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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. The rear shocks should be no more than $100. The struts could go $250 or more, plus I believe you need an alignment too after installation. What was your problem that you needed an O2 sensor? I'm thinking I'm looking at the same thing possibly
  2. Why are we cool on te Sabres? Lets see, mediocre team, expensive to go see, boring on TV, and no chance to win the Cup. The team, even the entire sport, was much better in the early 90's with Pat L and Mogilny at their peak here.
  3. In my 30 years of working, one year was on a temporary county job. I was lost. There was like no incentive, mission, purpose, whatever you want to call it. Just come in, do it, and leave. In the private sector there is so much drive. I guess it is called profitability and competition. Maybe that one movie had it right, Wall Street, "greed is good" I also worked for Tyco, greed is not good in their case
  4. Eddie Rutkowski for a long time has been second in charge of the NYS Parks dept. What the hell does he know about parks?
  5. You're right. I believe some local towns do contract that out. And mine contracts out re-cycling
  6. I doubt if any one ever wants to see someone loose their job. But as times change thru the economy and technology, job roles change too. There used to be a lot of manufacturing jobs in WNY. They're gone, and people adapt. And I sympathise because it is never painless. All you can do is try to prepare for it and increase your own personal skill base to make you valuable to a future employer. That can increase your chances of employment
  7. Trash is not a county task, the city and towns do the trash
  8. The solution to the strike is at Niagara Falls. You just have to get it. You wade into the water just above the Falls and...............
  9. I agree. While jobs and population are leaving, public sector jobs and their drain on the local economy are growing. The number I heard was county jobs has grown in 10 years from 7,000 to 10,000 Does any one know how those 10,000 jobs are broken down? How many at ECMC, Social Services, Parks, Highway, etc.......I just can't see how they can have that many people. That number is amazing
  10. I sat next to Ted Cottrell on a flight. I didn't talk to him too much about the Bills though and his job. My logic was how would I feel if Ted C sat down next to me and asked me about my field, "so how about that just-in-time inventory?"
  11. A few other observations come to mind Went to the downtown office of the EC Parks dept. First thing I noticed was how it looked like a private sector office from 25 years ago. It was like being sent back in time. Every desk has stacks of in/out trays, typewriters(!), and paper everywhere. 2 computer terminals in a back corner. Talk about backward Stop EC Sheriffs patrols and their costs. The State Police are obligated to provide coverage, they overlap, and we pay the SP any way. I went to my son's parent/teacher meeting. I had the last appointment of the day. She complains to me that it is 4:10 right now, and she got here at 7:30 Wish I had those hours, and July & August off too WS highway dept starts at 7am. When I'm passing by the local Tim Hortons at 7:30, there must be a half dozen trucks in there. Where's the accountability?
  12. There are too many spending programs. At least NOT the kind that will attract new businesses. Yeah, it'll bring in new residents, welfare reciprients who need Medicare. Those services we provide by the bucket
  13. In my mind, what makes that outrageous is the biggest private sector employer in Erie County is the GM engine plant, at 3,000 people. That's just not right
  14. A lot of other thoughts, in no order, and maybe some emotional or irrational, I don't care any more. 1) 10,000 people work for the county! Doing what?!?!? We really need that many? 2) With state, federal, county, local towns and villages and schools, how many people work for the above in Erie County? Maybe 40,000 as a guess. No wonder our taxes are where they are 3) Giambra should resign, his credibility and management skills are a joke. No one wants to see him here any more 4) DeBenedetti is a bigger joke. He'll vote for the extra % if he can resign and take a $120,000 post with the Water Authority. Then he crabs about patronage 5) There is no real effort still to re-shape goverment. Increases taxes and continue with how we always do everything. 6) How many years until we are at 10%, 3 years, 11% in 5 years? Why not? 7) Today the Legislature says the 9% will be temporary
  15. I was thinking about starting this thread myself the last couple weeks. The Ridge has been closed 2-3 weeks now. Although they let sledders "tresspass" and go down the hill by the Casino. ATV's and snowmobiles however are completely forbidden. And why? Taxpayer punishment? Not a single park worker is out of a job yet. They are all still there, just closing the park to punish the taxpayer and bring negative publicity to the whole fiasco. Where I live, West Seneca, a week ago when we had snow, county roads did not get plowed until the next day. Town roads where fine The riding at the park REALLY bothers me. I pay hundreds of $$$ per year in insurance and registration, and the one legal time of the year I can ride in Erie County, the county closes it? "F" them all, shut down the whole county
  16. Everyone always says that. Isn't MLB setting attendance records right now? Probably 3 years after the NHL comes back, they'll have att records too. At least if they cancel the season, I hope we don't have to hear about it again for 6 months
