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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. All kinds of people lose their jobs. If you played one year in the NFL you made $500,000 at 23. Good head start in life I worked for a Buffalo company that let go 700 people in one day, all unannounced. Long time ago. Experience that
  2. Mitch Morse plays 3 games this year, takes all his guaranteed $$$ and retires 9/1/2020 ala Andrew Luck You said "unpopular"
  3. What a great article. Awesome. Good for Cleveland
  4. You know wonder about the proliferation of Canadian geese, crapping machines. Locally check out South Park Lake or the lakes at Allegany SP. Any water edges along the Niagara are just buried in geese stuff
  5. My previous neighbors were the most obnoxious slobs out there. Can't believe they were next door 10 years. My castle felt like my hell hole. They got evicted and house sat vacant 2 years, some of the best 2 years I've been there. Now all re-habed, a young couple owns it. The guy is out of down 3 weeks a month, and she goes lives with her mother those 3 weeks. The only problem now.............. I'm jealous, this guys toy collection is huge. 2-3 collector cars, RV, ATV, snow mobile, Harley
  6. Go to UB in 1975 and yes swamped by the atmosphere. Bomb out after a year. Start ECC in 77 in Engineering all night school while I worked 40-48 a week. Got a engineering job that paid for my BS at Buff State, again night school. 7 years of night school, 4 hours a night M-TH was a very difficult time in my life This is such good advice! +1 on the transfer too
  7. Buddy came into my life 8 years ago, my first dog at 55 when someone else couldn't take care of him This morning he is at the vet getting a fast growing mass removed. I'm praying for the best
  8. You know what is abusive? My dad never took me to Costa Rica ?
  9. And according to one site, made $11.4 million over his career. Now that's REALLY not bad!
  10. Are you thinking Kursk? That was the summer of 1943
  11. Lucky for him the Russians were in a POW mood that day. Generally they killed all Germans. I believe it was like 3 million Russian soldiers died as captives of the Germans. I always wondered how US citizens of German descent felt about the war...............
  12. Lost in the Normandy publicity is that the day before, MORE US troops and ships than Normandy left for the Marianas Islands to fight the Japanese. Generally regarded as the battle where Japan knew they lost the war My dad served in the Pacific in an artillery unit. Joined the Army in 1940 and discharged at the end of 1945
  13. This is how I feel. While not a fan of Zay so far, when there is talk of dumping him, well I still got patience. Plus he doesn't cost much First pick I would rather have a stud OT, I'm not sold on the guys we signed so far. WR? Maybe round 3, UB's A Johnson. Big and fast
  14. 68 Dodge van at the height of van customs
  15. 62. Have driven 3 on floor, 4 on floor, and 3 on a tree. My son's 6 speed, too many gears what a PITA. No interest going back to a manual Also, 4 up, one down, and 5 up, one down. Quads and Harley's
  16. For some unique railroading close to Buffalo, go to Altoona PA, Horseshoe Curve. Westbounds are awesome sight and sound
  17. Right down the road from you, out of Appleton, we get a 43,000# truck every day of the week of thermal coated paper. They haven't stopped shipping
  18. Never had a chance to jump into this thread. So looking at full sized half ton trucks. I'm down to Ford & Chev/GMC. But for this question it really doesn't matter. What's the best way to get that truck? So expensive and drawbacks in every choice: BUY: New but Holy Cow $$$$$$$$$$ Lease: OK less money but you're in for $300-$400 a month for forever, lease after lease Buy off-lease: 3-4 years old. Less $$$ but what's the history? Someone towing 10,000# around. Plus might need immediate maintenance Thanks for any inputs!
  19. It's stunning how no one even gets near Brady on most passing downs, or how much time he gets to throw. What's he got like 5 HOF'ers in front of him. Or a lot of uncalled holding. It's just like you see no one in the NFL with the protection he gets
  20. You shouldn't have let a guy like Hull sit in your crease. Maybe if a Sabre would have made a play in what, the other 100 minutes of that game, we wouldn't be talking about it
  21. Pats receivers EVERY down play to refs for a PI call. BS
  22. I'd rather players decide the game, not penalty calls. NHL does it right
  23. I thought the above was the best response until I saw the one below. Let it go
  24. I'd rather have these guys, they're going to be huge. NYS gave license today to build hemp plant. LOVE the stock! https://www-yahoo-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.yahoo.com/amphtml/finance/news/canopy-growth-build-first-u-190557791.html?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s
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