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Everything posted by BillsFan17

  1. I'm not saying it shouldn't be discussed, im not saying we don't have bigger issues than just some clothing. All I was pointing out, the message can get muddled when the person shows you who they align their belief system with. I want to hear the message, and hear where he is coming from, but when you support someone who makes police brutality look like a walk in the park, it is hard to take Kaep at face value.
  2. I implied no one should be allowed to protest? Or I pointed out we have criminals on sidelines trying to act like they deserve a moral high ground. Where did i say no one should be allowed to protest? You are trying to push something onto me based on the illusion of what YOU THOUGHT my post meant and what was actually asked. Also, if cops were only killing 1% of unarmed black men, would you be fine with it, since the percentage is so low? Moreover, on a message board, your response is to try harder? For who? Who am I here to impress?
  3. Where did I say it was the bigger offense? I asked if the shirt should be shrugged off too? If someone if putting those types of morals literally on their sleeve, this doesn't change the message at all? Promoting one of the absolute worst dictators of all time, its not triggering me, not in the least, it just bears attention.
  4. So the Fidel Castro shirt is just to be shrugged off too?
  5. Elaborate or move on. First of all, the fact that you were "waiting for this one" is a level of pathetic I can't wrap my head around. If you sit around on a message board waiting, you genuinely need a life. https://www.google.com/amp/s/freebeacon.com/issues/nfl-players-protested-national-anthem-sunday-arrest-records/amp/ And here, more than one more, all who knelt with criminal background. Now please, go find a ***** hobby.
  6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/sport/2017/sep/06/colin-kaepernick-ray-lewis-baltimore-ravens-nessa-diab-nfl So we just gloss over the fact the league was ready to bring him back until his GF made racist remarks?
  7. See this is where things get interesting. How do we have sidelines with players like this, kneeling and telling me about moral highgrounds/values?
  8. Tyrod was benched simply because he has a string of bad games. The color of his replacement doesn't matter. Tyrod forced the coaches hand.
  9. Absolutely, I think some have changed their worldly outlook, others are just covering their ass.
  10. Have people truly changed their minds? Or are they following the herd in order to not be canceled or publicly shamed (e.g. Drew Brees)
  11. How am I refusing to see that? Or are you just trying to grandstand and are using my post to do so... because there is literally no way to draw that conclusion from my post...
  12. Again, you keep assuming im white? Why? Why are you that insecure you need to project me being white? Yup, im not smart, you have nothing to back your argument up with, so I'm no smart. Well played... this place is becoming an echo chamber of stupidity and its evident.
  13. Yeah, and those same people have the freedom to comment on anything thread these choose. Trying to silence people's opinions you disagree with, SMH
  14. No, they don't hold different worth. You keep assigning different worth to them. There is nothing hard to understand you keep acting like a 12 year old with posters on your wall of our favorite athletes. I pointed out you couldn't name top people of actual prominence and accolades in the real world. You keep harping on athletes being superior to the common man in terms of their message. Which is patently false and very naive. Again, keep living in your childhood room, the rest of us would live to be adults.
  15. You're pretty sure? Moreover, the fact my race, religion, creed, means more than my views says more about you than me. Also, this is far from arguing, this is someone trying to project, and failing. I don't need some complete stranger guessing my ethnicity, acting upon that assumption, than trying to insult me. You are part of the problem.
  16. They are 100% on the clock, however, the league gave into the pressure and now has reformed their view. The fact that this is such a debated issue makes no sense. Either you agree with the kneeling or you don't, but there are within their full rights to do it. The same way we are within our full rights to support their case or not.
  17. You keep assuming I'm white, does that give you control over the conversation? who said I came name a zillion athletes and only a few scientists? How is that answering my own question? So far today, I've watched a bunch of people argue with them selves. Some seem to want to grandstand, virtue signal, or straight up just seem to enjoy confrontation.
  18. So, you get to change definitions of words to suit your self. You dont have to wait long to see Obama was the ruler of the free world. Why was that supposed to be a mic drop? Did you blatantly pass over a black president for a reason?
  19. No, you said it was easy. I have done my research, id love to see yours. Telling me its so simple I should do it either means you can't do it your self, or there aren't any and it easier to deflect.
  20. Because they are star athletes you prop them up, thats your world view. To me they are entertainers. You couldn't name the top five utmost renowned world scientists, doctors, educators, etc... but you can tell me the top five QBs are in the NFL. I know the difference between occupations and professions, you on the other hand choose to glorify one. That in no way makes them more a value based source of information. I've met all walks of life with all sorts of occupations with very high intellect and very profound world views, who didn't have massive wealth, didn't have a platform, didnt have an audience, and i didnt immediately classify them as less important than athletes. So, yeah, clearly you have nothing left to say to me.
  21. Who said I was butt hurt? Racism is racism no matter how you slice it. I'll wait for your stats
  22. They are entertainers. As far as I'm concerned, my car still needs oil to function. I don't need sports to function. The president to a fry cook is an absolutely awful comparison.
  23. Well, there is the racism we are looking for. You dont know if im Hispanic, black, Asian, white... yet let's see how you react to me pointing out exactly how racist stupid comments like yours are.
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