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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. In your expertise in the field, can you often tell the difference between a 17 year old and 18 year old just by looking at them? Do you ID everybody you suspect of being under the age of 25 before you interact with them? Whats your process?
  2. Why is a 22 year old engaging in a consensual sex act with a girl who told everyone who would listen she was 18 is such an egregious offense in your opinion?
  3. He knows that. It has been explained to him many times. He doesn't care.
  4. I will be there.
  5. You boil them, rub them, freeze them!!, defrost them, steam them, and finally grill them and you still need to make sure they aren't under 145 degrees internal temp? Dude....This isn't a recipe. Its a snuff film.
  6. It feels wrong but its idiot proof and actually great for tailgates: sous vide pork ribs. Prep, trim, dry rub the same as you would normally. Vac seal and then in the bath for 12 hours at 165. Toss them in the fridge over night and on game day you take them out of the bag and reheat on a grill. They are the perfect texture and you still get a bit of smoke from the grill. A few drops of liquid smoke in the bag never hurts. These have been a big hit at parties as well.
  7. 275 F, 2.5 hours unwrapped, spritz with cider vinegar every 30-45 mins, wrap ribs in foil and add a little liquid, cook meat side down for an hour. Unwrap, sauce and cook in a foil boat for 30 minutes or until sauce is tacky and ribs are probe tender. On a pellet grill its relatively idiot proof although the meat does get drier than when I had a water boiler.
  8. I'm still working my way through it but my early favorite is Paper Machete.
  9. Nice. I really want to see Queens again but this tour has no Texas dates. Closest stop is OKC and September dates are challenging.
  10. Hasek's style of play was built on making fundamental mistakes and recovering by twisting, contorting, and flailing his way to amazing saves. He was the most unorthodox goalie to ever play and it wouldn't have been possible without next level agility and body control.
  11. A few of those drops were potential game winners and not overly difficult plays to make.
  12. What goalie thrives on being hung out to dry?
  13. That face when someone tells you low fat ice cream tastes just as a good as the real stuff.
  14. He has the power to play under his contract or retire. What a bargaining position.
  15. He holds no cards. Hes untradeable and uncuttable. His cap ramifications are massive. He is fineable, though.
  16. It really pisses me off when people refer to an action they would take relative to their proximity to another individual. I don't know where either of you are in space or time, #######! You could be on Mars and he in Cleveland or the two of you could be sharing a sleeping bag, for all I know.
  17. [Misleading Title. Please consider updating to "Saw a black guy!" This is an automated response]
  18. Boyst got no love for the closeted guys.
  19. Hes been called out by the Vegas media for doing the exact things I am talking about. https://wbuf.com/jack-eichel-lazy-play/ I watched plenty of this type of play in Buffalo. One good month in his own zone does not make a Selke winner. "Jack Eichel takes a big hit but still somehow manages to tally a secondary assist on a 3rd period goal to make the game 5-1!" Well F@#$ me sideways! Talk about playoff heroics.
  20. Thanks once again for your insight on your one month of beginner hockey observations. My opinion is based on watching him for 6 years and having played and watched hockey my entire life.
  21. Its funny that Eichel vs McDavid was even a conversation. It may as well have been Leaf v Manning. McJesus is perhaps the most singularly talented player to ever put on skates. I am not declaring McDavid the greatest player, but I don't think anyone compares to his blend of speed, skill, vision, and agility. The stuff he pulls off is unreal. I think 10th is generous for Eichel as it stands. There are many centers more productive than Eichel and his defensive game has never been anything noteworthy.
  22. Drinking 30 bottles seems dumb compared to drinking 15 bottles because 30 beers is too many.
  23. Jauronimo


    Take a dump on the sidewalk if you really want to go full Cali.
  24. This is a good explanation. Based on the recipes I've seen, its a lower hydration dough than a sicilian style and the crust has a smaller crumb structure but similar in thickness. Shallow pans so you dont get the totally deep fried crust effect of a good square pie and like you said theres no real cornicione. Toppings all the way to the edge. https://www.pmq.com/buffalo-style-pizza/#:~:text=But Buffalo has made another,that Buffalo residents swear by If anyone is missing Buffalo style pizza and wants to make their own, this is a great resource. Some former Bocce's employees and current Buffalo area pizzaiolos lend their insights. https://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php?topic=30764.0
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