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Everything posted by BillsFan17

  1. Again, if the guy was thought of well enough, a late round pick would not prevent them from signing him. Did giving up a fifth stop the Pats from signing Gills to an offer sheet, under that tenders rules? Only bills fans seem to care so dearly about comp picks. The pats are hedging their bets the maybe they get something for him if he do in fact sign elsewhere. However, just because he signs doesn't mean the Pats will automatically receive a comp pick. The value of the contract comes into play. If Blount had any intrest, I doubt this is what does him in. If so, then he wasn't highly regarded to begin with.
  2. Teams aren't goin to have to give up anything for him, and NE doesn't automatically get a comp pick, it's based on what he signs elsewhere for. What are you talking about?
  3. How long are we going to play on the whole arm strength thing? This was debated to death in regards to Watson and been inconclusive in regards to QBs overall success. Accuracy is what's important. You don't seem to get that.
  4. How is this a raw deal? He can still sign elsewhere and the team singing wouldn't have to give anything up... Plus, the market wasn't exactly great for him to begin with. Moreover, there is no saying the pats would get a comp pick. It's based on what he signs for... Downside he makes money to be on the best team in the league.
  5. How is he getting screwed? The pats don't want to lose him for nothing, but if he was good enough a team would sign him. The same way the Pats signed Gills because they thought he was worth a 5th
  6. I stand firm in, you are what your record says you are. Sure if a few different things happen, we have a different record. However, in the aire of fairness we have said that a lot over the years. As far as Beane having control, the reason I ask is because a lot of people are so hungup on that one issue is makes no sense. Yet, despite Beane having control of the 53 man roster, there are still fans who are choosing to ignore that. As if in the league where coaches have system and schemes that the wouldn't have input or a heavy influence. Unless disjointed, makes no sense for a GM to force players onto a coach.
  7. Not really the best way to evaluate a QB, but at the very least that is an interesting visual.
  8. 1) Their beat reporter already stated the guys they drafted had higher grades. 2) Let's just say they did "leak" it. They got the guys they wanted, so if anything they played us into using more picks to acquire guys they didn't want, helping push their guys down the board. 3) If there was any type of foul play, they strip us of a pick. Doesn't mean the Panthers get said pick. ESPECIALLY WITH THE PERSON LEAKING WAS STILL EMPLOYED BY THEM AT THE TIME. Takes two to tango and if the person was employed by you letting out that information, that's on you.
  9. If you think this is a ten win roster... And yes, I'm not short sighted. I want to contend EVERY year. And how does everyone feel about Beane having final say over the 53 man roster?
  10. I hope we go 2-14... are you kidding me? I'm sick of not being in position to get that elite QB. Dareus was as close as we came during the Newton draft. That being said, the lower we pick the less likely we have to give anything up in addition to insure we can get a QB.
  11. Awesome post. After I got married I lived in North Myrtle Beach right on the water, we got pregnant wanted to go back to NY... got pregnant again, now I'm in Matthews, NC. Miss myrtle beach and the restaurant Flip Flops. That aside I have been on board with MCD and am def on board with Beane. Beane wasn't my first choice, but the guy knows a lot of different facets of the job and versatility is our motto.
  12. We cleaned house, let a lot of players from the previous regime walk and put one of the main investments of the old staff in Watkins on notice. They also reduced the years of Tyrod and set it up so that they could walk away easier. If you don't thunk this is a rebuild, than I don't think you are paying attention.
  13. All I did was provide you with evidence of why I used the language I did. You can choose to interpret it however you want. Obviously you are going to focus on certain words and phrases and not the bigger picture of what's being discussed. I make other points and you pick one phrase and that's what you hone in on. Again, I understand the level of which I being brought to, and I really just don't care enough about how it's perceived anymore. Cause fact of the matter is, a marginal QB had years taken off his deal because the Bills aren't hedging their bets on him. The fiscal figures also help them walk away from him within that time frame. I have in other posts given examples and also stated these views as my opinions and these are speculative takes. But again, can't stress enough i know the level you want me at with this.
  14. I have no qualms admitting when im wrong. As a man, I have not an ounce of hesitation admitting when I'm wrong. In addition to that, I also gage the importance of the subject matter, and I really don't need to win the Internet. I can lay out an opinion/stance/argument and conduct healthy debate. However, i don't envision findung that with you. Seeing as how that one article along with many others, ued the same language that I used in my posts. The same posts that point out speculation on both sides. I mean Whaley never directly came out and said Tyrod want his guy, but benched him as a "business decision." Then the consensus is Whaley didn't want to stick with Tyrod, but McDermott did. So these actions and sentiments being coupled with various outlets, again, with the language being used that I reiterated. All you have responded with... it says enough to me about who I'm "debating" with. Nevertheless, I gave an example of one such piece regarding the feelings of Tyrods fate. If you chose to do the research or acknowledge only what you choose to acknowledge, I'm not here to convince you. I don't get brownie points for changing your mind.
  15. Gus Johnson needs to come back to the NFL.
  16. https://www.google.com/amp/billswire.usatoday.com/2017/03/14/buffalo-bills-tyrod-taylor-contract-pay-cut/amp/
  17. So we trust the media when they give us news we want to hear, but don't trust them when it doesn't fit our narrative? Do you put your fingers in your ears and stomp your feet when you don't hear what you want as well? As if we haven't heard conflicting things coming out of buffalo, or the leaks... come on now, you need to hear it directly from them for it to be truth?
  18. Literally, there is no previous failures o success to this guy. Just a promising front office guy who has been groomed for a little bit now... Yet, there are already those in line ready to knock the guy. Just goes to show the overall intellect around here.
  19. Yes it was, by all accounts buffalo did not want that cap hit. It was reported heavily that Tyrod was basically done in Buffalo with that cap hit. They knew he was their best option oppose to the field, but if you really think they were holding onto him come hell or high water at that figure... Does Google not work for certain people?
  20. Lmao so-Some try to blame their owner, who obviously couldn't prevent this from happening. -Another fan says THEY COULD have blocked this, but don't stop people from ADVANCING. Seeing as how you can't block someone from advancing I don't get thay logic -Some still believe Beane tipped off their draft board. Which has already been disputed with them having higher grades on the players they took oppose to who we traded up for. Their fan base is clown shoes.
  21. You chosing not highlight the part where I point out my point is pur speciation. The forgone conclusion part has many articles that speak to that effect. That part isn't speculation. That part is something that had been reported on and if you Google it you will find it. I'm not trying to get away with anything "bud." Again reading comprehension
  22. Reading comprehension isn't a strong suit is it? Very opening of my post, I point out I'm speculating as well. Lol read first before posting
  23. I'm sorry, but I can't get behind an ounce of what you are saying. It's pure speculation, the same way what I'm saying about players wanting longevity and security, is speculation. I'm basing mine off of recent patterns and trends of franchise players signing big term years. Tyrod either took a new deal with Buffalo or they were going to let him go. That a forgone conclusion. They didn't want that hit on the books. His agent talks to other teams to gage the market, then Taylor renegotiated. No one is saying Tyrod was bent over a barrell, but if he really wasn't afraid of being unemployed like you said, why not stand firm with that chip and let buffalo cut ties? You as a person value your self to your employeer in a fashion to obtain the most for your services. You don walk in, let them strip security of five years of career stability, for two because you are such a believer in you self. Any restructuring by a QB I can think of to date, involved the fiscal side not the years side. They have reworked their figures in order help the cap situation, not remove years. Why did he take that deal he took with the years in the first place?
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