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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. FREAKING BINGO!!! What is JP the next coming of Pace and Munoz? Lets see it
  2. You're right. Everyone is on the JP bandwagon. You are kind of taking a softer approach to what I'll say, I'd like to see one more season from him before he is annointed the LT God of the NFL and paid that much. He had one good season and one pro bowl and he is already under a re-negotiated contract. And as far as the pro bowl, how many did Ruben Brown make?
  3. Reminds me of a line I heard during the WSOP: Dealt an Ace/King was called an "Anna Kournikova". Looks good but never wins
  4. You know that is just pure BS! I bought my favorite brand at Wegmans, brought it home and put it alongside what I had and noticed it was like 2" shorter. Sure enough 1.5 quarts. Called EDY's to complain and they told me it was "value-sizing", even though the price was the same. Talk about circular arguments too Someone mentioned 12oz beers. Aren't most beers 11 to 11.5oz's already?
  5. As long as we are on the pool topic, how does everyone warm their pool? Solar cover? No cover and direct sun?. My pool has no shade cover until about 6pm it starts to move into shade. Still my pool never really gets that warm, 83 tops. I tried no cover lately during a hot spell, and it seemed to do better than with the cover. Maybe the sun shining all the way through the water? My wife insists on running the filter on sunny days with the cover on and I think that defeats the solar cover purpose
  6. I have like a 8*10 alongside my above ground pool. 12 years and has not heaved. I used 4 posts 36" into the ground, filled with 30" stone and a concrete collar. The stone pulls water away from the collar. A little cross bracing and that thing isn't going any where no matter who dives off it I would use that post and anchor method if I was attaching another end to something stable, like your house. I did do that with the large 2nd deck behind and attached to my house My pool side rails had like a 2 " bevel. I brought my deck over the bevel so as to not have a gap between the deck and pool, leaving enough space for the cover
  7. And I can't believe I've never been there
  8. Bozannas replaced Santoro's on Camp Rd. Never been there but it is supposed to be phenomenal
  9. Union Road in West Seneca. Well OK maybe cheap wasn't the best choice of words. How about "value" as you're right it is the largest "large" in town.........which is why I go a lot
  10. Where does it say in either story that they were drunk? Or is this just building blame against the victims much like the woman who was hit by M Lynch
  11. Picasso's is cheap, but less than average..........and I buy theirs a lot
  12. Another vote for Blasdell. Santoro's on Camp Rd closed a long time ago
  13. Sweet ride!!!
  14. Didn't Baltimore learn anything with the Steve McNair experiment?
  15. My first job in manufacturing was in a plating & painting shop. Heat was unbelievable. Had a paint baking walk-in oven that would have made the Nazis proud (OK that was poor taste) Now I'm in a specialty paper printing plant whose processes demand 72 degrees and 50% RH. I don't even want to leave today. Wait I got a pool and Coronas at home. 1/2 day today!
  16. I agree. Wow its cool to edit someone else's quotes
  17. No private sector employer does it to bring you UP pal
  18. You're right about the blends. But the winter blend is less volatile. You get LESS MPG with the winter blend. I too track every fill-up with my vehicles. Both loose 3-5 mpg with winter blends
  19. I saw an article quoting $5000 for new batteries at 70-80k miles. That will kill the re-sale. There's a vehicle you want to lease for sure
  20. Not saying this about you, but many posters on this board took ML's side strictly from the view that with or without ML could be the difference between playoffs or not. And they want to make the playoffs. That's wrong. ML should get the typical treatment for this offense. Now what's typical though? Reminds me of a guy here at work when OJ was charged with murder. "OJ couldn't have done it. He rushed for 2,000 yards one year!"
  21. That's what I was familiar with. I had a 94 Voyager where the engine blew about 10 miles into a full tank. Couldn't get a hose no more than a foot down the filler neck before it bottomed out. Sent the vehicle to a junk yard with a full tank Maybe only 94 Chryslers have anti-siphons
  22. Just remember when you put down big $$$$$$ for that ring, that isn't going to be the only expense. Weddings aren't cheap and there are lots more spending to come
  23. Most cars have a anti-siphon device in the filler neck. Sort of surprised that would happen. I went to Riverfest this past weekend. Get back to my car and the filler door was open and the cap hanging by its tether. I only had a 1/4 tank to begin with any way. Worried more that maybe frustrated without getting gas someone would pour something in the tank
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