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Donald Duck

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Posts posted by Donald Duck

  1. To any of the 29 people who voted for Pettine, serious question that I asked in another thread of the same subject... what do you see in him that makes you think he would be a better HC than Marrone, that the rest of teams in the NFL who had HC openings last year and this year did not see? Wth am I missing.... cuz right now this fan base (or 29 of them) are the only fans who want him. Certainly the Browns fans do not and are being pretty vocal about it.


    My answer was Pettine is the the only coach that has made a big impact on this Buffalo Bill football team in over a decade.

  2. You do understand that the reason nobody wants to coach in Cleveland is because they had a knee jerk reaction and fired Chud after 1 year right?


    What happens if Pettine shows that he's not a good HC and is more suited for being a coordinator? We try to fill our HC position and nobody wants to interview because of how we treated Marrone.


    It's incredibly stupid but I expect nothing less from this fan base these days.






    You do understand we have already been a revolving door for HC and players so bad its not going to get any worse and the only :censored: !@$# coach that has shown an ability to make improvements over the last decade is Mike Pettine!!!!!


    One step forward and two steps back !!!!!!! :wallbash:

  3. And man made big government drug enforcement agencies. If I had a nickel for every time these prohibitionists on this web page said government can't do anything right I'd be richer than I am. Yet they want to keep the stupidest part of big government in place? Wow!


    Change takes time my fellow gatorman,


    Having grown up in the 70's , I always figured it was only a matter of time before our generation started making a difference,


    well that time has come...

  4. at least you've learned to laugh at yourself along with everyone else who is laughing at you. Of course the fun part, absolutely the best part, we all laugh at each other. You used to take this place personally.


    Glad you have learned that you're better then the insults we all trade. You loser pothead mouth breathing toe sucking wart faced rectal itch. But seriously, glad you're not taking it like you have before. Shalst we light a spliff?






    well I have learned who the most ignorant person is on this site.

  5. your desire to have legalized marijuana has nothing to do with medical purposes. Just admit you're a loser pothead who wants to be able to keep doing what you're already doing regardless. Pot being legal will not affect you one bit. Your personal army campaign to legalize it has nothing to do with the greater hopes of it medically.


    :lol: never said it did farm boy

  6. I've seen those studies. They compare street value of pot to spot delivery of corn, which isn't even a remotely valid comparison, since that number for pot represents a black market value with immense risk-based "supply chain" costs factored in.


    By any honest comparison, there is NO way that the 5.5 million pound US marijuana crop even comes close to the 11 billion bushel corn crop. And the entire history of the world shows that when black markets, driven by legality or scarcity, become open, prices drop. There's not going to be any economic growth driven by legalizing marijuana.











    Pot sales have probably tripled since these articles came out.

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