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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. But defending Eichel is next godliness.
  2. I think most of the people having these over the top instagram weddings will find out how they want to handle things the second time around.
  3. Wedding one-upmanship is out of control. So much money is paid to throw an event that looks great in photos at the expense of an event that is great to attend for guests and wedding party. I got an invited to a "stock the bar party". Co-worker moves into an apartment with his long-term girlfriend and we all get to buy a bottle of liquor to help them settle in. I could only laugh at that one. So who is paying for it?
  4. The Fan Experience center is already in trouble and ground was just broken. Cost overruns are going to be huge as the price of wood paneling has sky rocketed. The good people of Cheektowaga are stripping their basement walls and donating as much wood paneling as they can to try and keep this project on track. The new renderings look truly to be "Built for Buffalo"
  5. Dude solicited advice from us plebians in OTW but he never shared the outcome. I can't logout until I see that fit check.
  6. "I speak at conferences" is the new "attending high level meetings" and "I drive a BMW".
  7. I can't put him on ignore until I find out if he was able to dress himself for an event.
  8. And where do you source the finest junk food and fine dining in your area? What are your local recommendations for the discerning palate?
  9. If the stent does not fit, you must acquit...and perform percutaneous transluminal coronary rotational atherectomy. Do you smell toast?
  10. Damn, they're probably going to get away with it. At least he was able to solve the case of the memorabilia collectors.
  11. Looks like Bar Bill Rochester is now open.
  12. Foreign policy experts in the US have known and warned that Ukraine joining NATO was a red line for Russia for 20 plus years, from what I have read. This war was entirely predictable and yet here we are. I am sympathetic to the rights of a free nation to self determine their trade, military, and economic alliances but that is not how geo politics works. I guess there is always cold war style tit for tat and familiar narratives like take down the despot that we can use to support our own involvement in Ukraine but when has that ever worked out favorably? Aiding in toppling Putin's regime would be a feel good story for 5 minutes but there is no guarantee the successor regime is any better. In all likelihood the power vacuum and opportunism likely creates a less stable, more dangerous situation across the old soviet bloc and middle east. From a perspective of Western involvement what does victory look like and is it worth the cost?
  13. Belichick waited to line his defenses up until after the mic in Goff's helmet went silent. He knew Goff was nothing without McVay reading the defense for him.
  14. Murph's track record of minimal on air racial and homophobic slurs makes him the top of his profession right now. You can't just go out and find a guy who doesn't drop the occasional N-bomb on a hot mic. If you could, everyone would have that guy.
  15. The kid is relentless. The whole thread is a good watch.
  16. I paddle boarded once. It was more difficult than I anticipated a solid full body workout to do it right. It was a lot harder to maneuver than I anticipated but I understand the hardboards are more agile than the inflatable boards. I think you need a totally calm day for best results. I was not that impressed but my wife loves it.
  17. New Haven style is pretty close to New York style. The main difference is the char and making clam pizza a thing. https://www.eater.com/2014/3/18/6264277/the-definitive-guide-to-new-haven-pizza
  18. I'm up over 100% YTD on GBTC. Thats pretty good I think.
  19. That would be a great post were it a relevant response to anything I had said. OP said Fitz had strong defenses which is patently false. Fitz played during our ill fated switch from 4-3 to 3-4 for which we completely lacked personnel, moved what little talent we had out of position, shoved Schobel into retirement, and then wasted 3 drafts trying to get a nose tackle and big LBs. Those defensive squads could not stop the run, generated minimal pass rush, and consistently ranked toward the bottom of the league from 2009 to 2012. Do you remember Chris Kelsay playing OLB? 43 is the Mike? The great Moats, Batten, Troupe, and Carrington drafts? The great George Edwards coming up with brilliant game plans? https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2010/opp.htm https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2011/opp.htm https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2012/opp.htm See this is how a conversation works. You read and then you respond to what is written rather than go off on a tangent about quarterback play as if I said anything anything about Fitz's performance at all.
  20. You are extra confused today. How do you choose which threads to pollute with your inane ramblings?
  21. Eww gross. Watch our for the shifty orange people. Last time I was up in Greece Ridge Mall area I was harshly confronted by a gang of track suit wearing Jersey Shore look alikes for the offense of simply asking directions to the nearest gabagool. The kid with the blowout and wife beater informed me that I should not mess with him because his cousin Antony is a "friend of yous", which I understood to mean he is connected with some sort of criminal organization, and he will come whack me off upside the labonza. Understanding only about 5% of that exchange, I attempted to diffuse the situation by giving them all coupons for Spray Tan and complimenting their girlfriends mustaches and made my departure. A charming Snooki looking gooma tried to throw her tampon at my car as I drove away to a more civilized part of town. I returned home without gabagool and several coupons poorer.
  22. UPDATE https://www.wsj.com/articles/sec-says-spot-bitcoin-etf-filings-are-inadequate-390336e8?mod=hp_lead_pos1 https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2023/06/30/bitcoin-tumbles-on-report-of-sec-saying-spot-btc-etf-filings-inadequate/ Not today. The SEC really couldn't give me the weekend before making me look like an idiot?
  23. Terry's SPAC has nothing to do with his own net worth. A SPAC is a shell company that raises funds to pursue an acquisition. Investors fund the SPAC by buying shares on the open market. SPAC's have 2 years to make a deal or return money to shareholders. Its basically a bet on the management team. in 2020, SPACs were the hottest thing on the market. 3 years later, almost every SPAC that closed a deal is worth significantly less than par ($10). The market has soured on SPACs. Looks like Terry's SPAC allowed holders to redeem shares for cash as part of the shareholders agreeing to extend the life of the SPAC beyond the initial contractual life of the vehicle. This just means there is less cash available to Terry to close a deal. He can still solicit outside investors, raise debt, or fund it himself if there isn't enough cash left to close Abacus. I haven't seen an indication of deal size or how much $$ the SPAC raised.
  24. Fitz had miserable defenses during his time in Buffalo.
  25. Blackrock is gaining traction in their bid for the first approved crypto ETF. The SEC has rejected all applications for crypto ETFs citing a number of arguments the most compelling of which, in my opinion, is crypto exchanges are not regulated. But Blackrock has a long history of successfully navigating the SEC and obtaining approval. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/29/fidelity-joins-the-rush-for-a-bitcoin-etf-following-blackrock-ark-invest-and-others.html https://www.ft.com/content/1886c3a3-3fb8-411a-b95a-e4667de560d1 This is potentially big for the crypto world and opens the door for many investors who want exposure to crypto without dealing with the complication of owning coin and private keys. Its also very good news for me since I hold a little bit of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust which filed for ETF conversion years ago and has been suing the SEC. GBTC trades at a discount to net asset value (NAV) of about 30% as of yesterday. It was closer to 50% when I last bought. Which means that actual bitcoin held by Grayscale is worth 30% more than a share of GBTC. Conversion to an ETF would immediately result in a rise to market value. See the link below for discussion of closed end funds and why they can trade at either a premium or discount relative to the value of the actual assets held. https://grayscale.com/qa-what-converting-gbtc-to-an-etf-would-mean/ This is an arbitrage play on successful ETF conversion. Based on all the activity I think theres a decent chance the SEC approves crypto ETFs. Graycsale Ethereum trades at a 50% discount. I'm also looking at Grayscale Litecoin.
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