.
  3. One of my favorite beach haunts from the past and probably a beach most of you have never even heard of is Matagorda beach outside of Bay City Texas.
  4. B when I started paging back I realized this thread has turned into a subject matter that was more about proving dog wrong and hes and idiot then the actual trial so i tried to remove as much of my clutter as I could. It wasn't my intentions For those of you who actually took the time to hear where I was coming from and responded without insults or just went on your merry way without responding, thanks.
  5. according to me, Zimmerman portrayed T martin as a criminal element it doesn't mean he was one...
  6. Or reading comprehension isn't your specialty let me help you with this before the confrontation occured
  7. That before the confrontation occured was never proved to have commited a crime in the 1st place.
  8. silly rabbit, tricks are for kids
  9. Anything that's said here matters not one whit in the grand scheme of things except to he who posted it and the people who take exception to it. .
  10. truer words were never spoken...
  11. Nawww, 3rds off chasing bizrul already
  12. The whole dummy thing did not go over as well as planned for the prosecution (in my opinion), in this case, some things are better left for the imagination as far as the jury is concerned
  13. 3rd are you some kind of (self anointed) PPP neighborhood watch person?
  14. I take it you've probably never posted in BB.com
  15. Well done Maestro
  16. Are we not all caught up/fascinated by the complexity of this case?
  17. why, because of a difference of opinion? have I insulted you in any way? you call me dumb, what did I say to you to deserve such a response? express my opinion? so I express my opinion, get piled on by numerous posters with insults, and I'm the one causing the problem?
  18. I've displayed a fairly clear understanding of the law and have tried to carry on a civilized conversation. Fabricating things and calling me names is typical of what I've come to expect from posters who have nothing better to say. can you prove I admitted to being a troll, on a site I try to everything in my power to bolster TBD's reputataion?
  19. In short Doc, what the States alleging
  20. not in the exact same words, but Its what I just posted earlier,
  21. and your missing the point completely, Why would the defense be bringing in expert witness's to help explain/bolster Zimmermans account, if it wasn't necessary? I said the Defense does have to present and defend their position, what planet are you from?
  22. Lack of physical prowess makes Zimmermans actions seem even more negligent in my opinion because it increases the chance of getting into an altercation with no way to defend himself except with the use of a deadly firearm.
  23. Nice to see you have a good sense of humor, hehe I'm serious about the mellow part, practically anyone who has tried pot would agree, how do you think I put up with some of you guys, lol
  24. Anyone think the THC levels from a Jury perspective might actually help the state? From personal experience, pot is much more likely to make someone less confrontational, then more, It has a mellowing effect normally... Note: I don't have links availible and going by memory,(hehe, ironic eh mates, lol) but If my memory serves me, some studies suggest pot may actually enhance a persons abilitiy to process thoughts, not hinder
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