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  1. You are correct Gug, both my dogs were rescues from Tennessee, the last one through the SPCA near you. It does seem crazy that there is a seemingly endless supply of dogs needing rescue, particularly from the south. I know the northeast in general imports them nonstop, and its still not enough.
  2. Can we go somewhere that doesn't serve wings?
  3. Always on the search for someone worse
  4. I'd just like to point out that Ramsey knew exactly what he was saying and doing...I don't claim him to be smart, but this was obviously trolling for responses...which everyone is gladly giving to him. He's getting exactly what he wanted out of it, and most people are feeding him.
  5. It's not a double standard for a couple of reasons...one, Benjamin was rightly trashed for his comments about Cam, it was not ignored. 2nd, what they said was not comparable, Ramsey attacked a number of high profile QBs in the NFL, for no apparent reason other than to troll for attention (which he's getting). Those teams fans represent millions and millions of people. KB's comments were stupid, but it was a personal situation with his old team, there was history behind it.
  6. Shh, people don't like it when you suggest that they shouldn't be outraged about something
  7. Yeah "bust" is one of those terms that's open to interpretation...Depends what you consider a bust to be.
  8. As far as I'm concerned he was a bust...he was taken #8 overall, they traded up for him....Bust to me
  9. Kevin White, Tevon Austin, Treadwell and John Ross could be heading there as well
  10. Shady already said this didn't happen...but people don't want to believe him, they want to believe the fake news so they can express their outrage.
  11. I feel like this would have more credibility if it were posted on pornhub
  12. Why don't you wait for a shred of evidence to suggest it's true before just assuming it actually happened?
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