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Everything posted by NastyNateSoldiers

  1. All these poor candidates for OC makes u think did we make the wrong choice here with McDermott. We should kept Lynn and brought in Wade Phillips to run the Defense .
  2. I liked Dak better then Goff also and I ain't no scout.
  3. Take Clay & Hughes off the list and add Washington & Preston Brown. BTW no more candy for u Preston. He keeps candy in his hoodie pocket during practice
  4. I've been looking for this answer to this question and can't find it. Can the Bills trade Tyrod in first 2days of league yr without taking big cap hit. I realize his option can get pkd up on 3rd day so naturally if traded that would fall on his new team.
  5. Maybe they have the same agent. BTW what's Via Sikahema doing these days. Since there trying to put together the Eagles coaching staff of 2009. Why not him and Brad Childress as OC.
  6. How bout Mike Williams or Malik Hooker
  7. No thanks to one read QBs, Haven't we learned our lesson.
  8. Hope, I ran out of that . No more hope in the "Tank". We need to be ready when Brady is finished. Let's Tank in Grand fashion. Reload this franchise with players with high character and great leadership skills. That should definitely be high on our list for future draft pks especially in the high rds The Pat's had this vision right before the end of the Kelly,Marino eras. They blew it up bottomed out drafted Bledsoe and never really looked bk. Yea they had a couple bad seasons but they got it right. Same thing with the Colts. They were a jk bottomed out and Peyton was the answer. It's our turn to be ready.
  9. Purgatory such a brutal spot to be in. U get your hopes up every yr living in this madness. Every yr it seems like we as Bills fans seem to live in eye of this purgatory. We write tons of posts about the draft, free agency, trades & potential coaching additions that can get us out of this mess. We say yea were close an addition here or there and bang we can get in those playoffs. Well it's all FALSE HOPE! Nothing ever happens it's kind of like ground hogs day. We keep seeing the same results. The "Purgatory Bills" not good enough to make the playoffs and not bad enough to draft a QB to propel us to the top. But just good enough to keep wasting our pks on potential starters at positions of need. Bypassing The Wilson's and Daks of the draft for the TJ Grahams & Washington's. This is who we've become... An Organization stuck in the Matrix of the drought. Yes I said Matrix of the drought, lol. We make horrible short sighted decisions that feed into this beast and for what? So we can tear down the goal posts when we finally make wildcard weekend. This fellow posters has been our problem recently. So what can we do to get out of this perfect storm of mediocrity? Recently Bill Polian said u need 3 things to be successful front office in NFL. Leadership, Vision & A Plan. I agree 100% with him. Threw out these 17 yrs we pretty much been lacking in all 3 of these foundational building blocks. Hopefully the Pegulas have been listening to the HOF GM and start to instill these 3 approaches into the way we build our team. #1 Leadership - The Pegulas need to shed there Mr nice guy approach and begin to make the tough decisions this franchise desperately needs. They need to realize that they don't owe us the fans anything nor do they owe Whaley or anyone else like Russ Brandon anything. It's time to cut the fat get rid of these bozos and Hire competent Football people to run this organization moving forward. #2 Vision - Vision is knowing when to hold em or fold em. I say fold em. Why because u got to see that Brady & Big Ben are about to enter there twilight's of there careers and there will be an opportunity entering the new decade to take over the AFC. #3 The Plan - The Roaring 20s. It's time to just settle with the idea that the teens are coming to a end and with that in mind it's time to start planning for the new decade . Rebuild now in 17,18 & 19 Why because Brady time is running out and what better time to Tank right before the end so that when the time comes. We can be ready to lead the AFC EAST into the future. Tank for one of these QBs coming out in 2018 or 2019 these upcoming QB classes are loaded. Get Darnold this kid is possibly the future of the NFL. This is the only thing we haven't truly done yet bottom out.. Blow it up. I'll tell u what it's better then living at One Purgatory Drive.
  10. Whaley must be insane. We have no Wrs other then Sammy our LB'S and secondary is below average. Heading into 2017 we have 28 free agents ntm only 30mil in cap space. So where is the playoff team he speaks of.
  11. We Tank in Grand fashion trade most of our offensive pieces for pks McCoy, Wood, Incognito and Tyrod. Tyrod would be a cap hit but who cares we don't need the space anyways. Let all free agents go so we can get some comp pks next yr Gilmore,Woods,Lorex & Brown should us a few pks, maybe a 3rd and couple 4's. Have a plan load up on pks and Lose, Lose and Lose some more. We need to make sure we get Darnold. Kid reminds me of a young Peyton not the greatest arm strength but man he can drop a ball in a basket. He's accurate and has incredible anticipation skills and vision heads always on a swivel. We can't miss on this opportunity
  12. Let's give Cordele a shot if he busts that's great for us. We need to blow it up. We need 2 horrible seasons. I'm talking bout 1-15 type yrs
  13. He's not the worst but he's bad especially at scouting QBS. We've had some horrible Gms Levy,Brandon,Moderek its very hard to top that Trifecta of disaster
  14. Just " Fold 4 Darnold ".
  15. Cooks is another QB we passed up for a average DE/DT Washington. We really need to get our priorities in line.
  16. Mike Williams, Jamal Adam's & Malik Hooker 2ND rd Patrick Mahomes
  17. What does money have with it, we get better with Cordy at RT and Cujo at Left that's all that should matter
  18. Who knows how to start a go fund me account we need to collect money for a Toub for head coach billboard next to the Ralph. Preferably next to Whaley office or even right outside his window at his office.
  19. We ain't smart enough to interview this guy. I think he would actually be the best hire out of all the candidates.
  20. I realize this is a major problem we keep comparing Whaley to these horrible Gms we had before he came here. That's why he seems to get a pass from most people. I was the same way but now I realize he's below average compared to other gms in the NFL.. He needs to be judged comparable to others in his profession. So far he's built a team full of misfits and quitters.
  21. Here's Doug Whaley eye for talent for QBs List Kevin Kolb Ej Manual Jeff Tual McCown Matt Cassell Cardele Jones Now that's a talent evaluator, lol. How can we trust him to find us a franchise QB. Blow it up fire everyone starting with Russ Brandon. BTW he doesn't get credit for Tyrod that was Rex Another thing saying we are in QB purgatory while letting Dak Prescott pass us by. What a complete jk.
  22. Lynn & Wade perfect combo. Pegs give em whatever he wants a spot on the wall of fame some big money a mansion on the north side. Whatever it takes get it done.
  23. When we get our coach whether it be Lynn, Patricia or Toub I think the next agenda is weeding out the fakers on this team. I think a classic example is Hughes, yes he's very talented but he's collided with the past 2 coaching staffs. Hughes has what I call "Mario Syndrome" it's selfishness combined with Laziness and a lacking of accountability & leadership. This will be a huge test for whomever we hire to find who else on this team has Mario Syndrome and get rid of them. Marcel has this wicked disease but maybe he can be saved. We can't cut him it would cost to much.
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