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Everything posted by BillsFan17

  1. What I still can't wrap my head around is why are we putting so much stock into a TE in the first let alone top ten... I saw this happen with Pettigrew, saw this happen with Ebron and now seeing bills fan head over heals for Howard... We have Clay, who is a darn good talent and we cant even utilize him correctly.
  2. His super bowls prove he knows what he's doing. Cheating or not. If you really want to knock him off his pedistile because of his drafting...
  3. Concepts are vastly different than an overall style. The game is always evolving and everyone will pick things from various styles to try and get an advantage. That I fully understand and appreciate. However, the concepts and philosophy of a full on Air Raid are different than taking a few ideals from it and using it every so often. Teams have a Wilcat package, does that mean they run the wildcat full time?
  4. I don't need a put down. This whole time you literally have argued things that are based solely on your opinion trying to pass them off as fact... with the people you "talk to." Furthermore you admit to not knowing the different between a formation and a philosophy.
  5. Hard time following the difference between a formation and a philosophy? That's terrific. Believe me, winning an argument with you would be the equivalent of painting the sistine Chapel for a blind community.
  6. If you can't understand what a formation is I dont know what to tell you.
  7. The spread is a formation and the air raid is an offensive philosophy it's that simple. You do multiple things out of a spread being that it is a formation and air raid is an actual offensive system.
  8. Who are you talking to because it was a spread not an air raid.
  9. I don't think Mcaff would be a bad pick if they can find a way to utilize him.
  10. Dont waste your time. The narrative that poster has tried to force with Carr is just wrong.
  11. Terry doesn't look the least bit happy.
  12. Yet, that exact argument is used when discussing Whaley picking a QB, or heck even in the LB thread discussing his draft history there. Fans will always predicate success based on the past. Rightfully so to an extent, what have the Browns done to prove to you that they will make good choices moving forward?
  13. Problem is, keep switching what defense you run and you keep drafting players to fit that said system... For once, maybe, just maybe we can draft players and see them flourish instead of trading them or watchin them walk because we have changed defenses yet again.
  14. I wouldnt be surprised if Buffalo drafted a RB, but don't forget, we had Karlos a late round pick before we picked Mike up off the street. So we could go late round, or FA route. Williams who we drafted two years back could climb the depth chart, or buffalo could wait and see if there are cuts and possibly land a spell back that way.
  15. Hey, I miss the chaos of BBMB lol. I understand every fan base goes through this during the draft process. I am extremely curious to see how this would have played out if he wasn't related to Jim. Some will claim they aren't bias, but I find it hard to belive that people aren't giving the name far more recognition that than the actual player.
  16. Foster or Reddick would be ideal picks at ten if you ask me.
  17. Kelly did land punches on an officer as well in that bar altercation. The kid had a variety of charges against, bUT pleaded down. Fact of the matter is, yes, the kid has talent, but there are enough league execs who have cautioned about Chad's lack of maturity. You can spin the off field incidents anyway you want, convince your self of whatever you want. If the kid gets drafted highly and goes on to be a success than I'll eat crow. Until then, as I said, there are enough people in th NFL whose opinions on the kid matter far more than ours who don't trust his maturity.
  18. Sure, that could be argued, but so could absolutely any system thriving to have their front generate. It is not as if one system preaches getting into the backfield being a bad thing. Regardless, while i have justified wanting a DE in the first round in the forms of Barnett for instance, I don't think for a second adding LBS would be a bad thing. Or drafting a less valued position when you see how much is asked of the LBs dating back to when he was with Philly under Jim Johnson.
  19. How is filling the most crucial part of his defense a random need? McDermott's D is predicated on the play at LB.
  20. It's absolutely is, he had no business being on that field and everyone knows that. It's not like his brother was being jumped in an ally. A football play got out of control aND there were plenty of people there who are in place to get it under control. What's going to happen if Chad gets jacked up, as fans should we storm the field to protect him? Come on. Stop wirh the protecting his brother narrative. If anything the people that had to restrain him weren't able to address the actual incident on the field. As far as smoking or not smoking the substance. That's not the issue. The issue is consistently putting your self in bad situations without regard for ramifications. As far as the time between incidents... really six months is all you need? Cause it took two years between the getting kicked off Clemson and the whole bar fight where he went after his arresting officer... ya know after saying he was going to get an AK and spray the place.
  21. Yes,six months ago while he's supposed to be recovering from a torn ACL acting like a total jack... As far as the snapchat photos, spin it anyway you want, but it's more proof of poor decision making after poor decision making. The Tunsil comparison is not a strong base for this. Tunsil was an extremely weak. The kid by all accounts was rated one of the best players in the draft. Got caught smoking and dropped in the first round. Upon being drafted would be entered into the NFLs substance abuse program. Kelly has a long history of immaturity and complete lack of accountability to go along with an even longer laundry list of injuries. Would possibly have been in the mix with Trubisky, Watson and Mahomes. However, was nowhere near the prospect Tunsil was, even at a position that is over drafted.
  22. Is Yates a shoe in? Would be fair to argue, Jones would have to either take that backup role by the haunches or do you expose him to waivers trying to sneak him to the practice squad? Meaning, is it plausable they force Cardale into that back up role in order to protect him? Unless they carry four QB, which seems unlikely. Therefore, would be hard pressed to assume our firsy rounder wouldn't be able to beat out Jones. Not as if Jones will have a huge leg up in the system. Totally new to him as well. Or, on the flipside, they don't preclude themselves frok keeping the best backup option. Which in my eyes will be Yates and then your really can sit a guy because Yates should be serviceable.
  23. But, now in all honesty, do you think if we drafted a kid they would truly "redshirt" so to speak? Cause if right now there is a guarantee that any of Warson Trubisky Mahomes Peterman Would absolutely sit, than sign me up. I absolutely think these kids have potential if they aren't rushed. Then again, I thought that about Manuel, who was, inevitably rushed due to the injury to Kolb. I just get the sense teams like us, Browns, 49ers, Jets, are just so desperate for that franchise QB... Miami was incredibly desperate when they took Tannehill, who like Trubisky was uber raw at the position with limited starting experience in college. Granted Tannehill changed positions, but you get the point. Yet, Tannehill ended up starting day one. We know Tyrod's playing style will lend it self to injury and even worse off, I don't think this is a playoff roster. Combine those and I don't see a way a first rounder doesn't get forced into action. Again, like I said,if I knew there was a full fledged guarantee that these kids wouldn't play, then take one...
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