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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. I got that and I also laughed.
  2. Nothing to mock about betting responsibly and only wagering what you can afford or are willing to lose. I know a lot of people of varying means who wager a buck here or $5 there just to make an evening of sports more interesting. They have the means to make much bigger bets but they aren't willing to lose their hard earned money gambling.
  3. Thats more like a hedge on potential happiness.
  4. Most of those are interesting topics which weren't being discussed elsewhere. Far better than the majority of new threads started on main board.
  5. I like how Josh has movie posters up on his wall just like every other 20 year old does in their loser apartment. Don't ever let her take them down Josh! First go the posters, then goes the neon beer sign, and next thing you know you're shopping for duvet covers and shower curtains and dishes and crap. DON'T LET HER TAKE THEM DOWN, JOSH!!
  6. Brown whiffed so hard the DE over exerted himself trying to beat a phantom block. Spencer weaponized the pass rusher's own aggressiveness and momentum and struck a killer blow without even touching him. Thats some Bruce Lee type *****.
  7. Looks like his arm was offside. Seems pretty ticky tacky but thats the way its been called all tournament.
  8. Was Adams supposed to walk into Levi's dorm room and kidnap him?
  9. Tough call on the offside. So many disallowed goals this cup from Offside by an inch or two.
  10. Who is putting football fields on iron deposits and small fish?
  11. What are you even talking about? Deshaun was suspended and his story dominated the media cycle for months. Seasoned Browns fans abandoned the franchise and they went from lovable losers to league villains. 24 hours later, no one really cares about what Lamar said and there will be no punishment. There is no comparison.
  12. Sabres Penalty Kill is dreadfully bad.
  13. Snap was good. The handle was the issue.
  14. The irrational part would be to hate a man solely because he chooses to spend his spare time servicing other men. No one is forcing you to watch them and demanding your comfort.
  15. I'm never one to stop a misplaced rant about the evil woke but you may consider taking your complaint up with the stewards of the english language who defined homophobia more than 5 decades before anyone had ever uttered the term "woke". Or you can continue on fighting the noble fight, one ruined family dinner and holiday at a time.
  16. Please explain why you're upset at the definition of words.
  17. What are you afraid of? What is Lamar's aversion? I'm not convinced he has one but that doesn't change the meaning of words.
  18. I'm just wondering what he was thinking. Was he running onto the field to celebrate and then realized his teammate wasn't down and tried to blend in? Is Carroll coaching players to do this since no one is watching? Did he just lose his mind?
  19. Phobia (noun) - an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
  20. People are surprised that Polish Alexa leans far more toward artificial than intelligence?
  21. Is there any reason to think he can?
  22. Did beating the Titans do anything for us? We were already ahead of the Titans and own the head to head vs. them. We have yet to play the Bengals.
  23. What has he been right about in the past?
  24. The best assessment of Kyler's game I have ever seen was posted on twitter recently: "Kyler Murray runs like a little kid who just stole his mom's iPhone."
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