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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. Any one go through the Ogden barrier this morning? It was backed up on to the overpass over the I90. This was like 7:40am. I believe they had only 3-4 lanes total open so as to slow people down. NYS Thruway logic. Remember when EZ-Pass was 5 mph, with 4 lanes. Then it went to 20mph to so call speed it up, but cut the lanes to 3, and half the people were still slowing to 5. So it actually made it worse. I also noticed this morning that everyone was still trying to get to the EZ-Pass lanes when you could go through any lane. Still, with what 7-8 lanes, they only have half open You know you could see more traffic too now that the cheap people who wouldn't pay $.75, will all take the Thruway and slow it up on the way downtown
  2. Let me say that in 204 where I'm at, it was like 50/50 Bills-Pats fans. Two rows behind me there was a group of about 10 Pats fans doing their best to cause trouble by agitating the home crowd. They were really over the top in being obnoxious. So this kind of stuff goes both ways
  3. ZERO!!! I had my choice of either Bills or Sabre season tickets. Took the wrong one
  4. Lets see, a billion dollar stadium paid for by 32 teams, divided by 10 games divided by 75,000 tix/bills home game. The answer is $41.67/game ticket. So basically doubling Bills tickets for one year pays for the LA stadium. Alright, lets all kick in!!!!
  5. You mean we're not? I was going to use that for a pair of Sabre season tix's
  6. Nice list. Add this, supposedly one of the few man-made objects visible from space it is that large. In nearby PA: Tunkhannock T V#2
  7. And I said I wouldn't post on this any more So this morning just before I leave for work the tree debris removal guys are out doing their job at the house next door to me. They are swinging the boom on their truck around to grab this stuff and hit the TV cable of my next door neighbor and snap it. Welcome to the party neighbor!!!!
  8. Both of you have good points on this. But for a parallel situation, look at the Sabres. Bring in solid yet not superstars, ie: Drury, Briere, Spacek, etc........ Consider we are not in salary cap hell, but yet have the same results of hell without ever having the hope and opportunity of at least once spending big with the chance to win
  9. OK so I'm looking to see what Bills Tix are going for on EBAY. I followed an auction where a guy put two decent seats to the Christmas Eve Titans game out there with no reserve. They went for $15 for the pair.
  10. Well I can see with your attitude you're perfect for the cable industry. Is arrogance a prequisite for your field? I'm not going to further this debate and am signing off from this thread
  11. That's what I told them. I said "I'll guess I have to call the Dish Network". They weren't even fazed by that. Just continue to read off their customer service script of circular arguments. Geez, just recalling this whole episode is raising my blood pressure
  12. I assume some how you are associated with Time Warner? Well I know you post a lot here and seem OK, and I post here occasionally and also am OK. But I have to vent on this one, sorry, but TW's performance to date is nothing to be proud of. In fact it is pathetic for an organiaztion of this size. My story and why I feel this way. Called TW on Sunday 10/15 to advise of my cable line severed from the house. They say they will be out Wednesday. Wednesday they say they will be out in no less than TWO MONTHS. Are you kidding me? Sunday, 10/22, they reconnect the two houses to my left and the line guy says he'll do mine. Next thing I know they pack up and leave and I have nothing since. Call TW again and they say they cannot tell me when I will be re-installed or what areas there people are working in. But they assure they are providing great service. Well great service is determined by the customer, not a statement by the provider. TW is a JOKE.
  13. It's even worse when you're a seasons tix owner and wondering why you spend all this money and time to put up with this crap
  14. Miami loses to go to 1-6.
  15. Geez, I should have quoted your post. Perfectly said dude
  16. That's the thought I'm having. I don't see then improving for a long time. The rest of my seasons are going on EBAY. I'm taking that money and putting it into Sabre tickets. There's no entertainment in going to a Bills game. All I do is walk out of RWS ticked off
  17. Well that's one way to get a new bridge, blow up the old one
  18. And that's my problem with WM. He reminds me of Antoine Smith. He can NEVER make something happen on his own. If every other player on the offense perfectly executes their play, maybe WM get 3 yards. Whoopee. I think the longer he is here, the less he shows his worth
  19. SQUISH THE FISH!!!! If they sweep them, to me the season is a success, no matter what else happens
  20. Yeah, and probably playing for some loser team too Seriously, I just got my motorcycle license. And now the snow flies I think it would be cool to do one of those bike rides with him next year
  21. Probably Mike Williams JR..............
  22. I thought we were pretty far under the cap right now too. So there is no assurance even with all this $$$ available that RW is going to spend it. He could very well be keeping the costs of the club down so as to increase its value for sale
  23. This is one of the really depressing parts. Even if the Bills draft/trade/sign/develop some sort of LT future HOF'er, they still have 4 other turnstiles to replace. It could take a long time to get a quality O-line tackle to tackle
  24. Besides, if we dump him, what's the back-up plan? Nall? Gimme a break
  25. I've heard where every game is sold out or virtually sold out. The exception being the Christmas Eve / Titan game
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