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Donald Duck

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Everything posted by Donald Duck

  1. don't worry, be happy Survey/ Nuclear/ Construction has zero tolerance for error, hahahahaha
  2. Legal pot is imminent in Colorado and Washington, are they ready? http://news.yahoo.com/legal-pot-imminent-colorado-washington-ready-160004649.html
  3. without potheads, junk food sales would drop dramatically. Along with video game sales, eye drop sales, incense, sales on pipes, bongs, and other smoking/vaporizing related utensils, and the list goes on and on. We're mellow, we munch down allot, easy to get along with, and although somewhat lazy at times, we do work (its true) to buy more weed, video games, pipes, bongs'vaporizers, and the list goes on and on Locking all the potheads up would ruin this country's economy...
  4. Great post , something we have all probably been guilty of at one time or another with players. Once upon a time here on TBD I used to be Saints CB, Jabari Greer, whom I sure most of you remember began his career in Buffalo's biggest detractor. Some of the more wiser posters here were saying he's going to a good one, just takes time. Meanwhile every time he made a mistake i was all over him. To make a long story short Greer turned out to be a very good CB for Buffalo and one of my favorite players. Jabari Greer taught me a valuable lesson, it takes time...
  5. No, However folks interested in fictional writing, art and music may find marijuana enhances their ability/ creativity to a certain degree.(in my expert opinion)
  6. Its not just the taxing of weed that could help this country's sluggish economy, its jobs created in the farming industry, marketing and distribution. The legalization of marijuana is a big step towards reducing the amount of people in the US that struggle with alcohol addiction in my opinion. The more readily available marijuana becomes, the more people are going to try it and make the cross over from alcoholic beverages to Pot. I'm not saying its for everybody because I have close friends who have tried pot and still prefer to drink. Pot makes you mellow, less confrontational, more willing to just sit back and relax, play a video game, or listen to music vs stepping behind the wheel of an automobile. A good reason why in my opinion the study on states that have approved marijuana for medical purposes have seen a drop in fatalities from automobile accidents. When you get high on marijuana most people simply don't want to drive, it ruins your buzz. God made grass, man made liquor...
  7. A 100 ft tall statue of Flutie at the Ralph would be nice
  8. Happens to the best of us sometimes
  9. After smoking a tasty bowl of euphoria and pondering the situation a bit, and as much as it disgusts me to admit, I'm compelled to agree with you...
  10. wow, just wow I assume this is your attempt to close down the thread. You can't have a civilized discussion/ debate so nobody can, is that it?
  11. So what your saying here is actual lives being saved means nothing? I had a fella die in my arms outside Dunkirk , NY because a young kid just had a few beers to drink and commenced to turning in front of an oncoming motorcyclist. The man on the Bike took a stop sign down with his body and was so distorted the mans feet were above his head. I held this man in my arms, he's spitting up blood, couldn't talk and together we prayed to God. I spoke the words, he nodded his head and died in my arms. The teenager that made a turn directly in front of the Biker said he had only drank 3-4 beers. So don't tell me my stats mean nothing , you worthless piece of
  12. Do you think spewing absolute garbage and insults makes you right? You tried to make a driving /impairment comparison between Beer and Pot and I gave you statistics that shows your comparison is bogus. You don't even have the decency/courtesy to admit when you are wrong and seem to think rants and raving is going to cover it all up. Anyone that smokes pot and drinks alcohol knows alcohol impairs you more. So go milk a cow and stop talking out your ass you ever have anything useful to add to a discussion besides throwing insults?
  13. http://healthland.time.com/2011/12/02/why-medical-marijuana-laws-reduce-traffic-deaths/
  14. To any young people/teenagers who may be reading this discussion, the best case scenario is no drugs. I can tell you this from experience, smoking marijuana kills brain cells, hurts your memory, I get reminded of it from time to time here on TBD...
  15. I was laughing at the alcohol reference, which like weed, is readily available some teens steal it for free right out of their parents liquor cabinet
  16. (Reuters) - U.S. teenagers are smoking more marijuana, but backing away from other harmful drugs and doing less binge drinking, according to a report from federal health researchers released Wednesday. Read more: http://news.yahoo.com/u-teens-smoke-more-marijuana-back-off-other-190056553.html
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