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Southtown Tommy

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Everything posted by Southtown Tommy

  1. That's a broken leg
  2. My sources have told me the same thing.
  3. At the game. This sucks. At least Pack fans are decent.
  4. Leaving from Buffalo on Friday morning! First away game for the 3 of us.
  5. I think Schopp and Bulldog have gotten complacent, to say the least, to the point where they are untouchable. Without legitimate competition, the ratings will most likely always be high - however, that doesn't correlate to substantive sports talk. For guys in their mid 40's - 50's, they are immature. I would rather listen to Sal - wish he were on more, especially during the season.
  6. Seems like a pretty sharp kid - I think he will figure out fairly quickly that he should get rid of the ball. He needs to play to get better and get better he will.
  7. The problem is that the coach and gm should have been smart enough to know that 80% completion rate from Peterman was not going to be the norm and they should not have based the decision on starting QB on that stat!
  8. He looked pretty good to me under pressure and made a great read on the TD in Cleveland.
  9. Lol, you're talking about the 60 yarder, right?
  10. Watched a lot actually. Last night's game is a perfect example of my point. 3 pointer from both teams whenever the opportunity presented itself. The game is much better when it's balanced.
  11. NBA playoffs were fun to watch at one time. Now, its all about 3 pointers and one-on-one drives to the basket. What happened to pick and rolls, post up's in the paint, and guys moving without the ball? It's a terrible product.
  12. Is Savior Peterman banned?
  13. Thanks - she just got home from work and now she is self conscience . Will never wear them again!!
  14. She's asked about her choice of footwear before she left for the conference - asked if they looked ok and I said "yes, but what do I know about women's fashion"
  15. Moorman was offered the job before Jones but turned it down.
  16. Agreed!! I posted this in another thread: The gesture of donating to the Dalton Foundation has been cool and amazing! It's helping so many families in and around Cincinnati. Not to throw shade BUT... Wouldn't it be great if we also channeled this excitement and money right HERE helping kids in the WNY community!? Brian Moorman made have played during the drought but the P.U.N.T. Foundation he started is a public charity is still running to do outstanding work for local families battling pediatric cancer. And Eric Wood has a fund helping kids at our Children's Hospital! If anybody is interested, a donation can be made here: http://www.puntfoundation.org/donate
  17. The intent wasn't to criticize Dalton's Foundation - it's purpose and intent is admirable and sound. I was trying to bring attention to one of the very important local foundations that has provided much assistance to families who have children battling cancer. I have seen first hand how impactful P.U.N.T. has been to the community here in WNY. There is a very large difference between costs associated with paying in-house staff vs. contracting out. Local in-house staff costs are much less than the fees charged by national professional administration companies. Updates to websites do not necessarily reflect the level of administrative costs.
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