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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. Lets make him an offer he can't refuse..............
  2. I thought no one came close to her performance. If it ended that night, she should win in a landslide.
  3. What do you mean? It's 38 today, 5 degrees above our normal average Meanwhile, Miami is only sunny and 80...............never mind
  4. I'd rather have Parcells here than the office Bozo's we got
  5. Go Bills, and take the Sabres with you I don't have it, but I know it was all personally related to the Jap soldier
  6. So here is a true war story........... My father was in the army in WW2, and at least of the Pacific islands he served and saw action on was Okinawa. Dad was infantry and artillery. They were clearing caves of Japanese soldiers, using grenades and flame-throwers. As he approached one cave, an explosion went off inside. He went in to find only one Jap soldier in it, who committed suicide as they came near, by holding a grenade to his body. One of the "souvenirs" he took off the soldier was a Japanese flag. The flag is about 4'x6', is significantly blood stained, and in the white of the flag is "writing" of the soldier, who he was, his family, love for country, etc...... Dad had it translated in the 80's when a visiting Japanese business man was at his company. When my Dad passed away in '94, that was the one momento of him I made sure I got. I just think of the history and meaning behind it, and wanted to be sure to preserve it, as opposed to it going to my sister and then Ebay for $10. Continuing with the cave part, another soldier who my Dad said was a little nuts, had some pliers or some tool and used it to take out of the dead Jap soldier's mouth his teeth that had gold fillings. He got one tooth out, before the other soldiers stopped him. My Dad ended up with the tooth for some reason, held on to it for all his years, and took it with him to his grave. His logic being when he got to the other side, he would some how meet up with this soldier and return his tooth. A little bizarre for me, but those were his I guess well intentioned thoughts
  7. He is only willing to make amends with the Bills because deep down he knows in the NFL he has no bargaining leverage. At best he is looking at a one year, $1 mil offer from some team
  8. I'm sure he didn't mean everybody, but there are a lot. In effect, we are paying Wall Streeters and auto workers. Plus we'll be picking up the mortgages of people in 4k sq ft homes making $50,000 a year
  9. And wouldn't we all be if it ended up being JP???
  10. You can pay him all he wants.........but he is still a douche bag
  11. Well I'm more than double 22, and in all those years I never carried a concealed weapon and I never ran from he scene of a hit & run. Especially in that accident, at the time, how did he not know that maybe he killed her. Sure later we found out otherwise, but at the instant of the accident?
  12. Well I'm more than double 22, and in all those years I never carried a concealed weapon and I never ran from he scene of a hit & run. Especially in that accident, at the time, how did he not know that maybe he killed her. Sure later we found out otherwise, but at the instant of the accident?
  13. Maybe hallowed ground is the wrong term, but I agree with your "plan" above I don't understand the new house thing though, because the Weilinski's will settle for multi-millions $$$$$$.
  14. WOW!!! That puts a damper on it. Of course us taxpayers need to feed that big hungry beast known as government Make sure you ride the mechanical bull there. Fun time!!! Pretend you're John Travolta
  15. I would have only charged $18
  16. Not quite. Jr pushed MW and Sr blocked the field behind them, resulting in his getting pushed out of the way, hitting the wall. I would bet that no other sports figure before or after Sr affected as many people with his death. Truly an icon. I'll go with Gordon, although don't be surprised if an unknown wins Local WNY tracks, Holland on opening night has free admission if you bring a new gallon of paint. The paint to be used in finishing the speedway
  17. Police will try to confiscate your camera even if you are not tresspassing, if they believe you are some how threatening homeland security. My understanding is they cannot take your camera. Now if you want to test the tresspassing part, go on Harlem road in Cheektowaga, and film the Bison and Frontier RR yards from the public overpasses. BUSTED for sure.
  18. Or look at it as 7 games for the price of 9
  19. There's no way any place can beat the combination of BOTH!!!!
  20. Go to Buydig's site. Saved me almost $700 over Best Buy on my 52" LCD
  21. And get to support local music too!!! Rhino's may be the only club in WNY to have live music virtually every night of the week
  22. Yeah I know all that and it is a legit argument. Let me ask this, do you really believe if you sign him to a long term contract that he will honor the length of the contract? I don't
  23. The problem with PAY THE MAN is that you could and 1-2 years later you are back in the same bind where he is holding out. There is no assurance that once you pay him that he will be here. In fact he has already demonstrated that he won't be
  24. I'd rather see her line up as nose tackle, she is bigger than anyone else
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