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Donald Duck

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Posts posted by Donald Duck

  1. Manuel has the physical, mental and emotional makeup that is ideal for a QB. Whether he puts all of that together to be successful remains a big ? Manziel and Manuel are different kinds of QBs. EJ is a passer 1st while Manziel is a runner 1st who got away with quite a bit of undisciplined play at the NCAA level.


    without being his coach don't you think undisciplined is a bit speculative?


    do you think some of manuels injury problems could be contributed to lack of discipline?


    Maybe his coach wanted JF to play the way he did...

  2. Bailing out of the pocket too early does. For example, Aaron Rodgers has great wheels but he reads defenses thoroughly before he tries to make plays with his legs. He is a GREAT NFL QB.


    Its a real easy call to make as a spectator with a birds eye view to say signal caller bailed out of the pocket early on any particular play,


    It takes looking at the play over again in the film room to really see what happened, (by coaches)


    and even then, only the QB knows what he was seeing at his eye level and what obstacles are blocking his throwing lane,


    JF uses the abrupt decision to run on a dime to catch the D off guard...

  3. Relies on his running and improv skills far too much. Shows no pocket discipline when it comes to reading through progressions. He's just the latest gadget, runaround QB who's game doesn't translate to the NFL. To be successful in the NFL you must be a disciplined, accurate pocket passer who can in the face of pressure deliver the ball into very tight windows with timing, touch, and anticipation. I remained unconvinced that Manziel will be able to do this on a consistent basis. The NFL is a passing league within the structure of a offense. I do not see Manziel as the type of QB who can sustain a career for the long term by excelling at those things that I mentioned.


    Flame out NFL bust ahead. Future CFL star on the horizon! Enjoy him with the Argos.


    Good wheels doesn't automatically translate to no discipline,


    It does add another wrinkle that in turn opens up the field and other players because the Defense has to defend the run at all times


    will there be a learning curve, perhaps an adjustment, I'm sure there will, but just like cam newton I'm willing to bet manziel is perfectly happy with his playing style and ability to deliver the football on the run when the play breaks down.


    along with his ability to shove the football down his opponents throat running when needed...

  4. Aaron Rodgers is a great pocket QB who only bails after he's gone through his entire progression. Johnny Flameout.....not even close. If you don't get this...then I can't help you. Continue to ovulate over the "Great Football Savior" at your own discretion. B-)



    Wowed by a Pro Day. :lol: :lol:


    you know normally I would agree, wowed by a pro day, no way


    but it wasn't just Manziels uncanny precision on the run, it was the way he took command and control of the situation with millions watching,


    the passion and fire.


    I want some of that on my team...

  5. Over-hyped project QB who's a future NFL Bust destined for the CFL where he can best use his runaround talents. :devil:


    A Rodgers has made a real good living throwing on the run with accuracy 0:)


    Did you guys watch his pro day with pads and a helmet? I've been a hater since jump. Not anymore...


    1st time I have ever been wowed by a pro day

  6. I don't post on this board that often but I feel compelled to right now. My heartfelt sympathies go out to his family and to all who had the pleasure of working with Ralph. Being from Buffalo I know what kind of person Ralph was and he definitely was not your typical owner. He cared about the community and city of Buffalo as if we were his own family. Reputation is built in a year or even two, however, character is built throughout a lifetime. Ralph was instrumental in the development of what the Bills and what we see today and the league as well. Ralph will always be missed and never forgotten in the heart of every citizen of Buffalo. May he rest in peace.


    I think you should post more often army...

  7. oh God, Im so sad to hear what he is going to have to face.


    Cancer just sucks, I lost my father to it, once it start to spread things happen fast.


    Pray, pray and pray some more for Jim.

    Same experience with my Dad; post-surgery he kept complaining how much pain he was in; it had spread beyond the original diagnosis and he was gone a month later. The news on Jimbo sounds very ominous.



    They should have a picture of Jim Kelly in the Webster dictionary under the word Dad


    My Dad also went fast :(

  8. Buffalo does not have a player on this roster that is a go up and get it player. Evans is what this team needs and badly.


    EJ is in trouble, throw a jump ball up to who, Grahm, Goodwin, Johnson, Woods? Who is going to win that battle.


