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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. I'm wrong now. It's raining good in W Seneca
  2. Nice field position now. Lets get 7
  3. Get the gloves out for TE Hardly a drizzle, not a factor IMO
  4. Lindell will kick a field goal, and my wife will say "Hat Trick for Lindell!!!" I gotta get out of here.............
  5. OVERRATED. All they do is kill their wings with hot sauce.
  6. No they GIVE you diarrhea, which I always thought of as a bonus!
  7. This morning's Buffalo News says Crowell hasn't had surgery yet, and is in fact shopping for second opinions. I'd wager he has some permanent damage and AC is trying to minimize the long term affects.....not that I would blame him for that Buff News story
  8. Ride by it, it will come down fast. Seems the exterior is already stripped with just the concrete standing
  9. How are you going to lock them up? Peters was already under contract and you see how well that went
  10. Picture
  11. Starts in 40 minutes on FX. Should be an awesome action series. Hey deep down we all want to be 1%'ers, right? Here's the link: S of A
  12. That was me!!! AMP
  13. I sincerely doubt that he is worth 4 wins...........
  14. All the Peters threads almost make me miss the Marshawn Hit & Run threads
  15. Youboty = BUST I posted a lot of these. It disappoints me a ton to now post that I believe he may have been the most impressive "D" player this pre-season. Now keep it up for the regular season
  16. If I'm the Bills Peters sees no extension until AFTER 2008 only if he has another Pro Bowl year. There are too many questions about Peters history, health, and work and team ethic to throw huge money at this guy. In another thread here I saw someone post Matt Light gets $4.5 mil/year. How can Peters expect twice that amount?
  17. Lets see, Peters has missed everything related to the off-season, and will be totally unprepared to play within the new offensive schemes. I want to see the pro-Peters posters reactions when JP misses a blocking assignment and some DE comes in untouched and ends TE's season. And anyone has to admit that is a definite possibility of happening. Yeah, this board will be really fun to read after that.
  18. And the part of that which galls me is he can at least still collect his $3.5 mil while being useless
  19. At this point if JP reports, you have to wonder what kind of contribution you can expect from him. As I understand, he hasn't been around since they cleaned out their lockers last year. You have a new OC with a new scheme, conditioning programs, OTA's and training camp, and he hasn't participated in anything. The guy could be now a big liability out there, and if that is so he could be OVER-PAID at his $3.5 mil. One missed blocking assignment and there goes Trent's season. For everyone that is bound to say, "don't worry he can step in right away", don't forget his single digit Wonderlic score
  20. Exactly. You're telegraphing the play based on which player is in there
  21. OK Reed, picks up the first
  22. Nice start, a drop and a hold
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