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Everything posted by BillsFan17

  1. Daryl Davis would strongly disagree with this extremely narrow-minded logic. To assume no one can grow and learn, again look up Daryl Davis. Then come back.
  2. You don't have the life you have without the armed forced. So, as a matter of fact, they are extremely relevant, each and everyday. Ignoring that is pretty ***** up.
  3. Glorifying the military is no considered garbage? Good to know.
  4. You spent this much time breaking down... pure gibberish? Well, maybe you need a new hobby, maybe log off and keep that SJW fight in the streets, where it counts! Kaep' blatantly calls out the flag, do you even know what it is you are trying to argue? https://www.google.com/amp/s/ftw.usatoday.com/2016/08/colin-kaepernick-49ers-national-anthem-sit-explains/amp
  5. What are you struggling with? And a typo is all you can reference? The flag holds meaning to people, you want to dismiss that to be woke, that's fine. You want to dismiss the flag as something that symbolizes racial injustice, thats fine, but there is nothing that proves that. You can't prove it, you can't back it up.
  6. you mean people that went and had permits, coordinated with the police, and were well within their rights to have those guns. The term assault rifle shows you are trying to stir people up. Seeing as how there is no such weapon with that title. If you are referring to ArmaLite rifles, which again were legally allowed. Moreover, remind me the crimes committed that day. Shootings? Had to be plenty since there was so many guns there. Any violent interactions between the protestors and cops? Anyone provoking or chanting to kill the police? Those same people protesting were sick and tired of watching their businesses and livelihoods ruined.
  7. What exactly does this prove again?
  8. Yup, its empty to people who hold it as a symbol with deep meaning. But if we say it stands for racial injustice that absolutely must be acknowledged. No double standard.
  9. I have family that are avid rugby players, the one thing they talk about is the respect factor. They are less likely to be willing to take on certain collisions because they aren't wearing as much equipment. Not to say there aren't some real impacts to be had on a rugby pitch, but they are far more conscientious.
  10. Almost 90% of these types aren't even remotely interested in conversation. They use buzzwords/phrases, with absolutely zero potential discourse.
  11. 100%, unless you conform you will be labeled and canceled. Either follow the herd or there will be consequences. The ability to think for one's self is nonexistent anymore. Or, at the very least, you'll have to apologize out the ass and beg for forgiveness.
  12. Drew Brees has done more for black communities (through his charity work) than 90% of the people calling him out, change my mind.
  13. Or excited about any hint of a distraction from reality right now. Plus, anyone who can't Digg it, can kick rocks.
  14. Not sure what in supposed to get from this post. Doesn't look any different than trolling.
  15. There was discord on both sides. Diggs wanted out, they accommodated when Buffalo gave a nice haul of picks. Like many have pointed out, its actually pretty accurate to what happened, based on Beane's comments, im not sure why anyone would think it's conjecture.
  16. Dude you are simply going off conjecture, and insist on replying like your conjecture is some sort of inevitable career arch.
  17. Someone did and its pretty effin awesome to be honest that someone took the time do it.
  18. Beane said it himself "he's not looking for choir boys"
  19. Its one thing that the Pats lost Brady, but hes not the only player the Pats lost. There were players like Van Noy, Collins, Shelton for instance who are no longer there. Yes, the Pats have always had a good, next man up, but with their secondary getting older and their draft class is more raw than ready...
  20. Thats exactly what stops them. They understand the product without the NFL likeness would not do overly well.
  21. Thats conjecture based on what you think his mindset SHOULD be. What we can go on is what he most recently stated. Yes, things could have changed, surely, but until he him self says otherwise...
  22. And you are still deflecting? You made a claim with no factual information, claimed it as fact, when faced with opposition you immediately go to "projecting." Instead of having anything of substance to refute the fact the numbers have had to be adjusted a handful of times. The CDC them selves have admitted to such. Doctors/scientist have changed their position on this virus from month to month. These things are all documented and easily available, so where is the conspiracy? There is none, especially when the claims being made are just me reiterating what these entities them selves have admitted.
  23. Which medical experts? I'd love to know which ones have been consistent. There is no conspiracy theories, I literally sent you the literature on it. Not some half cooked conspiracy, actual real information. So while you seem to think I'm projecting, you seem to be deflecting to a state of ignorance.
  24. 35, best years are far behind him, twice had QBs taken in the first two rounds while he was on the roster as the "starter," coming off a serious surgery, etc... that speaks more to why Flacco was given the compensation that he was than a sudden shift in his mentality. “I’ve got so many things to worry about,” Flacco said. “I’m trying to go out there and play good football. I’m trying to go out there and play the best football of my life. As far as a time constraint and all stuff, I’m not worried about developing guys or any of that. ... “I hope [Lock] does develop. But I don’t look at that as my job. My job is to go win football games for this football team.” If nothing else it's more paramount than ever to try and find a situation that could offer an opportunity to play.
  25. So, numbers are being misrepresent/incorrectly reported and you have the balls to use the word "facts" The only facts are that numbers have not been consistent at all. They have either been underestimated or over inflated. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/611935/ But again, why are we shooting for the "numbers are likely higher" instead of looking at the possibility the numbers might actually be lower... once they stop with the people dying WITH the virus oppose to FROM the virus. Again, why is every other major cause of death declining? Why are officials openly admitting that covid deaths will be counted weather or not it was the true cause of death? Moreover, the mortality rate as of present day is 99%, if you want to tell me thats subject to scrutiny too, that's why, but by how much? Is it more like 98%... 97%?? Thats like telling me you would rather swim than drive over the George Washington Bridge because its only 98% safe. Your fear doesn't give you some sort of moral supremacy.
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