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Donald Duck

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Posts posted by Donald Duck

  1. @OC, I see nothing in Trump's resume that makes him a "winner." If anything he has a history of cutting his losses when his bluster fails to scare his opponent off.


    As I mentioned before, I have family who have dealt with Trump directly in the past. Let's just say if you had dealings with him your opinion might be different.


    You can tell a lot about a man by the way he carries himself, conducts business and treats others. Trump is no mystery in that regard.


    I can respect where your coming from PTR ,


    but the way I see it If D Trump ends up helping us secure the Bills long term , does it in part out of a friendship for JK,


    It would help improve D Trump's tarnished image,


    win, win situation...

  2. How would everyone feel about "The Buffalo Bills of Toronto".... similar deal to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.


    And what if they still played some games at RWS? I mean, it's better than completely relocating out West.


    Or build a mega stadium in Niagara Falls, CAN? It might take something creative to keep them around.


    betrayed, heartbroken, bitter, possibly even suicidal,



    hows that?

  3. I am insulted tremendously. This shmuck censored my first post ever. I've been frequenting this site for a few years. I wrote how a member may or may not be 'stupid'. Also how someone may be attracted sexually to a certain backup quarterback on our roster. Apparently beerball is a homophobe. Thanks for the warm welcome


    for one, even your name sounds confrontational, now you start a thread where it doesn't belong



    seems like you have a not so hidden agenda

  4. read my lips


    The National Football League prohibits teams from owning casinos, and a league policy warns of potential severe penalties for any league personnel, including owners, who associate "with gamblers or with gambling activities in a manner tending to bring discredit to the NFL."


    That applies to the Donald as he owns through his conglomerate 2 casino's.


    it aint gonna happen. (w/o a huge donation to the commissioner RG)


    You do realize of course Casinos can be sold right?

  5. that if we draft a qb this year instead of, say, a wr.... we end up with EJ and Johnny splitting reps, and one of them getting almost no reps come september and we take a potential asset away from whoever wins the camp battle all as reasons that 50-50 might not be an accurate assessment to go on, since no one else in the sample had a similar situation that could be considered to the detriment of the qbs chances?


    essentially, if you believe in a guy enough to spend the pick, maximize his chances before bringing in the next guy, and ideally in doing so you have set the table well for the next guy even if the first ends up flopping.



    You made a suggestion that the overall success rate would drop by not giving the proper supporting cast.


    I'm suggesting in a 10 year study a good starter at the QB position would still materialize eventually.

  6. id imagine that success rate would drop, not providing an additional first round talent, and also splitting snaps with another rookie.


    If the study is over a long period, (10 years) don't you think a good starter would still materialize eventually?


    I'm not saying you don't build a good football team, but the NFL is still a QB driven league and If you don't have one,


    Somehow, someway, you better go out and get one...


    Horrendous idea and definitely not the way to build a football team.


    finding a good starter at the QB position?


    I respectfully disagree...

  7. A fairly recent study done by ESPN shows relying on a QB drafted in the 1st is about a 50/50 proposition when it comes to obtaining a long term starter.





    Doubling down with another 1st round signal caller is not such a bad idea in my opinion for a football team that hasn't had a successful starter for over a decade. (besides a short stint from Drew Bledsoe.)

  8. I've been concerned by Ebron's drops, and he dropped passes in a controlled Pro Day setting, which is not good. If the Bills are dead set on taking a receiver, take Evans who while not as heavy as Ebron, is 231#, which is a still a load, and he runs faster, is more athletic, and has better hands.


    Actually the heavier Ebron ran a faster 40 at 4.5,


    Evans 4.53

  9. Jimbo has his own battles and there is no guarantee he will be here this time next year. And sorry but your idea has nothing to do with ownership. It will need to be an independent Billionaire that has more than enough money to not only pay 1 billion for the team, but have a few billion stashed as well just in case. Jimbo is a millionaire, I doubt he even has 30 million net personally. Make no mistake its about money mostly with the NFL. And as for as a handsome face for the NFL, have you seen Khan or however you spell the name of the owner of the Jags? Obviously they do NOT care what the owner looks like


    wasn't trying to hijack your thread OP


    JK has a handsome face for many reasons when it comes to donations...

  10. If Johnny Football is such a sure thing, why would Houston (who clearly needs a QB) entertain trading out of the #1 slot? The answer is that he isn't a sure thing and since this is a deep draft with so many underclassmen declared, they'd like to pick up extra picks to get more good young talented players.


    Its always smart to entertain all options


    Personally, i think Houston would be very foolish to let Manziel leave the state of Texas...

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