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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. Poster/shouter of the month for me is Millbank Thanks Mill
  2. For a 1st preseason game, I've never been this excited! If the Senior bowl is any indication of how long Manuel needs to get into a groove with new players, we might see some fireworks today! Go Bills!!!
  3. Byrd is one of Buffalo's best players, (perhaps the best) and he is a game changer...
  4. Woods, Goodwin, and Da Rick Rodgers are all close for me, EJ Manuel of course is at the top of my list...
  5. ajzepp invites me to Erie days and this is the thanks I get for the last time, I don't stink...
  6. "that is all with Burfict" can be interpreted in different ways.
  7. "he didn't take ownership when scouts asked him why he didn't perform well" Are you grading Damonds post now?
  8. Sometimes getting someone into a completely different area away from all the bad influences helps. My thoughts and prayers are with you NG
  9. I think I was the other poster, and darth wanted to execute me, because that sounds real familiar (or Deano)
  10. with all due respect I'm going to stand up for what I believe in and stand up for all the posters who feel intimiated posting in PPP. Just so we're all perfectly clear on this Nanker, I don't come here expressing my opinions for you to agree with me ( or win a popularity contest)
  11. fat ladys about to sing sameoldBills, won't be long now sorry about all the BS
  12. Then how about all you clowns that choose to reply with insults, ignore me, its that easy I'm not going away, and you can thank posters like DC Tom for it
  13. Exactly the kind of response I've come to expect from you, just like your insults on woman a few pages back, I can see why anyone regardless of gender would be intimidating to you.
  14. threats now? Its perfectly clear you are not the least bit concerned with my well being
  15. most you say? thousand of posters and a half dozen speak for everyone, lol, ok I was invited here by Tasker, and If I'm such a pain in the ass then take your name off my friends list saint
  16. perfect example, this guy has been insulting every thing I say regardless of what it is, and theres no getting through to him. You seen my PM asking for a Truce, for the sake of the board. This guy doesn't want no part of it. This guy doesn't give a hill of beans what his insults do to this board, hes having personal problems so its a great place to vent his frustrations
  17. yet I get PM's from posters telling me they agree with me, and how hard it is to post in PPP, go figure...
  18. Why, because other posters in the shoutbox are telling you the same thing I do? that its impossible to have a civilized conversation in PPP because of the insults thrown around by people with nothing better to say?. Of course your comments to me in the shoutboxs was nobody cares what I think, and I'm not wanted in the PPP forums, so just go away. Yet tens of thousands of views on this subject and I have a select handful of the same people who insult me regardless of what I say. The same handful of people flipping this thread/forum upside down with snide remarks with the biggest idiot of all, DC Tom as there fearless leader. This thread is littered with my own insults also, the difference is I'm defending myself, and my original post that gets the insults started was a normal one of me making a comment or expressing my opinion. An opinion its very apparent the one throwing the insults back at me doesn't like. Everyone has a right to defend themself, but is it really necessary here? If you don't like my opinion, reply with something civilized that might change my opinion. Its not rocket science... Note: I called DC Tom a punk last night, and for the very 1st time it wasn't in retaliation from one of his insults. I called your fearless leader a punk because he is one and its posters like him that ruin any chance for a normal poster to post in this forum
  19. well guys, the reason Im hanging around in PPP is this (*^*&%^$^#right here so you can thank him shoot someone in the heart from point blank range and this idiot thinks Zimmerman didn't know he even shot him, going right along with a page out of Zimmermans book, good lord, lol
  20. prosecution pointed out a normal cop would have even flipped T Martin over and tried to save him made a comment about him face down unable to breath
  21. prosecution did point it out
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