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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. These other suggestions are off the wall. A 94 has the OBD1 system, (on board diagnostics one). OBD2 is on newer cars where you plug into a computer. You should actually be able to continuously turn your ignition key where a light will flash on your dash, the sequence or number of counts will relate to a code identifying your problem. Go to Autozone, they'll at least retrieve the code for you
  2. Your car's on-board computer has detected a problem with your transmission. It has left a code to be retrieved, and the blinking is a signal that there is a code. You have to take it to a shop to have them get the code out. Or you could try Autozone, they may be able to do it. That code translates into what the problem is
  3. I bet they instead give you a credit toward the 2008 tickets
  4. I've thought the same thing. I think the media is shy to say this because the first person to speak up will ruin their career as they will be branded a racist. McNabb is untouchable because of this
  5. They're the same people who figure Youboty is the answer @ DB
  6. The key was "buffalo nickel", not nickel city
  7. I don't know, I think we'll be able to come back. Don't see no fat lady singing yet
  8. You want to see chuckle-tards, go to the Miami Herald's Dolfag message board http://forums.miami.com/kr-dolphins/start
  9. Almost feel for MM in that he will probably loose his second job in 2 years. Even if Saban had not quit, he may have been gone as there was a lot of anti-MM among Dolfans. Say Cowher quits the Steelers, and goes to Miami, that could save MM given their history together
  10. Whole grain or multi-grain or whole wheat foods. For instance like breads and rolls and pastas usually offer these alternatives
  11. AY = BUST!!! You read it here first
  12. We're sort of like the minor league farm club, developing stars for the big clubs. Really the idea behind developing a winner is to fill roster holes faster than they open up. And with us possibly losing NC and LF, that's already two big ones to re-fill before we even start on improving ourselves
  13. My plan is similar. Using Weight Watchers as a guideline, cutting back on the carb's. February last year through June went from 218 to 192. Went to the gym 3-4 days a week. 30 minutes of treadmill, and about an hour of weights. I've gained back about 5#, virtually all within the last month. My next goal is to get to 187. I believe I can be there in 8-10 weeks
  14. First time I use the "B" word in a post, and I stand by it. Remember this post when he is cut in 2 years.
  15. What's this board's love affair with Youbooty? The guy has done nothing and is much closer to a bust than even a mediocre starter
  16. Peters landed a couple good rights on Brashear
  17. No way. In fact I have a problem with the first down running play. Gain very little and the clock keeps running. At least with an incompletion the clock stops. I guess I have a problem with the second down pass that was for like one yard..................and the clock keeps running
  18. This guy has it right. You have a disc pressing on a nerve. Physical therapy for a short time, nothing more than neck exercises, will fix that up. Try this. Sit or stand, pull your head back without tilting it. Keep your head back and lower your chin. If you feel anything in your neck to down your arms, more than likely this is what your problem is
  19. The more I see MeGee this year, the more I believe we need to sign Nate C
  20. That's a great question. Because that took away time our "O" needed to prepare for that last play. It really ended up as a busted play
  21. I was at the game. The wind got worse in the 4th compared to when Tenny just sneaked that 37 yarder over the crossbar. I believe a 30 yarder would have had a slightly better than 50/50 chance of going over. That ending FG would have been 46 yards. NO WAY!!! Take my word on that, it was never a choice
  22. I also thought it was 10,000, but 19 wouldn't surprise me either. The NFL should have scheduled all the games on Saturday instead of Sunday. It would have worked out OK.
  23. If you have a daughter under 16 better lock her up as long as TH is in Tennessee.
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