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Everything posted by AiO

  1. Don't sugar coat it, J-Bone, tell us how you really feel.
  2. Glad someone enjoyed it! Maybe if you ask R. Rich nicely he'll sing to you as well.
  3. *slinking back to the lurking corner*
  4. With apologies to Peter, Paul and Mary: "I'm in love with a lime green couch A lime green couch loves me It's not as bad as it appears He wears glasses and he's six foot three. Well I'm not worried about our kids I know they'll turn out neat They'll be great looks cause they'll have my face Great swimmers cause they'll have his seat."
  5. I've never had a green couch before. Is it true what everyone says about them?
  6. Ack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Run away, run awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
  7. "Humm, you got a point there" is intelligent discussion? Ok.
  8. I would have been mortified with those initials as a teenager. Granted, I was a dork and had no self esteem, but STILL... NOW, I think it would be a riot to have those initials. But definitely not then.
  9. Wow! No one has called me by my rightful name for a while! Thanks!
  10. Thoughts and prayers going out for you and your family, dib.
  11. That's it? A mere "Go to hell?" Surely you've told him much worse. I know I have.
  12. Exactly what I was thinking! Morning!
  13. As opposed to all the fake women around here?
  14. Yeah, but ~Neutral Guy~ just doesn't have the same ring to it...
  15. #89, I certainly hope this thread is making you smile, because it is cracking me up. Lots of love to you.
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