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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. Geez, you got that right. Guess it's not cool to be a white male
  2. I'll stand and cheer and yell too, but I don't want to stand for the entire 3+ hours
  3. Only problem I've seen with that area is that the people in the first few rows stand to see the game better. That means that every row after that also stands so as to see over who is in front of you
  4. As 2 previous posters said, the Naval Park is good, so is the Bird Island breakwall. Go to the other side of the island by crossing the Int'l RR bridge. Also the Miss Buffalo. I think better than most of the above though, except N Falls, is Holland Speedway. Don't knock it until you've gone there. Very family oriented, some amusement rides, special pricing for families, good food, and good entertainment. Go to the pits afterwards and meet drivers and get some freebies. Anything from real give-aways, to something a kid will really treasure. WRECKED CAR PARTS. When my kids were smaller, they brought home things from tires and driveshafts, to even a front clip Holland
  5. It's a security thing. If you're not there and they leave the tickets, someone could steal and use or sell them easily
  6. Nascar has to be Dick Trickle. With a name like that, how can you ignore him?
  7. Henry HAD to produce this year if he wanted the big paycheck next year. He couldn't afford to be a quitter. And so he was unhappy.............lots of people are unhappy at their job. So what? They still have to do their work
  8. I had a 71 Duster 340 4 speed. Damn that car MOVED.
  9. If Willis goes down, the same people will be saying "we should have kept Henry". You're right, few 3rd rounders develop into anything.
  10. Did you stay past T-ball? Then you will see how competitive it really gets. I could tell you a lot of stories of the 5 years I put into it. The worst was scams at draft time, robbing other rosters, ringers showing up, coaches intimidating umps and players, forcing poor players to quit, telling poor players not to show up at key games, not playing all players, batting order shenanigans...................only limited by your imagination. I remember most of this happening once kids got into fast pitch. I'll tell you, when I tried to be a "good" coach, we got pounded. After tiring of that, the next year I got a little smarter, and put together a winning record. Then I gave it up. Wasn't worth it.
  11. Of our 3 cars, the one I like the most is by far the oldest, 94 Voyager. Cheap to drive, reliable, utilitarian, who cares where you park it, and best of all my kids bought it an aftermarket ground pounding stereo system. IT ROCKS!!!
  12. I noticed a few of you mentioned "if Satan is still around". Is he now a free agent? We should have the cap room to be able to sign him. I would be disappointed in the team management if he was allowed to leave. Although a soft non-physical player, he has a lot of ability at putting the puck in the net. Muckers and grinders you can alway find. Scorers is harder
  13. Only someone who does a lot of sucking himself would think that of Ted's music He's no less qualified than Jim Kelly who aspires for high political office too
  14. I heard the revenue sharing slice would be like 1-2 million $$$. If the Sabres can't compete with this CBA, they may as well hang it up. I thought the league projection of total rev's going down from 2.1 to 1.7 billion $$$ is conservative. I would guess even lower while they struggle to get fans back and other revenue streams
  15. The black ribbon on google UK???
  16. Put food under the tent floor, so raccoons will dig for it all night while you are trying to sleep. My kids did that to me once, it was like a raccoon assault that night
  17. Exactly! Hit the deer, get your car fixed, and drive for another day. You see so many newspaper articles where people swerve, hit a tree, and die. IMO, getting out to check on the animal is another way to get killed, this time by a fellow driver. There was a news story maybe a month ago, where a woman hit a animal, stopped, her 4-5 year old daughter ran out of the car to check on the animal, and was hit and killed by a second car. Is it my imagination or what, but are there a lot more deer out now than there were, say 20 years ago? 20 years ago it seemed so unusual to see one. Now I see them in my yard eating my shrubs at night
  18. Like you, I will speak from my experience. First, contact lenses, as time went on for me the irritation level got unbearable. It was a sad day when I gave them up. Contact lenses gave me the same "halo " effect. My glasses were so thick (double digit di-opter) that my vision through them was not as good as it should be. So I have a halo effect now, but I'm 95% better today than where I was, so I'm very happy with Lasik. Seems as though the Detroit Lions think it is good too Lions I've always bought American, but my nexct is going to be Honda/Nissan/Toyota. I just want to try the other side
  19. Some of you people replying about this procedure are ignorant as all HELL!!! You obviously have not had it, or believe yourself to be experts about something you know little of, but feel a need to spout off. Nick, your post is a JOKE!!! No one is clamping and splitting your eye, taking a scalpel, and a **** laser. And if you are in pain after the surgery, something went way wrong. Fichte is well known in Buffalo. I went to Atwal. I had been to Atwal for up to 20 years before I had the surgery. I googled Atwal and found his name on the Vatican's web-site where the Pope had referred someone to Atwal. It don't get better than that! Your lids are held open to prevent blinking, not to widen it as much as possible. With anesthetic drops, this is not uncomfortabel at all. A "microkeratome" glides across your eye, which pulls the cornea back. You feel nothing but a sensation of something on your eye for no more than 1-2 seconds. Focus on a light as the laser does it's thing, half minute later you are done. After the procedure, the only discomfort you MAY feel is like you have an an eyelash in your eye. Go home, nap a couple hours, wake up and then you will feel nothing. Someone mentioned a halo effect. Yes I have a small amount of that. Atwal Lasik
  20. BS!!! He'll be out by next Christmas. 18 months for a few billion $$$$ is a good trade
  21. Lionel trains, you may want to get it appraised. Lionel over a long time has gone from a toy to a hobby to where it is now an investment. You will be stunned to know the value of what you got. Don't give it away My jackass cousin offered me $200 for my entire collection, knowing full well it was worth 10x that. Gotta love a relative
  22. Or borrow this guy's...............ZZZZZZ!!!!
  23. Chase Pitkin? I thought they were long gone, at least from Buffalo. Try Home Depot or Sears. Especially Sears can have some sales. Go with gas, and at least an 18". Sometimes there are Sears closeouts really cheap on eBay
  24. He's hurt already Tillman hurt
  25. Buy AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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