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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. Most of us are just becoming exaggerated and angry parodies of our former selves.
  2. Hang in there man. There are plenty of fish in the sea just begging for a chance to break up with you. In the meantime my advice is to just...shake, shake, shake.
  3. Can you give us a definitive list of the music that is worth listening to vs. unacceptable so we can better ourselves?
  4. And the support for Tucker has been repetitive platitudes about him "taking on the intelligence community" while underplaying or dismissing the direct criticisms of him giving a stage to Great Replacement, Stolen Election, and the baseless claims du jour floated by the old QAnon community. Its an endless game of presenting any available information or innuendos under the guise of "letting the viewer decide for themselves". Whats the harm in that, you ask? It legitimizes all manner of bull#### without endorsing it. Tucker does this very well and I dont believe for a second he personally puts any stock in most of it. Even his repudiation of Powell begins with a lengthy preamble waxing poetically about how nothing can be dismissed and the crazier it sounds it must mean you're over the target. Tucker is a warm embrace and a nice fluffy blanket for everyone who has ever been called crazy. Its a great angle. What Tucker does well is also what your old mentor did expertly and the primary difference between DR and the wannabe DR. DR will rapid fire post all manner of specious crap that supports his narrative from even but when hes called out or when the narrative unravels he has the out of "well that was never my opinion and I was just sharing it for the benefit of the group who may not have been exposed to this information due to MSM censorship...". Whereas GreatValu DR will go at it full steam "***** yea theres kids chained up in the basement of the pizza shop and we need to arrest Hillary and take the keys!". But if ANY of DRs thousands of darts even hits the wall that the dart board is mounted on then the "I told you so!" tour is on. Great Replacement theory is pretty popular on 4chan r/pol. If you have never perused 4Chan I highly recommend you pop in to r/pol and see where QAnon began. Its where that kid who shot up a Tops to kill black people developed his world view. "Hitler did nothing wrong" is basically their motto there. You may also recognize a number of memes which migrated from 4Chan r/pol into the mainstream as the QAnon community fanned out across all social media channels. When you can trace years worth of mainstream political talking points back to a bunch of incels who trade Hitler memes for lulz it kinda makes you think.
  5. I still see her instagram. Did you try sending her DMs and get blocked?
  6. How much do you want to bet that Jerry Jones was driving the car?
  7. Man already upset about draft 48 hours before first picks are made. News at 10.
  8. Tucker is the gospel and only the programmed dare criticize. I'm a commie lib here and a MAGA deplorable in other areas of this same board depending on the day and the aggrieved. I'm mostly just here for the downvotes. Oh, and the comradery.
  9. I drew the connections you asked for between Tuck and Q talking points. And we agree that he does platform Q content but it seems we'll disagree on the extent or how often. And I provided counterpoints. Which is how discussions work and how a person can provide meaningful additions to a "debate". You admittedly watch a lot of Tucker. So much more Tucker than me that you were able to confidently assert that I don't know what hes talking about. Pretty safe assumption that to watch Tucker you are consuming a lot of Fox news since until very recently that was his platform. And if you think Tucker is completely independent of Fox news than I have bad news for you. Why do you assume I'm programmed by all blue lib whatever the hell it is that you mentioned? Can't play both sides here.
  10. I've interacted with DR a lot. Still do. DR is smarter than you and a lot more crafty. You're a wannabe DR. A DR poser. And thats something you should be very proud of.
