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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. OK, seriously now, what's the problem with a Super Mighty?
  2. Herald.com to harass Dolfag fans, railroad.net, atvtime, atvconnection, buffalobills, motorcycle-usa
  3. Yeah, what's up with that guy? He's been there since early this morning
  4. Belichek did that in 91, and did that each of the last 2 years against the Colts. You could see that coming. Just like Thurman could run all day IF they gave him the ball, Edge James was the same way.
  5. Like once a year I go on a fishing charter in the 1000 Islands. I use one charter in particular. Last summer the guy tells me it is his last year. He was joining a professional fishing team sponsored by a major fishing tackle manufacturer fishing the west coast of Florida. Where the hell was I when they handed out that job?!?!?!?!?
  6. Last thing to say about this. This may sound dumb, but when you sell something for relatively big $$$, and the buyer is upset, don't forget they now know where you live. Buyer or their friend gets a liitle crazy and damages your car or house or who knows what else. The world is full of nutty people. Just check out this board!!! You'll at least sleep better if you negotiate & settle out
  7. That's the key to the whole issue here. "As Is" doesn't absolve you if you were fraudulent in your dealings here. If you knowingly sold the car with consealed trans problems, you could be in trouble on this one. As someone else said, offer to split the costs, after all you said you got more money than you thought you would on the sale
  8. At work, but not doing any work. Power out, 5th time in 2 years. Somebody better do some grid upgrades in Buffalo. Computer just came up, but we've got no heat in the building. Freakin' freezin' in here!!!
  9. Ted Nugent said it best in the Sunday paper: The rules are simple," he wrote. "All guns are always loaded and never point a weapon at anything you're not willing to destroy. All other safety talk is superfluous. Dad installed a safety lock on my brain." http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050109/1064450.asp
  10. You know after I typed that, I had the same thought. All you ever see the guy run is fly patterns
  11. Have a hard hitting LB waiting for him next time he runs a pattern over the middle
  12. I bet you there are plenty of obscenities at owner-union meetings
  13. Where was a GB player to defend the honor & tradition of Lambeau Field and its fans? Some GB player should have "interfered" with his cheap act instead of just walking away, tail between your legs. You wouldn't see an NHL player get away with that and not pay the consequences.............if we had a NHL.................
  14. Today's story on her http://www2.buffnews.com/editorial/20050108/1052105.asp This has been going on for at least a couple years now. It's a joke, and it is on us taxpayers. Here you have a harmless old lady who hand feeds a few deer every day. What else does she have to do in her life? And believe me she it not the only one despite what the Feds claim. I've been to that park a lot of times. So here you have all these gov't budgets in the red and having to raise taxes and carrying on about costs. Well what does this cost us? Lets see, a couple DEC officers, their vehicles, supervisor, training and pensions, prosecutor, judge, court time, record maintenance. Maybe $250,000 total to charge an old woman with a handful of apples. WTF!!!!
  15. OK, I'll give you some competition. Trian kept a rolling by TINY BRADSHAW & HIS ORCHESTRA and re-done by Aerosmith in the 70's. Any one here ever see the cover of this by Talas? Buffalo's best rock cover band
  16. I work 45 hours/5 day week at a mfg plant. When there was a possiblity my plant was going to close, I got an offer to work at a new car dealership. 12hr days, 6 day week and sometine Sundays. NO THANKS!!
  17. My poor dad always had bad taste in cars..............he owned at the same time in the 70's a Gremlin and a Pacer wagon. Actually the Gremlin wasn't a bad little car. The Pacer was damn ugly, but you could haul some sh-- with it
  18. Like your Lindell avatar. That's how I felt about him too after that 28 yarder miss
  19. I thought I've seen in business articles that a lot of IT jobs are going to India also. Cheaper to pay these guys than USA programmers
  20. India is the new HOT spot for call centers. They pay like $1/hr, and it costs minimal to set these centers up. Virtually all the telephone solicitation calls I get at home are from India, especially the new credit card calls. They caller sits there and stamers for 10-20 seconds trying to pronounce my last name. What a joke
  21. That's my thought exactly. Neither QB is good enough, with this roster, to take you beyond that record. We may be stuck at a mediocre record until or if Losman becomes a capable QB. If that takes 2-3 more years like it took Brees, then half or more of the current roster will be gone due to cap and age. We could be stuck in a period of re-building for the next couple years. By re-building I mean from 9-7 to the next step of say 13-3
  22. Better yet, a division with Buffalo with SF, StL, AR & Seattle. 4-0 this year
  23. You know with JP it is probably going to take him 2-3 years of playing to develop before we make a serious run. By then a lot of the players on this club will be past their prime and we will be re-building still or again. Drew is my choice, as in Brees. SD may still keep him, but it would be great to be able to get him. However, I'm sure the Bills are now committed to JP until he either makes it or is a bust.
  24. Flutie had 2 TD's yesterday. If he was here, we'd be playing the Colts next weekend. Just kidding!!!!
  25. I went to the Amerks game last week at HSBC. $125 for 8 tickets and parking. The tickets included a hot dog, popcorn, and pop. It was an OK game, although offensive talent is lacking. Still, not a bad deal when considering $125 would get me only 2 Sabre tickets. 6 weeks until Nascar too
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