  17. Duff's wings SUCK!!!
  18. Seattle is way over the cap, and will go thru salary cap hell & purge this year. I would be in favor of Brees. I just see that with Losman, it's going to take a few years for him. By then guys will be over the hill like Adams, Fletcher, Milloy, Spikes, Williams, Moulds, etc......and we will be re-building. The "D" is here now, we need to win now, get an experienced QB. Plus, Losman could always be the next Todd Collins, there are no guarantees he'll be a stud QB
  19. Hey, it's not my fault!! Let me tell a true story. 2 months ago I go to a dealership where my son works as a technician. There's a car I want to buy, 02 Gran Prix. I drove it for 2 days. Price tag ON THE CAR is "$13,000, now reduced to $9,900". General Sales Mgr says "With your son working here, we've got a extra special price for you................$10,500" :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  20. What do you do if you have 2 mini-vans? I've got a 2003 Chrysler T&C, great van, never a problem, tons of room. For more room, buy an roof top carrier. Need the roof rack for that, not all have that I've also got a 94 Voyager, 120,000 miles. No transmission problems, although now I have some slight slippage in lock-up mode. But then I towed about 500# more than allowed for 5 years so I brought it on myself. I don't know about the newer Chryslers, but the mid-90's had a lot of AC problems. Mine included, and it is never cheap. Evaporator cores usually
  21. For a long distance kick, the kicker will sometimes move back an extra yard. The reason is that he will kick it more on a line, with less arc, because of the distance. But without the arc, it has more chance of being blocked at the line, so they move back a yard
  22. Heck YEAH!!! If these guys are shutting down hockey, and the owners saving money, I BETTER see some of that. Or screw them when they come back. And of course you won't see it. Didn't the Sabres drop ticket prices like $5/seat this year? Pretty lousy perk to the fans when they knew all along there won't be a season. I went to the December Amerks game @ HSBC. $125 for 8 tickets, parking, and free hot dog, popcorn, and pop. How do you beat that? The play quality was only slightly lower than NHL. Offensive creativity wasn't there
  23. I'm in 204 and I would say the sight is about the same as upper deck. Yes 204 is not good when play is near the opposite goal line. Check out the Bills web site, the seating chart, and click on the chart for the view from that seat. Also know that the Rockpile is 203-241, that string of sections. I'm like 4 seats away. I may move to save the $100/seat. My only advice is that the lower bowl corners and end zones, the fans stand the entire game. The first few rows stand, then everybody else has to in order to see. There can be a lot of out-of-towners where I sit. I would be surprised if you can get lower bowl tickets between the 10 yard line, or in the lower half of the upper deck. Generally those are already seasons
  24. Nobody was as muscled and sculpted as Reed. He was the original strengthened WR. Remember Reed's role in the "comeback" game.........the last 3 TD's
  25. I have not seen anything regarding exactly what 200 sections qualify. There are 12 200 sections at the scoreboard end. I'm in 204, row 4, would like to know. You're right about the Steeler fans. I felt like I was the "away game" fan. Surrounded!!!
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