    I will take the 6'5 guy who can out jump everyone and can run with the best of them.



    sure they do, hes just not being utilized to his fullest potential, and the guy has excelled in anything Buffalo has asked him to do,


    his name is Marcus Easley...

  9. Two different HC's and OC's have already answered that question for you. Why keep asking it?


    New regimes always want to put their own stamp on a team, and generally speaking, give their draft picks the 1st opportunity to break the starting lineup,


    and Marcus Easley has suffered the consequences in my opinion...

  10. Mike Evans is the biggest need for this team. A massive WR, who can jump (Best Verticle in the combine) is very fast, and does not drop a lot of balls.


    Evans can win jump balls when EJ gets into scramble mode.


    Seems like a no brainer to me.


    OL can be found in the later rounds.


    Seems like a no brainer to me that Buffalo will not draft a WR early on,


    Bills WR corp already has plenty of untapped potential,


    How about giving the guys we have a chance to gel ...

  11. Its already been said that he is likely better suited for a WR and SS. So no need rehashing that again. Its also been said the people suggesting the waiver wire is a better place are crazy because he was easily the best ST player we had last year hands down and that has great value.


    The bigger question is why can't Easley break through the WR lineup. Couple of unfortunate injuries/illness issues derailed years one and two. Fine, thats a logical reason for having to reprove himself. Teammates have marveled over him in offseason volunteer workouts with each other in more than one off season. He has shown flashes before in preseason of being a dangerous weapon. Yet still doesn't translate to playing time. So lets look at last 2 years.


    2 years ago:

    Stuck in a regime run by Gailey who universally misused talent on this team. Gailey and company made several questionable decisions in regards to personnel and game plan. This is the same staff that would abandon the run game that would be averaging 7 pc and have scored all our points to instead run 3 times in the 2nd half and let Fitz pass us out of a close game into a blowout loss. This is the same staff that was too stubborn to make changes when things weren't working.


    1 year ago:

    New regime, probably never even heard of Easley. Some of us, myself included, felt he still had potential. I was one of the few that said he would be a surprise camp player and make the team when most assumed his days were up. And he did just that...however, he still couldn't crack the game rotation even with injuries to other WR's. I think part of the issue was we had Stevie and the new staff drafted 2 rookies they were high on and also wanted to see what they could get out of Graham.


    So, on one hand, you can look at the last 2 seasons when he was finally healthy and maybe make a case that he just didn't get a chance. On the other hand, one has to wonder why can't he get a chance while guys like Hogan and Graham do despite not really doing much on the field (especially Hogan).


    Its got to be one of 2 reasons: Either he's just had a couple bad breaks and stuck behind others...or there is a hole or two in his game that the coaches see on film or practice. My guess would either be consistent route running and/or focus and knowing his assignments. He has the physical gifts and been healthy, so those can't be the reason. He's a great team guy and works hard from everything I have ever read or head about him.


    To be honest, I still think the kid has a lot of potential at WR. I have liked him since college. Our front office has said they like our WR's and don't think we need to add a size guy...well we will see come draft day how much they believe that. If we don't take a WR in the first few rounds, then I would say that is a strong endorsement of the WRs behind SJ, Woods, and Goodwin...like Easley...and that maybe they plan to giving him and the others a chance to earn a bigger role this year.


    Personally, I still think Easley has the ability to surprise some people yet again.



    Good post Alpha, :thumbsup:


    Marcus Easley led the NFL in total yardage by a WR last preseason and has shown play making ability on numerous occasions during practice sessions.


    Easley has also excelled in the Special Teams department showing versatility.


    Guys got speed, size, and play making ability.


    Now you compare Easley with the low productivity of a TG Graham and one asks himself


    "why hasn't Marcus Easley been given a chance with the 1st team Offense"

  12. I am the only one who picked EJ Manuel. I want him to be my favorite player. Him being your favorite player too means he has been the leader of a winning team. I guess I root for him the most, not sure that constitutes being my favorite, but I picked him anyway. My just pure effort, it is Fred Jackson, even though I would be OK moving on from Fred.


    well done :thumbsup:

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