  11. I watch the clips that are shared as salient points by the Tucker acolytes which is 90% of my Tucker consumption. The remaining 10% are clips shared by the people who find Tucker revolting. So basically I get all my Tucker from BMan and DerangedRhino and I'm not sure if you're familiar with their posting habits but lets say its voluminous. So you acknowledge that everything I mentioned is in fact Tucker talking points but its the Q terminology you're uncomfortable with? Even though we already agree that The Great Replacement Theory is a fine example of Tuck catering to the Q contingent. Tucker calls Powell a liar but still (even recently) says the election was rigged with no more evidence than Sidney Powell presented. Way to take a stand, Tuck. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fox-news-hosts-allegedly-privately-versus-air-false/story?id=97662551 DR and the Q ilk have been connecting the dots between Biden, Fauci, Ukrainian Biolabs and even the cover up of the origin of Covid for weeks. And of course, Tucker then takes an interest and lays it all out there for his audience, the whole connection, QAnon labeling and all. https://www.foxnews.com/transcript/tucker-the-pentagon-is-lying-about-bio-labs-in-ukraine And whatever became of any of it? Nothing. Isn't that always the case with Q? https://www.npr.org/2022/03/25/1087910880/biological-weapons-far-right-russia-ukraine You consume hours of Fox News but I'm the one who is programmed? I don't get my opinions from the poster child of any for entertainment news network. I agree with some of his points from time to time as embellished as they are. Its pretty safe to assume that if you've been on entertainment news networks for 23 years and climbed to the top of ***** mountain that you will say whatever it takes to drive views. As evidenced by his leaked emails, Tuck is no exception and will say, allude to, and pass all sorts of innuendos that he has no conviction in whatsoever.
  12. The Great Replacement Theory was a big one tied in with White Supremacy as a hoax. Lately hes in on Ray Epps and the federal false flag of Jan 6, Ukrainian biolabs, stopping the steal. If DR is crusading on it, Tucker will be giving you the 411 a few weeks later. Tucker is tapped in. Credit where credit is due for abandoning the Dominion stuff but that didnt stop him from doubling down on rigged election claims about a month ago. I watch the clips that you guys share here and at the crazy uncle Bills site. My time will never be of such low value that I will find myself carving out hours a day to watch cable tv editorial. Sounds like you watch a lot of Tucker. Did he use his primetime slot to call Sidney Powell a liar and denounce the Dominion lies or was that only part of the leaked emails?
  13. Hes the only cable tv newshost to give a lot of theories popular with the QAnon crowd a platform. He figured out what is grabbing the attention of the diehard MAGA crowd and he gives them what they want to hear. Which is why there is an outcry that Fox News isn't republican or conservative enough anymore. Cancel Fox when it doesn't get you high anymore and start mainlining pure unfiltered 4Chan smack with doses of OAN to keep you steady on work days.
  14. A bunch of dudes were using the urinals while girls waited for stalls to open. There was no outrage that I noticed. Nor should there be.
  15. I usually wear something Bills or Sabres related when flying after reading about how some dude met Vanessa Williams just by wearing a Bills hat. So far I have paid full price for all my drinks, got hit on by a dude (unrelated to Bills apparel), and some drunk Pats fan showed me his wrinkly tattoo. But tomorrow is another day!
  16. Was this before or after a trove of emails revealed he was using his platform to peddle a number of opinions that he personally finds laughable? Dude has spent his entire career in the media and cashed checks from CNN, MSNBC, and Fox for the last 23 years yet you guys want to paint him as some outsider and "dissident". Tucker will do and say whatever he is paid to do and has gotten extremely rich selling you the outrage du jour.
  17. Given that consensus view is that this is a weak class, I can't see who would be willing to give up future draft capital to move back up into the late first round.
  18. Right. When its that easy to criticize the guy there is little need to invent reasons like Sudan continuing to engage in civil war.
  19. Sudan is the topic. You are blaming war in Sudan on Biden, even though Sudan has been in a state of war for the past 40 years and the US has not been involved in any of it. Are you arguing for intervention in Sudan?
  20. Is that your argument?
  21. Its not like Sudan has been in a constant state of war for most of the last 40 years. This is a new development and Biden's fault!
  22. Its amazing how a person can interpret text with just a little bit of imagination and a narrative.
  23. Who doesn't?
  24. The dreaded they strikes again #TuckAnon
  25. Thoughts and prayers to everyone struggling with the media equivalent of watching your parents divorce today.
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