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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. Good article. Ironic it is one week before the Super Bowl where Kelce got shut down
  2. Or............ did he balloon to 450#. I'm sure during his time off he must have had to check in with the training staff to see his condition. Be it in person or remotely
  3. Maybe KP is setting us up for the season ticket price increase 😐
  4. Do anti lock brakes leave skid marks? My guess is no
  5. The answer is on their web page
  6. You might be the first person who has thrown this out there. RK should be getting more out of this club. Even last year we miss playoffs by one point. RK not playing Skinner & Eichal together cost us the playoffs
  7. This. It would concern me about Star. Did he work out all season and will he be football ready and a contributor to the line. I would guess that trainers stayed in touch with him all season about his regimen for work outs
  8. Those are great! Wonder if mine is still around? Maybe 10-20 years since Ive seen it. Grilled Cheese or pizza samdwiches
  9. Not mocking your post. You know who did give you that jolt? OJ in broken field
  10. Did I miss Trent Murphy? I'd keep Hughes for one more year
  11. This site should have an investments forum, something that would benefit all of us rather than the political forum that is all fights Yeah you are probably right on that.
  12. Yeah I'm not so sure it would take a TREMENDOUS amount of traders Go to wallstreetbets and read all the stories of people that made a killing on GME............... or so they say. I'd be scared to be in that now. Just like that NAKD I bought, I doubt I hold that more than 1-2 days
  13. Bought NAKD at $1.01 at 3pm at closing $1.40 A friend told me to get into GME late last week at what was it? $8? Didn't do it
  14. My cousins daughter submitted DNA to Ancestry. Scored a hit that traced a person 10 years younger than me to either my mother or sister. I didn't buy into it. Got the guys name and traced it on the net. Opened image like OMG looking in a mirror! Never connected though. Later found out from my cousin my sister at 20 had a baby with a very famous Buffalo businessman married about 45 at the time
  15. I would if I were him
  16. Should have been around for the 4 SB losses.
  17. The fact he was a great passer AND you could count on him to be there EVERY Sunday, is remarkable and I'll say HOF worthy
  18. So hindsight, Browns should have gone on 4th.
  19. If Browns had that other TD ruled a fumble
  20. Trent put LJ out of the game.😐
  21. So game threads or Shoutbox. Whats your choice? I like the box myself
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