So here is a true war story...........
My father was in the army in WW2, and at least of the Pacific islands he served and saw action on was Okinawa. Dad was infantry and artillery. They were clearing caves of Japanese soldiers, using grenades and flame-throwers. As he approached one cave, an explosion went off inside. He went in to find only one Jap soldier in it, who committed suicide as they came near, by holding a grenade to his body. One of the "souvenirs" he took off the soldier was a Japanese flag. The flag is about 4'x6', is significantly blood stained, and in the white of the flag is "writing" of the soldier, who he was, his family, love for country, etc...... Dad had it translated in the 80's when a visiting Japanese business man was at his company. When my Dad passed away in '94, that was the one momento of him I made sure I got. I just think of the history and meaning behind it, and wanted to be sure to preserve it, as opposed to it going to my sister and then Ebay for $10.
Continuing with the cave part, another soldier who my Dad said was a little nuts, had some pliers or some tool and used it to take out of the dead Jap soldier's mouth his teeth that had gold fillings. He got one tooth out, before the other soldiers stopped him. My Dad ended up with the tooth for some reason, held on to it for all his years, and took it with him to his grave. His logic being when he got to the other side, he would some how meet up with this soldier and return his tooth. A little bizarre for me, but those were his I guess well intentioned thoughts