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Donald Duck

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Posts posted by Donald Duck

  1. Why would more tickets of any kind (especially premium/luxury seats) sell better in NF than Buffalo? Makes little sense to assume Canadians are holding back the big bucks until the team moves a little closer to the border. And name all of the other "venues of entertainment" you see filling that stadium (spare us the "Final Fours" and "Bowl Games").


    Also, really? You were born in Buffalo and can't figure why it's better than NF? Take away the actual Niagara Falls and there is nothing left to compel anyone to visit this sad place. And once you have seen the Falls, how many times do people go back to see them again? There is absolutely nothing to do there except roll up the windows and keep driving.





    You make my point for me, add other forms of entertainment and you might get better results with folks returning eh?


    People who live in the region would appreciate NF more If it wasn't a dump...

  2. If this was still true, NF wouldn't be the ghost town it now is. Site seeing does nothing for that city's fate---in fact the site see-ers do their seeing (and spending) from the Canadian side. How can anyone even argue this?


    And if it was such an attractive development site, any smart developer would have invested something in it long ago. It's radioactive. This whole issue makes little sense. If your goal is to fill the stadium (with Americans, Canadians, martians...) create a nicer---and slightly smaller venue than the Ralph and it will sell out regularly. The current stadium is 91% full on average. Downsize it and..there you go 100% full.


    All this "regionalization" has done nothing to bring in Canadian corporate support (big ad sales and, more importantly, luxury suite sales) so far. Building a stadium in a permanently blighted zone such as NF will not bring in the "whales" (they certainly won't "walk" there--a hilarious assumption).


    Look, jw took a single throw away comment by Duffy and stretched it into an AP article. But, come on.....


    Radioactive, lol, OK,


    I fail to see where your argument indicates a stadium in NF would have problems from a ticket/Luxury suite standpoint, or filling the stadium with other venues of entertainment.


    I love Buffalo, its the City I was born in, but let me ask you something, what makes Buffalo a more attractive location then NF?

  3. We'll have to disagree on Barclays. It wiped out a large neighborhood and residents fought its existence. Trump would never develop a loser like NF. The State, if it gives any more money for the Bills stadium, will not waste it on NF. It wouldn;t make sense. There isn't the population density there to sustain any tiny benefit of a few NFL games played there per year. If the next owner is that interested in Toronto, he will move the team there.


    Niagara / Horse Shoe Falls are huge attractions, folks from all over the world come to see them,


    why would a smart land developer not want to use this to his advantage?


    25 minutes from Buffalo, very close to our Canadian neighbors, (yes, within walking distance)


    If you take into consideration the sight seeing aspect of the location, the venue of different teams coming in to play, and the close proximity to Buffalo/Canada


    Its a win, win, win situation...

  4. Anything to brighten the Falls wasteland. Went to the casino on the US side one night a few years ago and thought the downtown area literally appeared wasted. A stadium would likely come "cheap" there. Tear all those abandoned buildings down and bring in something that would pump some money, from both sides of the border, into the area.


    In my opinion improvements on the American side of the Falls would also have a direct impact on Buffalo.

  5. For everyone that talks about his lack of TDS...he was double and triple...game plan need for on a team with no other weapons and a injuried Qb.... the vision our red zone td rate was horrible...Ebron talent alone and athletic ability improves those numbers alone


    For everyone that talks about his lack of TDS...he was double and triple...game plan need for on a team with no other weapons and a injuried Qb.... the vision our red zone td rate was horrible...Ebron talent alone and athletic ability improves those numbers alone


    For everyone that talks about his lack of TDS...he was double and triple...game plan need for on a team with no other weapons and a injuried Qb.... the vision our red zone td rate was horrible...Ebron talent alone and athletic ability improves those numbers alone


    added one for the triple coverage :flirt:

  6. He also drop a lot of passes



    If we were to trade down and then draft him I would have no problem




    Ebrons drops are a bit overrated in my opinion.


    The guy gets to more footballs then the average TE because of his speed and athletic ability.


    Drops in heavy traffic goes with the territory... (dropped or defended well?)

  7. Thanks for asking the question. I just saw the "3...2...1...locked" comment as well. What did I do wrong?


    Mods just try to control the amount of duplicate threads.


    If you've ever posted in BB.com the amount of duplicate threads makes it practically impossible to carry on with any kind of dialogue/discussion.

  8. Well, he certainly used a lot of words...and emoticons...OC trademarks. But OC still doesn't offer anyting other than opinion, as to why Trump would be a good owner for the Bills, or any professional sports team, for that matter. His history doesn't really indicate this...and his bluster is just bluster.


    Trump for one is friends with JK, and two has already stated how important the team is for the City of Buffalo,


    3, Trump in my opinion helps build a new stadium,


    I mean Its not like new owners willing to keep the Bills in Buffalo grow on trees...

  9. Money from his father and he's filed bankruptcy a number of times. Having money doesn't make you a winner.


    Curious, Do you think business ventures are always successful ?


    and Isn't it very possible past experiences in failed business ventures has taught D Trump something?


    It takes balls to do what D Trump does for a living,


    and it would take big balls to buy the Bills,


    Trumps got them...

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